Sarahsmiles's Avatar
I've been around here for awhile...but looks like it will be more often now.
nutinmuch's Avatar
Nutinmuch is here! Hello everyone!
kurth's Avatar
  • kurth
  • 12-31-2009, 05:50 AM
I'm here as well...
Hands_on_alot's Avatar
I'm here.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Changed my handle and changed my avatar. But I'm still the same underachieving horndog I've always been. Formerly NWNiceGuy
AangBang's Avatar
/Wave everyone! Glad to be here!

Centexlicker's Avatar
Centexlicker is here, Hello everyone! Happy New Year!
just saw the news and this is my first post here
SpyderToezzzz's Avatar
I am here now. And I won't allow myself to be banned. Some of you may know me. Others just wish you didn't.......
EllaInAustin's Avatar
So happy to be here and see some familiar, er, handles!
Howler's Avatar
I made it as well. Let's keep this lifeboat afloat!
CharmingChameleon's Avatar
I've made it over here as well.
sixxbach's Avatar
welcome spyderToezzz... i have heard alot about you....
nabokov's Avatar
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
tige1979's Avatar
Nice to see a lot of people moving over here!