Would you go back if given the chance?

AcesHigh's Avatar
I understand all of the blue pill people.

However, the question to me is whether I would take back all of the fun and excitement that I have experienced as a result of the hobby. There have been too many beautiful, sexy women that I have been with for me to take the blue pill.
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 07-12-2011, 03:29 PM
Providers and hobbyists live double lives. The grand majority of us do not want anyone knowing about our secret lives. Most hobbyists must lie to cover our tracks, break our commitments to SO's, wives, kids, friends, etc...

My old man told me once, "Son once you cheat on a woman, you will never go back".................. the old man was right.....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I'll take two reds and two blues, please.

It's just how I roll.
I will have to agree with Rekcasxt!
  • Booth
  • 08-01-2011, 01:13 PM
It looks like Leopard went blue.
I've been hobbying half my life and will continue the next half. I don't think taking the blue pill will cause me to be less horning for hot chicks though. When I think back on all the money spent at clubs and on providers though if the blue bill gives me that back its a no brainer. Of course once I get the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ back I'd like to continue my hobbying life as a newb with a pocket full of cash and pants full of wood.

As far as all the memories of fun and good times I've had they are just that, memories and once gone others will replace them. Now ask me this question in the middle of a session with a bonner you might get a different answer, at least till I'm done.
I've been hobbying half my life and will continue the next half. I don't think taking the blue pill will cause me to be less horning for hot chicks though. When I think back on all the money spent at clubs and on providers though if the blue bill gives me that back its a no brainer. Of course once I get the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ back I'd like to continue my hobbying life as a newb with a pocket full of cash and pants full of wood.

As far as all the memories of fun and good times I've had they are just that, memories and once gone others will replace them. Now ask me this question in the middle of a session with a bonner you might get a different answer, at least till I'm done. Originally Posted by homer13
You spelled Bohner wrong.

I found this thread surprisingly enlightening. Lots and lots of blue pills, with a very insightful explanation.
blue...took a short break...and yet i creep back in.
1kewlkat's Avatar
I never intended to play in this hobby. How I became involved in the hobby was because my significant other was playing around. I had some trust issues, counseling/therapist helped resolve. I would say I spent way too much money in the strip clubs before discovering the other site that many of us were members of before this one and was a member of other group activities.
I was able to lose myself for a short time in those activities and when the lights went out on the other site, I swore leave and never return. Yet, here I am again, I would describe it as a drug for an addiction that's hard to walk away from. There is a plethora of beautiful woman to choose from here a different flavor at any given moment, my God if I ever won the lottery I can imagine all of those extreme physical debaucheries I would succumb to. Intellectually also but definitely more physical.

It's different and yet the same, were all players we know the game, and know the rules lie, cheat, keeping the secrets etc... Until you become emotionally involved and emotional attachment are difficult to overcome here.

The blue pill