I B Hankering's Avatar
Again LustyIdiot tries to nitpick sentences in order to claim some form of victory. Online is the one place that he can "try" to get some win as his whole entire life is a complete utter failure.

Btw, LustyTurd, The report said that 95% of cases, stopped for "Manner of walking in roadway" were black. That's not jaywalking, that's not sitting at the bus stop, thats just the MANNER in which someone WALKS. How about you focus on the issue here instead of nitpicking 5 words to prove a point. Then again, you might actually be a bigger dolt than IB is, so we don't expect much.
Originally Posted by shanm
95% of the cases involved AAs, shamman, or does that little factoid exceed the intellectual capacity of your midget mind?
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  • Old-T
  • 03-08-2015, 01:34 PM
  • shanm
  • 03-08-2015, 01:38 PM
IB idiot comes in with some more

I B Hankering's Avatar
8! Originally Posted by Old-T
Everyone knows what you eat, Old-THUMPER: remove yourself to the deviant forum, Old-THUMPER.

IB idiot comes in with some more

Originally Posted by shanm
Actually, shamman, "fact" is spelled "F-A-C-T".
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  • Old-T
  • 03-08-2015, 01:52 PM
8! 7! 6!
But, there is also an extreme pattern of "certain black communities" that have a record of being in one parent households (which is (IMHO) the genesis to crime as these children are looking for that male figure, to help guide them and give them rooting in society), mom living off the dole, can't read and write, doing drugs, uneducated, no respect for authority etc. etc.

Please educate me as to why it is that the educated blacks of our society understand what is wrong within those "certain black communities". People such as Jason L Riley, excellent new book out (that I just listened to in my car on CD) called "Please Stop Helping Us", Thomas Sowell, and of course my favorite Dr Benjamin Carson amongst many other educated blacks who understand full well, that it is Liberals holding them back, by calling them "victims". The "poor me, loser mentality", means, it is the world outside of me that I can't control. As John W. Gardner said “Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.” Originally Posted by Cherie
Firstly, anyone who says they have all the answers is instantly in question IMO. There isn't one single thing you can point to. You are quick to point to the stereotypical situations but there are also single moms who work two jobs to provide for their kids. Should those people not get some form of assistance? If you want to try and pin it on one issue, I would start with education and the way it's viewed in the black community. Having several teachers in my immediate family, I'm intimately aware of the pervasive attitude in at least the communities where those teachers work. Black kids who do well in school are shamed for it by their fellow black schoolmates. They are accused of 'acting white' as if only white people are worthy of receiving a good education. I think that role models in the black community; athletes, entertainers, etc., are viewed as the pinnacle of success. They have more money than most will ever see in their life and anything short of that is viewed as a failure. The community must start looking elsewhere for role models. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, architects, etc. should be seen as attainable goals. The lack of father figures is definitely a problem. I personally believe that changing the attitude towards education is a more attainable goal in the short term than changing the lack of fathers in the home. Both require a sizable, cultural shift. At the bottom of it all is making them feel like they matter. Making them feel like black lives matter in this country. And with the way blacks are treated by law enforcement, I can begin to understand their attitude. They can do everything right and still be subject to harassment, so fuck it. I get that. They feel that they can do everything right, get an education but at the end of the day they're still black and they don't feel like black lives matter. We have to change that simple fact before anything else can take root.
LexusLover's Avatar
"Manner of walking in roadway" were black....... thats just the MANNER in which someone WALKS. ... Originally Posted by shanm
Actually "Manner of walking in roadway" is how the criminal charge is worded.

Someone would have to pull the file generated from the citation/arrest and determine from the officer's report what the person charged/arrested was doing that was a violation of the law. Someone didn't do that.

Example: Michael Brown and his partner in the store robbery just before Wilson saw him were walking down the middle of the street, and Officer Wilson asked them to get out of the middle of the street and walk along the side of the street (on the sidewalk or wherever out of the street). In that case "Manner" = walking in the middle of the street.

Here is the applicable Kansas Statute Michael Brown was violating before he committed the felony of aggravated assault on a police officer ...

Kansas Transportation Code § 8-1537. Same; use of roadways.
(Pedestrian movements in roadways directed)
(a) Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway.

(b) Where a sidewalk is not available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk only on a shoulder, as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway.

(c) Where neither a sidewalk nor a shoulder is available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk as near as practicable to an outside edge of the roadway, and, if on a two-way roadway, shall walk only on the left side of the roadway.

(d) Except as otherwise provided in this article, any pedestrian upon a roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.

History: L. 1974, ch. 33, § 8-1537; July 1."

Now, just to clear the air, see in the photo below of Michael Brown lying in the road after having been justifiably shot by Officer Wilson that there is a SIDEWALK ...

A tragedy. But Michael Brown was apparently one of many Black people in Ferguson who felt they were above the law and could do as they please, including robbing stores, beating police officers, and ignoring a police officer's request to walk where the law requires him to walk without attacking the officer, trying to take his weapon, and beating him in the face. It is a tragedy he died, but he could have avoided dying on that day.
Firstly, anyone who says they have all the answers is instantly in question IMO. There isn't one single thing you can point to. You are quick to point to the stereotypical situations but there are also single moms who work two jobs to provide for their kids. Should those people not get some form of assistance? If you want to try and pin it on one issue, I would start with education and the way it's viewed in the black community. Having several teachers in my immediate family, I'm intimately aware of the pervasive attitude in at least the communities where those teachers work. Black kids who do well in school are shamed for it by their fellow black schoolmates. They are accused of 'acting white' as if only white people are worthy of receiving a good education. I think that role models in the black community; athletes, entertainers, etc., are viewed as the pinnacle of success. They have more money than most will ever see in their life and anything short of that is viewed as a failure. The community must start looking elsewhere for role models. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, architects, etc. should be seen as attainable goals. The lack of father figures is definitely a problem. I personally believe that changing the attitude towards education is a more attainable goal in the short term than changing the lack of fathers in the home. Both require a sizable, cultural shift. At the bottom of it all is making them feel like they matter. Making them feel like black lives matter in this country. And with the way blacks are treated by law enforcement, I can begin to understand their attitude. They can do everything right and still be subject to harassment, so fuck it. I get that. They feel that they can do everything right, get an education but at the end of the day they're still black and they don't feel like black lives matter. We have to change that simple fact before anything else can take root. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You are on your way undercunt. Great start!

1-We admitted we were powerless over Ozombieism—that our lives had become unmanageable.
Has nothing to do with Obama. It's not dependent on who is president. A cultural change is needed in the black community. You're thinking short term. I'm thinking generations.
Has nothing to do with Obama. It's not dependent on who is president. A cultural change is needed in the black community. You're thinking short term. I'm thinking generations. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Does that "culture change" mean having a predominate Black police force with the thought that the thugs, punks and scum, who account for much of the crime in communities like Ferguson, will simply be left to do as they please?
LexusLover's Avatar
Does that "culture change" mean having a predominate Black police force with the thought that the thugs, punks and scum, who account for much of the crime in communities like Ferguson, will simply be left to do as they please? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Potential police officers must meet some basic academic standards to apply, meet physical agility standards, perform academically and physically in an academy, pass a licensing/certification exam, pass a departmental exam (if offered/required), and meet departmental background checks and standards.

It's easy to talk about increasing the number of Black officers in a department, but that's just it ... it's easy to talk about it. The same with any minority recruiting in any community, which includes females (as a "protected class").
LexusLover's Avatar
Has nothing to do with Obama. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Are you talking about Ferguson?

IMO Obama could have spoken quickly and sternly after the event to the Al Sharpton's stirring shit up, and to the folks being bused into Ferguson to protest, to keep down the rioting, burning, looting, and other crimes and allow the system to work and allow the system to sort out responsibility for what happened. He didn't do that. Neither did Holder.

For years Obama has been stirring the pot with his racist remarks.

It's all about him, and he makes it so. Now he has to wear it.
  • shanm
  • 03-08-2015, 04:41 PM
Actually "Manner of walking in roadway" is how the criminal charge is worded. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I said 95% of those Charged with "manner of walking in roadway" were black. Does not mean that I am unaware of how or what the charge actually is. Fact is, if you read the report you would know that the Ferguson PD disproportionately charged blacks with crimes that they 1)either need not be charging them with or 2) selectively charged them with because they were black.

The report states: " Ferguson PD's practices are shaped by revenue rather than by public safety needs." That, in an of itself, is unlawful. The report then states that a "disproportionate number of arrests, tickets and use of force stemmed from unlawful bias, rather than black people committing more crime." Couple that with the numerous emails, public statements and practices, it pretty much PROVES that the police department was racist AND biased. Therefore this report completely VINDICATES and JUSTIFIES the public outcry in Ferguson and the rest of the United States against this issue. Whether or not Michael Brown was guilty or not is completely unrelated to it.

You can deflect the number of accusations any which way you want. It sounds like the flapping of a fish out of water. The fact is you are just squirming in anger because you know you are/were on the side that was/is in the wrong. Your pathetic attempts to excuse the Ferguson PD just further proves your own inclination to racism and prejudice. Nothing anyone can say or do will change your mind. You have a lot of growing up to do, LL. We live in the 21st century, not the 16th
You're thinking short term. I'm thinking generations. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
OK, undercunt...
LexusLover's Avatar
[SIZE="3"] if you read the report ... Originally Posted by shanm
I not only read it before, I understood it. Please refrain from making noise.