Venezuela shuts schools, businesses as blackout enters second day

  • Tiny
  • 03-10-2019, 09:48 AM
WTF are you talking about private health care in this country in the best in the world.
Saudis come all the way here for specialized health care treatment...just last year a poor couple in the UK lost the precious baby
Charley Gard because the UK said he wasn't WORTH saving when he could have gotten specialized heath care here. Don't fucking tell me about other countries great health care Originally Posted by bb1961
Bury your head in the sand and deny reality if you must. Compare these lists of life expectancy, infant mortality and health expenditures as % GDP by country:

We spend 17% of GDP on health care. No other developed country spends over 12%. And what do we get for it? We're #31 in terms of life expectancy and #56 for infant mortality. People in fucking Costa Rica live longer on average than we do.

So, in the USA, almost 1 of every 5 dollars we spend goes towards health care. Wait about 10 years and it will be 1 in 5 dollars. In China, one out of every 20 dollars spent goes for health care. That gives the Chinese more money to spend on factories, missiles, eating out, whatever. This is a huge competitive disadvantage, and it also means that our quality of life, outside of the time we spend in the hospital, is going to suffer.

We can have the best science in the world in medicine. So what if we're not using it effectively? You think the free market system is working in our health care system? Hell no, not the way the insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals, doctors, federal government and plaintiffs attorneys work. There is no free market, prices are not set according to supply and demand. Walk into a doctors office or hospital and pay without insurance if you don't believe me. The costs are outrageous. Socialized medicine could be better than what we've got now.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bury your head in the sand and deny reality if you must. Compare these lists of life expectancy, infant mortality and health expenditures as % GDP by country:

We spend 17% of GDP on health care. No other developed country spends over 12%. And what do we get for it? We're #31 in terms of life expectancy and #56 for infant mortality. People in fucking Costa Rica live longer on average than we do.

So, in the USA, almost 1 of every 5 dollars we spend goes towards health care. Wait about 10 years and it will be 1 in 5 dollars. In China, one out of every 20 dollars spent goes for health care. That gives the Chinese more money to spend on factories, missiles, eating out, whatever. This is a huge competitive disadvantage, and it also means that our quality of life, outside of the time we spend in the hospital, is going to suffer.

We can have the best science in the world in medicine. So what if we're not using it effectively? You think the free market system is working in our health care system? Hell no, not the way the insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals, doctors, federal government and plaintiffs attorneys work. There is no free market, prices are not set according to supply and demand. Walk into a doctors office or hospital and pay without insurance if you don't believe me. The costs are outrageous. Socialized medicine could be better than what we've got now. Originally Posted by Tiny

in a sense, the hospital system is partially socialized.

an executive order by trump requires that all hospitals have to post prices for medical services.. this was something they never made public before. it should help alleviate some of it.