What's one thing you can't live without?

  • Suzel
  • 02-03-2010, 03:47 AM
LOL, I've done that a loooong time ago. You do what ya gotta do, man.

That's when you steal wifi from your neighbors. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
now thats humorous Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I could get my family to clean up after me...that would be a feat..........They would so make the list.....LOL
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I will not bend I will not break................I must, I simply must ............http://www.singaporeair.com/saa/en_U...uite/suite.jsp
There are two definitions of luxury which appeal to me in answering this question.
The first is something costly and not easily affordable which makes life more comfortable.
The other is something which makes your life better but is not absolutely necessary.

Interesting definitions to me because in the first, the maid doesn't qualify, assuming that the cost of my maid is pretty normal. No way would I say she wasn't affordable, because, obviously, she is.
In the second case, the maid fits easily. Makes my life easier which I guess means better. Weird, huh? That's why I love words. But I digress from the topic.

Honestly, the one I come up with is sense of humor. It's priceless on the one hand. And not absolutely necessary on the other. So, it fits both definitions.
growler's Avatar
Music life would be so gray without it, a course sex LOL, or is that a need.
The new A-380's have a stand up bar upstairs on Emirates-?!?!? Originally Posted by Aceswild
I actually remember when Continental had a piano bar on its transcon flights.
discreetgent's Avatar
I actually remember when Continental had a piano bar on its transcon flights. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Virgin Airways Upper Class has a standup bar as well
Jake2.1's Avatar
Luxury - this hobby - the chance for a beautiful woman to love this fat ass, even if she doesn't.

I am the guy that will never be able to pick up a good lookin' girl at a bar, but leave drunk enough to not remember the one that would go with me.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Something that I wouldn't wish to do without but isn't necessary are my soft pillows and nice bedding. My skin is very sensitive and it's just so much more comfortable to have what I have instead of what I've experienced in the past and even at some hotels. I also just love to sink into my bed at night with several feather pillows, quilts and high count cotton sheets.

I would normally list books as well but even if I were to be on the streets, I could probably dredge up something to read ... if even from the trash bins.

But mostly, I have a ring that was given to me when my grandmother died. It's nothing that expensive, elegant or eye-popping in appearance but it's very pretty and gracious looking. I would probably do whatever was necessary to NOT lose that piece of jewelry.

Since family really isn't part of the equation (and air, water and food), then the other stuff is superfluous, I guess. Except a car. God, I need a car all of the time. NOT having a car is hell. That is something that I do know.

Great topic!

Not meaning to sound like a Debbie Downer

A few years ago I went through a series of many losses in my life. Most of which were bad choices I made. A couple, I truly had no control over. For me learning appreciation of the small things in life has made the luxuries of life that much sweeter. Sorry if I got a little sappy. I do that sometimes.
NinaMorgan's Avatar
I would say my yearly 2 month vacation...
Something that I wouldn't wish to do without but isn't necessary are my soft pillows and nice bedding.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I don't have it, but wish I did. The best beds I have ever, ever slept in are the ones in Hilton Hotels (all their chains), and you can purchase them (and the pillows) over the 'net. I have often dream t of having the Hilton beds and pillows. Ahhhhhhhh, what luxury that would be!!!!

[As it is, I have a 14 yo box springs and mattress that looks like a swayback horse.] LOL
Have you felt these?
The softest sheets ever!!!!
Charles, have you tried flipping your mattress over? Some hotel mattresses have little letters in the corners showing which months that particular corner should be in the upper right.

If you flip it on the long axis one time, the short axis the second time, and then the long axis the third time, you'll have a different corner at the upper right four different times. Mattress companies advise flipping it over and rotating the mattress every three months to make the wear more even.

This is especially important now that I'm sleeping alone in a king bed. "my" side gets more use.
CajunGent's Avatar
I must admit, that having survived Hurricane Katrina. I learned to live without just about every item of luxury that I ever owned. (and, some items that many would consider essential to life)

Nearly five years later, I can honestly say, that by losing many of those items, I gained so much more in return. A Lexus? Been there done that. A Rolex? Been there done that. Now a day alive, after you face death. That is a luxury you can't afford to lose. And, I hope none of you have to ever face that challange. When you truly don't know if you will see the sun rise.