Want To Make More Money?

Caitie Mae's Avatar
So, when starting a new thread either give us our "pet rock" or trust that the ladies on the forums who have really good reputations for providing all that has been asked of us, actually know what our options are, know what we can do and what some would like to see us do in order to help our biz. Originally Posted by M A X
I love M A X.

Introuble's Avatar
Hopefully this thread has run its course. I do have one question for the providers. It has been repeatedly suggested that all you have to do is ask for an L2 session and it will happen. The provider only advertises FS, we are not suppose to discuss specifics over the phone (voice or text) and our only choice is to either book the L3 and then negotiate once there and/or walk out after we get there for the session if they do not agree to an L2 session. The other choice is not book the session at all.

For years it has been drilled into our heads by the providers that it is rude, improper, entrapment possibly, and not acceptable to ask about specifics beforehand with a provider. My choice therefore would be out of respect for those "rules" and the provider is to not book the session at all. I personally will not negotiate the price of a session. It is either advertised or it is not....it is THAT simple. This is not a used car lot where everything is negotiable as you are suggesting. From this lack of knowledge about what is or is not available during the session comes the situation that IMHO is bad for the hobby.

1) It puts us in a position of negotiating which always turns out to be drama and a discussion point in the Powder Room and the COED forum.
2) It puts the provider in an uncomfortable position of discussing services on the phone which 90% do not like to do.
3) It essentially costs the provider business because MOST men will not do the aforementioned issues.
4) The provider is expecting a L3 payment and potentially without knowledge beforehand accepting an L2 payment.

"Now that I am here, all I want is an L2 session so I will only pay you a reduced amount of $$$ instead of the advertised price. I knew it would be OK to do that because MAX said that was the way to do it since it was not in your ad. ......Oh you won't do that? I am sorry to take up your time....maybe some other day....." and you leave.

So I ask you - How Do YOU suggest that we handle this? Thinking not of yourselves, but for the benefit of the majority of providers that will not accept doing #1/#2 what would you suggest doing that is better than simply stating in your ad that L2 or L3 sessions are available?
slims099's Avatar
introuble, great question. How do we ask without asking beforehand? There must be a way to communicate about services.
Int3rested's Avatar
Have screening details available, research and discuss with the lady prior to your appointment, if possible, if not, discuss at your meet with both parties best interest in mind.
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Introuble's original post didn't strike me as preachy or "managerial" in the least. In fact, my interpretation of the OP couldn't have been better said than
Jesus H Chreesto! All InTrouble expressed was his opinion that there were a lot of guys who would probably prefer L2 to L3, and that he would like to see more providers offer this service, price and option in their ads. Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
When I was advertising I offered an L2 rate, but not before someone (a man, even) suggested I put it in my ads to reach more conservative hobbiests. It went over like gangbusters and eventually spun-off a very popular L2 monthly 80/20 special. Some of my most reliable, steady money might never have come my way at all if I hadn't tapped that market by simply adding a handful of words to my ad copy.

No foul here.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar

"Now that I am here, all I want is an L2 session so I will only pay you a reduced amount of $$$ instead of the advertised price. I knew it would be OK to do that because MAX said that was the way to do it since it was not in your ad. ......Oh you won't do that? I am sorry to take up your time....maybe some other day....." and you leave.
Originally Posted by Introuble

You have a problem specific to your desires and your wallet. Solve it already. I'm not sure that coming on the board and stating, I'm a cheapo who wants most of the full meal deal, but not all of the full meal deal, so can you drop rates for me, because I don't wanna dip my wick, but I do want all the other stellar options of FS (and all this in the guise of helping providers get more biz), will actually work. It never hurts to ask, unless you also have some less than normal psychological quirk about being told no.

You, my friend, just like us, may have to work a little harder to get what you want/need.....welcome to the club and if you had a vagina, I'd recommend you for provider status.

In the future, please don't put words in my mouth, either on the board or off. I never stated you should approach it like that, and unless you're just totally stupid and/or want a little backlash, I wouldn't recommend that approach.

Best of Luck...sincerely
Introuble's Avatar
For those who are slow:
........If you see a particular lady you'd like a particular service or fee from because she is not openly stating this is what she offers, ASK HER INDIVIDUALLY through some kind of contact if she is willing to do so for you. She may or may not be. Originally Posted by M A X
Since You Asked
Introuble's Avatar
What I got out of your statement was ask her what she will provide "through some kind of contact" which is a No-No. This only leaves the obvious option of asking once you get there which again will be a No-No assuming she says no.....and you leave.

This has nothing to do with me being cheap. It has EVERYTHING to do with trying to find out why more providers do not offer an L2 session. I will not, nor will most men on this site NEGOTIATE prices with providers. You either offer it up front in your ads, or it does not exist publicly. How else would we know? Some I am sure would try to negotiate a price......I will not. It has nothing to do with your "full meal deal" analogy. It is simply how many prefer to get off. From your perspective it is like dick, fingers, mouth, dildo, or cucumber......how do YOU prefer to get off?

I am really liking your responses BTW.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, BUT if you were to contact me for an appt, I would screen you first, after you are screened and I know you're safe, then I don't have an issue about talking about services IF it is done respectfully and tactfully.
Boltfan's Avatar
I have to agree with the discussion after screening part. If you are well screened and the lady STILL won't discuss her services then move on to another. I don't have enough hobby $$$ to just spend freely without attempting to know up front what she might choose to offer. I don't often just TOFTT and a high % of men here think the same way.

If you are a newbie then maybe beggers can't be choosers but if you have a reasonable reputation as being legit then ask away if she offers a L2 only session. Obviously enough ladies here post about having them that it is not an abnormal request. If I was interested in that and the lady got pissed by my asking politely then oh well.
Introuble's Avatar
That is a good point on the screening...however it is rare I ever get screened so I would need to tell them to screen me first so I could ask.....LOL?
ForumPoster's Avatar
OK, I just actually read this entire thread .. and it reconfirmed that I made a right decision to cancel my Dallas trip.

Honestly, I LOVE Texas Gentlemen. Adore them. When I have potential patron contacting me here in NYC and see Texas number or hear Texas accent, i melt.

So to get myself more TX loving I decided to schedule brief visit to Dallas.

As BUSINESS OWNER, i started researching situation in potential market. Touring is something i don't have to do (knock on wood). It is done mostly out of desire to travel and see new places. But as I read more and more TX treads, all i could say "really?"

"Hobby" is the simplification to 1000th degree.

1) Determine what you desire

2) Determine what you can afford.

3) Find someone who offers what you desire at price you can afford.

4) Contact, get screened, get laid, rinse, repeat.

Why does it have to be THIS complicated?

Do any of people on this board find it acceptable if POTENTIAL client walked into their place of business and offered unsolicited advise on how to run things?

Don't think so. Yet there are SOME clients in this business who find it perfectly acceptable to offer independent business women advise on how to run their business.

L1, L2, L3 ... WTF? Are we talking about REAL women or about grade of beef?

I will continue seeing wonderful GENTLEMEN from TX in NYC, but opinion I keep hearing from TOP LEVEL COMPANIONS from all over of USA that they wont go to TX unless they have individual overnight date.

I am beginning to see why.

Yet another thread from an ASPD, err, ECCIE guy trying to haggle because he's butt hurt that hotties won't suck him off for fifty bucks.

What's so magical about the level of service that warrants a lower price for a bbbj? A bbbj with cimnsnq is potentially a higher risk than cfs, so did anyone ever consider that a provider might charge more for this service? Did anyone ever entertain the thought that a highly erotic bodyrub with lots of teasing, perhaps role play, or whatever, that ended in a handjob or blowjob might actually be worth more than the "dead-fish, do whatever you want to me for the next hour because I'm GFE" experience in terms of effort? If you don't want to pay for the vajayjay, is it okay if the provider doesn't wash it or can she outsource it to someone else while she blows you? Can she leave her vagina at home? Should she give a free face to face consultation about what will happen during the session and give you an itemized check-off list? Can she not wear makeup and not brush her teeth if you want 25% off?

There are plenty of bodyrub providers that will increase their level of service for cherished clients and I've never met an escort/fs girl/hdh that wouldn't tailor her service to what her client wants. The OP's problem isn't that the service isn't offered, it's that the service isn't offered by the "hotties" at a discount. Whether in or out of the hobby, I can tell you that one of the biggest turn-offs to 99% of women is cheap, petty men.

BTW, no intent to flame, but sometimes you get the response you deserve. Y'all are seeking companionship. Save the haggling for the value brand car dealership.

[/condescending rant]
Introuble's Avatar
Lina, please don't stereotype Texas men based upon me. I am a non-conforming pleasure seeking hobbyist that simply asked a question - Why more providers do not offer L2 service? Nothing more. Unfortunately some such as MAX have taken this question to mean that I am trying to run someones business. Not the case. And Yes, if I were a business owner I would welcome ANY suggestion from a customer that might help my business. Whether I actually do what they suggest is another matter. But to suggest that a business owner does not welcome a fresh perspective, a fresh idea that they might not have considered would tell me that either they are so incredibly arrogant about their business and themselves, or they have no business sense whatsoever.

Squeegie, Do I know you? You sure speak as if you know me. Not exactly sure where you came up with me wanting a blow job from a hottie for $50 bucks. I would not see someone if that is all they charged. I don't even have to look to know I NEVER said CIMNQNS which most are NOT. Maybe your interpretation of what a BJ is adds to the problem. I frequent massages a lot and I can assure you that the majority of the reputable LMTs or want-a-be massage providers while they might provide L2 after many sessions, they certainly do not advertise it nor do they EVER offer it. It is RARE that they ever do. FS providers do but only as part of the L3 package and is somewhat understood to be part of that package. Very few L1 providers offer it occasionally on the first visit or after they get to know you better, ie. you have to spend hundreds of dollars on multiple sessions. Most however simply never do which is OK if they choose not to. No problems there. My question was mostly directed to those who are going to provide it anyway, not to those who never do.

There is a market between L1 and L3 that some might like to venture into. My question was driven by THAT observation. If some here want to turn this question into an absurd twist, take it personal as some have, or make uninformed or stupid comments.....well such is the nature of discussion boards such as this. It is unfortunate that some can twist things so far that it completely changes the intent and tone of the discussion.

I do not think it is unreasonable to ask on behalf of some hobbyists why this service is not offered or advertised more. It is not haggling (which I said I would never do) nor is it being cheap. For the providers that are just so damn busy, then maybe it is not for them. On the other hand, there are some who might benefit from it. I can assure you that one of the biggest turn-offs to 99% of the men are know-it-all providers. No one here has been petty or cheap in asking these questions.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Since You Asked Originally Posted by Introuble
LOL....thanks for the laugh....Have a great rest of the weekend! Go Cowboys!