Trump & Pompeo lending aid and comfort to our enemies!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s not about voting, Lusty. Millions of people supported Stalin, Mao and Hitler. That doesn’t make them Democratic.

The Ukrainian government is teeming with Nazis, that’s what Svoboda is and they hold plenty of power. We’ve even got US politicians, of both parties, doing photo ops with guys like Oleh Tyahnybok. I’m not sure if they don’t know who they’re aligning with, or they just don’t care. This is why the east was nearly unanimously for rejoining Russia when they did, and the local governments all dissolved ties with the west. They wanted no parts of the violent uprising, and Russian protection was their best bet to ward it off.

As far as I’m concerned, the Commies and the Nazis can slug it out all they want. It has nothing to do with us, other than politicians losing their slush fund, and I’m fine with that as well. They can go get a real job like the rest of us.

Edit: as to your second post, even if a slice of the east aren’t actually ethnic Russians, they overwhelmingly wanted to be. I believe the referendum was over 95% with something along the lines of 90% turnout. It was local governments who dissolved Crimean ties to Kiev, not Putin. In fact, Russians were more accepting of Tatars as well, stuff like dual language schools, books and whatnot. They’re (Tatars) a fascinating culture, btw. Don’t ever miss a chance to visit that part of the world if it comes along. Good people and stunning architecture, if you’re into that sort of thing.
lustylad's Avatar
It’s not about voting, Lusty. Millions of people supported Stalin, Mao and Hitler. That doesn’t make them Democratic.

Of course it's about voting! You can't have a real functioning democracy without free & fair elections that hold politicians accountable and allow people to vote them out of office. And who said Stalin, Mao or Hitler believed in democracy? Nobody I know would say anything that stupid. I don't understand your argument.

The Ukrainian government is teeming with Nazis, that’s what Svoboda is and they hold plenty of power.

You're wrong. Svoboda currently holds only 1 seat in the 450-member Rada (Ukraine's Parliament). They played a role in the 2014 Maidan revolution but their popular support has dropped precipitously since then.

Look it up if you don't believe me.
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I'm more interested in facts than I am in unsubstantiated opinions. Dogface keeps calling Viktor Orban a "fascist" but he can't explain what exactly Orban has done to curtail democracy in Hungary. Now you come along and claim Ukraine is not a democracy - without telling me where and how its institutions and/or leaders have fallen short of democratic ideals.

I'm pretty sure there are some international monitoring groups out there that rank countries on how fair their elections are and how broadly "democratic" they are. Why don't you look them up and see how Ukraine is ranked?

Do you think Ukraine will be more or less democratic when Putin is done raping the country?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Now you come along and claim Ukraine is not a democracy - without telling me where and how its institutions and/or leaders have fallen short of democratic ideals.
They can call themselves whatever they want, but it doesn’t make it so. They rename roads after Nazis, March in celebration of their Nazi history and jail political opposition (sounds familiar).

Do you think Ukraine will be more or less democratic when Putin is done raping the country?
About the same, I’d guess.

I'm pretty sure there are some international monitoring groups out there that rank countries on how fair their elections are and how broadly "democratic" they are. Why don't you look them up and see how Ukraine is ranked?
I’m sure there are, and they’d get deservingly low marks, but I’ve got a busy day so maybe later.

All in all this is not a country I’d be willing to sacrifice a single American soldier for, and surely not one to risk war with a nuclear power over. My opinion is unchanged, they’re both political shitholes, they can work it out for themselves.
bambino's Avatar
Ukraine is a money laundering machine for the Deep State Cabal. Amongst other things. Putins cleaning it up. How do you explain the sons of Biden, Kerry, Pelosi and Romney going there and making millions? Why Ukraine? That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Putin threw the Rothchilds and Soros out of Russia. The US should do the same.
PS, Just in case you want to go to the, we'll you didn't explain fascism gotcha, I'm not going to.
You can go look it up, I have a life and fascism has quite a few different aspects!
For my purposes here! We will just use fealty to one man, sealing of elections.
I know that the government gets intertwined with business"Albert Speer types" and all of that and there are other aspects!
And let's not forget the us against them and Only I can solve it garbage that we hear from both Trump and Hitler!
Yes they have both said the exact same things!
And what was Hitler.....???
That's right, and I'm sure orban said the same thing to his people in one firm or another!
IOM meet one or two of those thresholds and you meet the standard!
Just because I dropped out in 9th grade dosent mean I'm stupid, I'm under educated and zi have been trying to make up for that ever since!
Now read Facists!

Dogface keeps calling Viktor Orban a "fascist" but he can't explain what exactly Orban has done to curtail democracy in Hungary Originally Posted by lustylad
The hell I haven't, I said in one of my posts these assholes get into elected power they stack what ever courts they need to, then they insidiously change the voting laws to favor themselves to make it almost impossible for the opposite party to beat them!

Sound fimilar?

This is exactly what the so called freedom caucus "that is for anything but for freedom" is doing now!
Yes they want freedom alright, the freedom to steal free and fair elections, and steal thier way to permanence!
A Dictatorship, courtesy of all of the usual douchbag on the right!

What more could a good citizen of this country want!
A government shoved up our asses, but a bunch of conspiracy theory assholes!
And look at Trump showing his true colors by sucking Putin's cock again, he's brilliant!
How much brillace dose it take to amass an overwhelming army on your weaker neighbors border surrounding them, then when everything is in place crush them? The stupid mother wouldn't know brilliance if somebody shove a lightbulb up his ass!
you wouldnt think that little bastard would have a prick that long but somehow Trump manages to get his mouth around it!

If the orange shithead ever gets reelected "and we all thought" God sheds his grace on thee"!

No in this case God is gonna make us work for Grace!
Hes gonna make us wade through all of the lies, smokescreens and the conspiracy theories that the radical right shitheads of America like to dazzle and bullshit thier extreamly low intelligence voters!

Putin Orban, Hitler, and others have attacked democracy from within, by using the freedoms that it guarantees it citizens, against itself!
Now all of you fascist can go suck on that!

Now go act as if somebody else is an idiot!
And for the record my response came off the top of my head, except I had to check to see if Putin was freely elected, the election was held earlier than it was supposed to be but was allegedly free, that was his 1st and last free election!
And he shorted up his dictator ship by changing the laws so now he will never lose another election!
Henceforth the Russian elections are a sham!

There are plenty of idiots on here, go pick on one of them now!
I'm not going to post fucking links for you all!
You can prove me wrong!
On here black is white and white is black and everything is a governmental conspiracy!
You know blame Hugo Chavez!
And if it dose go your way then everything is right as rain and the American people have spoken!
Fucking Douchbags!

Do as lusty likes to keep in his signature line!
Your word is shit!

And as one guy on here smacked one of the bone heads on here, "Trump's Sandbox Barker" you all can figure out who that is.
He saidm not gonna post links, I have this thing called a life!

I don't have to prove anything to you all!
But pretty sure I just did!
Gotta go, life calls!
Right wing bullshit, yes they had a few of your fellow travelers involved with Ukraine, but they were few!
And just as we have douchbags that we permit to exist "that's what's called a democracy", in case you forgot.
They permit them to exist because they have citizenship and free to express thire opinions of douchbaggery just as you all are here!
they are kept in the minority, and will never get anywhere politically!
God help us in that regard in this country!
Not because the clown car cabal will ever win in a free and fair election.
But because of thier assault on democracy!
But just like you Trumpers had you tiki torch marches, and nobody said shit till people were assaulted and people died, except of course counter protesters!
Trumpers are permitted to express thier deep state conspiracy theories "whatever that is?" they are permitted to exit here!
It's democracy!
And no thier democratic government was not perfect!
And you all claim how corrupt, where do you think that came from?
Russia perhaps?
They were a soviet vassal state for quite some time, it take time to weed out douchbags!
But they were trying and Putin knows it!. Just as the Chinese of the 1950s was not willing to let a democracy on thier border, and beat us back at the Yalu, neither was Putin!
Now that's off the top of my head I don't need links, you use them.
I may not be perfect, but I know that's pretty damn accurate!
And of course the mango menace thought the touch carrying Nazi assholes were fine people!
Remember that?
But hey any excuse is a good one to invade...... Right?

Putin uses the word Nazi as a trigger for Russians, and it will work every time "it apparently works here too" because of Russias suffering in ww2.
And these separatist in the east, I'm sure that there are some that wish for the old Russia and the old ways like Putin.
So he sent insurgents to train and reinforce them, to destabilize the country, but they could only get so far by themselves.
The same move Hitler pulled in the Czechoslovakia, with the Sudetenland, Germans were living there that needed his protection!
So he sezed the country!
This shit dosent change!
Same bullshit, different murdering dictator!
Look it up!
You fucking well know that Russia, sent combat troops and advisors and supplies into the east!
He would much rather have had the incursion, be more successful then he could claim a popular uprising!
But the people of Ukraine are resilient and are fighting hard.
But they will eventually be put down!
But to tell us that you have an understanding of why one of our countries enemies is overwhelming a peaceful neighbor! Especially when that asshole is threatening the rest of the world with a nuclear attack and to agree with him to our detriment, and you are!
Is the hight of treason, just short of bearing arms for them yourself!

It is still the Evil empire that it has always been only the names have changed!
And as to this referendum, perhaps you should go to Russia and carve out apiece of it and tell Putin you don't like how he's doing business with you and have a referendum vote!

I'm sure his response would be would you prefer a blindfold, or do you have the balls to look into the the eye of your executioners?

And if you liked there so much go become a good citizen, or get some trigger time, oh thats right you were in the rear with the gear, you don't know anything about that!
They seem to lack resolve!

It’s not about voting, Lusty. Millions of people supported Stalin, Mao and Hitler. That doesn’t make them Democratic.

The Ukrainian government is teeming with Nazis, that’s what Svoboda is and they hold plenty of power. We’ve even got US politicians, of both parties, doing photo ops with guys like Oleh Tyahnybok. I’m not sure if they don’t know who they’re aligning with, or they just don’t care. This is why the east was nearly unanimously for rejoining Russia when they did, and the local governments all dissolved ties with the west. They wanted no parts of the violent uprising, and Russian protection was their best bet to ward it off.

As far as I’m concerned, the Commies and the Nazis can slug it out all they want. It has nothing to do with us, other than politicians losing their slush fund, and I’m fine with that as well. They can go get a real job like the rest of us.

Edit: as to your second post, even if a slice of the east aren’t actually ethnic Russians, they overwhelmingly wanted to be. I believe the referendum was over 95% with something along the lines of 90% turnout. It was local governments who dissolved Crimean ties to Kiev, not Putin. In fact, Russians were more accepting of Tatars as well, stuff like dual language schools, books and whatnot. They’re (Tatars) a fascinating culture, btw. Don’t ever miss a chance to visit that part of the world if it comes along. Good people and stunning architecture, if you’re into that sort of thing. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don't have to prove anything to you all!
But pretty sure I just did! Originally Posted by Dogface78
Yes, that CVS ran out of Risperidone. Try Walgreens.
Great response!
Boring in the rear huh?

Yes, that CVS ran out of Risperidone. Try Walgreens. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme