Gentlmen, What made you choose youre handle?

ANONONE's Avatar
My handle comes from the pseudonym I wrote under years ago when working for Bee Line Books: MR ANONONE.

Anonymous One

Kinda silly, but I didn't pick it the publisher did. Hey a nickle a word adds up and I was a young guy formally trained in composition and out of work, but could make a killing writing sex stories and cheesy porn plots.


Beeline was a small house publisher of pulp erotica. We also contracted out for adult magazines like Oui, Penthouse, Hustler, Gallery etc as the writers of their short feature fiction and of course all of those Letters, Forum, and advice columns. I later started writing and editing for Literotica:

While I have been in the hobby for over 20 years, there was never a need for a handle until the internet came along. It seemed only natural when I went from old style hobbying (local rags and yellow pages) to electronic hobbying a few years ago to use this as my handle.
Guest100610-3's Avatar
Because no one can figure it out. A lot like me in real life. Buy the time you think you have it, you say to hell with it, its to complicated.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I love bush and I love playing the drums, plus I am always "beating the bushes, looking for women."
So two expensive hobbies for the price of one.
Each one requires hours of practice and you never really master them. You can always get better.
travelling_man's Avatar
Simple - I travel a lot.
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 01-04-2010, 09:17 PM
When I was in college a good friend of mine said I was “5150” asked him what he means by that? He told me it the code used by police for an individual who is crazy and is being sent to the mental hospital.

It also happens to be the name of one of my favorite albums, Van Halen’s 5150
mine is very simple...a random email address from many, many years ago.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Mine comes from a nicnkname when I used to work at a Toyota dealership. My BDC girl (Not BCD...) who set my appointments called me Poppy infront of the owner. Since he couldn't say my last name it just stuck.
Combustion's Avatar
Chosen so it would be hard to google and get anything by me.
RobRoy's Avatar
I drew the name RobRoy from Scottish folk hero Robert Roy MacGregor. 'The Highland Rogue' an 18th Century chancer that became known as a somewhat Robin Hood type character for his daring do's and evasion of the law. He was a member of The Famous MacGregor Clan. His nickname ie. Red Robert, Raibeart Ruadh(rob roy) was due to his red hair. He was one of Scotland's most romaticised folk heroes. Incidentally played in the film by Liam Neeson not Mel Gibson. LOL

A favorite quote from the film:

Robert Roy MacGregor: Do you know how fine you are to me, Mary MacGregor?
Mary MacGregor: And you to me.

And also:

Mary: . . . Robert refused, not for Your Grace, but for his own honor, which he values above his own family, his kin and his clan, and for which I have oft chided him. But were he otherwise, he would not be Robert Roy MacGregor.

Contrary to what many think I DID NOT take the name from Rob Roy an alcoholic mixed drink (AKA - Scotch Manhattan)
The recipe is:

1 1/2 oz. Scotch
1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Combine in a shaker with ice. Strain into a Cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry. Can also be served on ice in a Rocks Glass and built right in the glass.

Dry Rob Roy:
- substitute Dry Vermouth for the Sweet Vermouth garnish with an Olive.

Perfect Rob Roy:
- Use a 1/4 oz. of both Sweet and Dry Vermouth garnish with a lemon twist

And that's all I have to say about that.

Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Bob the Nailer is a nick name for USMC Sniper Bob Lee Swagger from Stephen Hunter's series. Hard to find a reference to anything other than his character, like me!

Plus, occasionally Bob does nail her.
Tara, I'd love to SHOW you how I got MINE! ;-) Originally Posted by MiniMeat
I would love for you to come and show me.
johnnybax's Avatar
My coach and favorite poker player - Johnnybax
Mine was a reflection of my life at the time when I created it back in 1999. Even though I was married at the time, I did not feel “the love” on a regular enough basis. Yet, it was also a play on words as the book of the same name was fresh in my mind and I really liked both the book and movie so through a melding of multiple things, I got my name.

Worked for me when I first used it on ASPD back in December 1999, just like it does today. Through my own choice, I am a lonesomedove now which means I have Peace in the Valley and that calm has helped me in more ways than one.
RedRanger's Avatar
i'm a dork lol
TTRexx's Avatar
I saw a comercial with a T-Rex on while signing up.