Nice work...if you can get it. Michelle's excellent adventure

you are treating a stubbed toe while there are others bleeding to death.
What do our Presidents spend their pay checks on?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's ok for the congress to take the families on expensive trips but the first family can't.sound reasoning.That is how many to one? The whole atmosphere in Washington is spend it quick the middle class is broke..... Originally Posted by ekim008
Actually, the congressional junkets on some lobbyist's dime are more disturbing than the First Lady's trips. Almost as much as the junkets they take paid for by taxpayers called "fact finding" trips, which are really a way to give their staff an exotic vacation without paying for it themselves.

What the First Lady and the kids do doesn't bother me too much. It's not like they can go to Disneyland anonymously like the rest of us can. Er, well, like the rest of you can.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
When Laura Bush went on her legendary trip to Paris and Budapest with her daughters which was nothing more than a shopping trip the year was 2002. The Dow Jones average had dropped from 14,000 to the low 8000. A drop of 6,000 points. Since Obama has become president Michelle had gone on trips as the Dow went from 8900 to 13,000. Of course you can't accept that Laura Bush went on trips during two of the worst crashes on the stock market since the Great Depression but you're going to act as if that did not happen. Originally Posted by BigLouie
link please or is this another one your illusions

was not in my wiki post about L Bush travels
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You forgot the citation Louise.