burkalini's Avatar
Those that condone this behavior by said providers are only SUPPORTING it by seeing them. Most of these girls have black pimps. The guys that keep saying 'get over it' are just making a parody of themselves because they go see these girls, get poor service, and then are too ashamed to write a review about how they got jilted. Meanwhile, Pimp Dawg still got the money you just forked over for a gloved CBJ.

Think about it, if no one supported these 'preference' practices by these providers, they couldn't make any money. Their business would struggle mightily, to the point where it wouldn't make sense to continue that way. Imagine a modern slave owner trying to run for public office or sell merchandise. He wouldn't get 3 votes, even in his own state. The best way to end this recurring topic is to NOT CONDONE THESE ACTIONS.

Please, don't try to use level of attraction as an excuse for them. You think these women are attracted to a lard ass, beer gut, unshaven, halitosis'd breath having guys of other races simply because they have less pigment in their skin? Please. You think they're thinking, "you're white, fat, smelly, and ugly, but I wanna tear your clothes off!!!!" They merely PUT UP with you, because of the prize at the end. Sorry to break it to you.

If you FROWN upon those that run their business this way, they'd go away...and so would this topic. Maybe. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

Just like you think we all assume that AA women have a pimp Or maybe you do. I guess you assume all white hobbyist are fat ugly smelly and stupid. Ignorance is ignorance in any skin color. It's a matter of choice on who we choose to see and statements like you made are not going to change anyones opinion or choice. Let's just relax and be happy with the choices we make and forget about what someone else chooses. There's ugliness or beauty of charachter in any skin color and as we have seen so brightly "ignorance".
  • LynnT
  • 06-08-2011, 09:35 PM
I'll shine another beam.. Clean cocks of all races are fabulous.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-08-2011, 09:55 PM
Rambo, your post is inaccurate on so many levels:

“Most of these girls have black pimps.”

I don’t know about “most”, but I know plenty who do not—mostly because they have NO pimp.

“The guys that keep saying 'get over it' are just making a parody of themselves because they go see these girls”

Actually, I do not see “these girls” as far as I know. And if some of them did have preferences/biases, how does that make me a parody of myself? You may argue that I was talking about the few occasions where I was rejected for reasons I thought stereotypical, and so no, I didn’t see “those girs” either.

“….get poor service, and then are too ashamed to write a review about how they got jilted.”

I have gotten bad service three times in many, many sessions. I never return if I received bad service, and for the two times since the invention of boards I DID post a very detailed review of why I was dissatisfied.

“Meanwhile, Pimp Dawg still got the money you just forked over for a gloved CBJ.”

I guarantee you the vast, vast amount of my money goes to ladies that have no whiff of a pimp in their business. Maybe you are seeing the wrong women?

“Think about it, if no one supported these 'preference' practices by these providers, they couldn't make any money. Their business would struggle mightily, to the point where it wouldn't make sense to continue that way. Imagine a modern slave owner trying to run for public office or sell merchandise. He wouldn't get 3 votes, even in his own state. The best way to end this recurring topic is to NOT CONDONE THESE ACTIONS.”

Sorry, WAY off base with your analogy. There are lots of people who have bigoted views, but it is their actions that matter. And how they choose to limit my freedom to do as I please. A slave owner clearly does limit the freedom of the slaves, and that is seriously wrong. I don’t quite see that as equal to a lady saying she won’t let you have sex with her. If you had the right to have sex with a woman when she did not want to have sex with you, that is usually called rape. You can package it in fancier words, but it is still non-consensual sex, i.e. rape. Are you really condoning rape on demand?

“Please, don't try to use level of attraction as an excuse for them. You think these women are attracted to a lard ass, beer gut, unshaven, halitosis'd breath having guys of other races simply because they have less pigment in their skin?”

Actually, no. Those ladies who are attracted to me feel that way because of how I treat them. I am not foolish enough to think that all the ladies I see like me, but I have quite a lot of irrefutable evidence that a fair number of them do.

“You can disguise and lipstick the 'preference' issue all you want. We ALL know what it really means.”

Yes, it means that for whatever reason they do not want sex with an old man, or a fat man, or a man with purple streaks in his hair, or a man with 600 tats, or an Asian man, or …… You don’t want to hear it, but get over it. Should other people be able to choose who you sleep with? And don’t come back with “Well whose paying?” That doesn’t fit: if a lady accepts your money, then yes, you have a reasonable expectation—but that is not what we are talking about here. We are talking about an attitude that YOU have the right to choose your partner, but SHE doesn’t have the same right. And that is wrong.
Randall Creed's Avatar

Old T, were you offended by my post(s)?

If the words I spoke didn't apply to you, then they should have no effect on you.

Are you offended on behalf of those that it DOES apply to? You know, the ones who call the ladies up and ask them if they see black guys (though I'm sure that's not the word they use)? If she does see them, they will berate her and threaten to ruin her business and all that nonsense. Are you OK with that? Are you one of those that do that?

And for you jokers who say providers can let into their bodies whomever they want, blah, blah, blah. That's true, but isn't this business supposed to be about TIME AND COMPANIONSHIP? Sex for money is illegal, but selling 'time' is perfectly fine. If this business became legal, I'm inclined to believe that they'd have legal issues to deal with by rejecting someone solely on race.

And these examples about weight, age, hair color are ridiculous compared to race. A fat person can lose weight. Someone underage can become old enough. Hair can be dyed or cut off. That issue of rejection is solved. Can't stop being black.

And white guys who condone this behavior KNOW, if the shit was reversed they'd be raising hell. Let a bunch of providers start saying 'No white dudes'. These cats would have the whole business SHUT DOWN.

We all have preferences. SO WHAT. My preferences in the hobby is to not see bbw's or do incalls. There for I don't see bbw's or do incalls. It doesn't mean I don't like big women, it just means I don't want to sleep with them and would rather play at a neutral location.

Some providers offer bbbj's and greek and others refuse to consider one or both. Big deal, it's her preference. Just like it's your preference to either see them or not because of it.

If a provider doesn't want to see black men that is her preference. It doesn't mean she has a pimp or is a racist or anything else. There might very well be a valid reason behind her preference. Maybe she was badly assaulted or maybe it is simply an irrational fear like agoraphobia (my opinion on agoraphobia). You just never know and simply put, IT IS HER CHOICE. Just like it is YOUR CHOICE not to see her because of it.

And when you get down to the bones of it, this is a business. And like ALL businesses providers have the right to refuse service to anyone they want. DEAL WITH IT.
Ranchhand's Avatar
I dont know why, but I have read many of these racial threads. I guess to see if anyone ever says anything new. No one ever does. Its the same people saying the same things over and over, all the time. Rambro participates in every one of them, and thats fine, its his right, but just as the others he always sings the same old tired song. Nothing new ever comes from him either. I think I have even seen some ads where black ladies state that they wont see black men. Personally I dont give a fuck who anyone sees, as long as I get some color pussy.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-08-2011, 11:09 PM
[quote=Rambro Creed]

“Old T, were you offended by my post(s)?”

No, not offended. I just think much of what you said in those posts was wrong, and you far overstate things—at least as far as I see in the parts of this world I’ve visited and played in.

“If the words I spoke didn't apply to you, then they should have no effect on you.”

I tend to respond when I see anyone make broad generalizations that are not true. Especially when it deals with rape in any form—I have seen that happen much, much too often to ladies I care about and find NO valid reason for it.

“Are you offended on behalf of those that it DOES apply to? You know, the ones who call the ladies up and ask them if they see black guys (though I'm sure that's not the word they use)? If she does see them, they will berate her and threaten to ruin her business and all that nonsense. Are you OK with that? Are you one of those that do that?”

Where in the world did you pull THAT one out of? Nothing like a little very broken logic. That was not part of your original post, so not part of my reply. No, I am not OK with anything remotely like that. I certainly would agree that:
--Those men can ask the question, though I agree they’d probably do it in a very insulting way
--If they use that as a reason not to see a lady, it’s there loss (but probably not hers)
--Berating and threatening has no place in this at all.
But more to the point, asking me that question gives me the distinct impression you posted this with the sole purpose of goading me into a flame war. Sorry, I’m not going to bite and fire back in kind.

“And for you jokers who say providers can let into their bodies whomever they want, blah, blah, blah. That's true, but isn't this business supposed to be about TIME AND COMPANIONSHIP? Sex for money is illegal, but selling 'time' is perfectly fine. If this business became legal, I'm inclined to believe that they'd have legal issues to deal with by rejecting someone solely on race.”

You may be correct that legalization may bring some questions along those lines. It would at the least be a long fight in the courts. But given what you argue, you should be the last one to equate “legal” and “right”. Did slavery only become “wrong” after it became illegal? Of course not. And would you be happy if every lady accepted your money with a smile on her face and told you you would sit on the chair 10 feet away from her for the hour—plenty enough to enjoy her companionship? Somehow I doubt you’d be smiling. Quit the BS argument on that.

“And these examples about weight, age, hair color are ridiculous compared to race. A fat person can lose weight. Someone underage can become old enough. Hair can be dyed or cut off. That issue of rejection is solved. Can't stop being black.”

Compare some before and after photos of Michael Jackson recently? And I have not figured out how to stop being old. I HAVE been turned down because of my race, and I HAVE been turned down because of my age. And I HAVE been turned down because of my height. Is it fun? No, of course not. I moved on and found some incredibly lovely women who were quite happy to see me. I didn’t let it turn me bitter.

“And white guys who condone this behavior KNOW, if the shit was reversed they'd be raising hell. Let a bunch of providers start saying 'No white dudes'. These cats would have the whole business SHUT DOWN.”

I don’t know how to say this any more clearly: I and many others are NOT “condoning” it as a good thing. But you and others who bring up this argument and the parallel argument (about women who have age limits) don’t seem to get it: FORCING A WOMAN TO SEE YOU IS RAPE! And that is worse than this. If you have a different solution I’ll listen. I don’t see one. I see a guy who thinks his right to pick a sex partner overrules her right to pick.

Why do you think that sexism is OK when racism is not?
Chica Chaser's Avatar

Chica, please let this thread ride a bit...

I love watching members, men and women alike, insert foot into mouth with some of the silly ass stereotypical comments that are posted

Yall keep posting now...ya hear Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Oh DeD, I have no intention of closing it yet....certainly wouldn't want to be accused of over-moderating again. After so many of these with the same old comments over and over it does become comical. Please do carry on everyone.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
You know what everybody? Regardless of color the Woman has the "Pussy" so she makes the rules! It is her choice who she fucks, when she fucks, and how she fucks them. As far as women having pimps goes, personally I think women who have pimps have a low self-esteem, low education level, are submissive, young, easily manipulated, and really can't take care of themselves.

I know if I was a HOT ASS WOMAN with a nice ass and big tits there would be NO way in hell I would be giving "MY" money over to a sorry ass pimp who is sitting on his ass counting "MY" cash! Especially making 300 or more for an hour! As the saying goes, "A fool and their money have soon parted ways."

Does anyone watch pre-game hype on football Sundays on ESPN?

This deserves a C'MON MAN!
My My My.... what did I stumble on?

I will present to you something even more crazy.

There are some providers who state they like clients over 30, or over 40 (not many have this age limit for "their" ride but some do) and AGE is something WE ALL do...

you cannot change skin color (cough cough Michael Jackson cough cough) but everyone ages....

guys have a no CBJ policy.. they choose not see a lady who does not do BBBJ.... some guys only see spinner types,

what it boils down do is if a lady does not wish to see a man of color, she has the right, as for her reasons, they are hers and hers ALONE. She can say "sorry, no I will not see you" yet his money is as green as the next guys.

its not his loss, its hers...
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Oh DeD, I have no intention of closing it yet....certainly wouldn't want to be accused of over-moderating again. After so many of these with the same old comments over and over it does become comical. Please do carry on everyone. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I have an idea Chica...

Since it looks like this topic (and a few others) will always be brought up in a new thread from time to time... why don't we just automatically start a "no Black Guy" thread once a month, let it from for two weeks (say the 7th through the 21st of each month), then close it. Then, on the 7th of the next month, start a new one... we can even set them up in it's own forum called "Reoccurring Threads"!

Just a thought!!


Chica Chaser's Avatar
Gawd, I love the way your mind works, Lea!!

I REALLY like the superthread idea though. Merge all of the NBA threads together and sticky at the top. Whenever someone gets the wild idea to bring it up again, just drop it at the back end of the pile on the superthread.

Just thinking of the other topics we could do the same with!
...I REALLY like the superthread idea though. Merge all of the NBA threads together and sticky at the top. Whenever someone gets the wild idea to bring it up again, just drop it at the back end of the pile on the superthread. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I swear, if another one pops up in Houston it's a DONE DEAL!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Shit, I was only talking about the ones here in Main Discussion. If we combined them from all across the board, that would be a superHUGEthread!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I swear, if another one pops up in Houston it's a DONE DEAL!!! Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Then you better get busy cause there is one in there right now....