Fox Caught Making Up News Out of Nothing Again - The Real Pirate Story

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
So Iffy, a TRUE American has to agree with you and COG? Silly me, I thought true Americans had freedom to express any opinion without having their patriotism questioned. Turns out the righties and Republicans look just like Chinese Communists because they want a one party state with no dissenting opinions allowed! When you can discuss a topic without ad-hominem attacks someone might take you seriously for once. You probably can't do it 'cause y'all call even Republicans who don't toe the line RINOs, don't cha?

COG, not sure what u call a "serious US foreign policy" but it must be something like hire all your foreign policy experts from PNAC who planned to control the world oil supply then, #1 ignore intelligence and get attacked #2 Attack a country that harbored the attackers and lose interst so the job gets botched, #3 send your secrretary of State to lie to the UN, THEN attack another country because they tried to kill your Daddy #4 fly onto an aircraft carrier in costume and declare victory and just generally rely on bluster and threats to make much of the restof the world hate our government, while squandering Trillions, but then we don't give a shit about the UN or anyone who isn't American, do we? 'Cause were Exceptional 'Mericans and we never make mistakes, sympathize, empathize or apologize do we? Really serious.

Is that a "serious US foreign policy"?
IFFY here. NOPE y'all will still squat to piss. Sorry....fuckers..LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
austx, you have me confused with someone else. That foreign policy you described is ridiculous. I'm a non-interventionist. I would keep our troops and money here at home unless Congress declares a war. I don't believe in bombing countries into freedom. It doesn't seem to work.

We are not the world's policeman.

Maintaining a strong national defense is the most basic of the federal government’s responsibilities. However, building schools, roads, and hospitals in other countries are not among those basic obligations. Yet that is exactly what we have been doing for much of the past 10 years.
Given trillion-dollar deficits, America simply cannot afford to be engaged in foreign policy programs that are not clearly protecting U.S. interests. There is nation-building and rebuilding to be done right here at home.
Our military should remain the most potent force for good on Earth. To do this, we should resort to military action as the last option and only as provided in the Constitution.

From Gary Johnson's website:
joe bloe's Avatar
That's all you have is some Photoshoped photo of bullshit. Next! You are reaching for the sky and grasping nothing but air to say the NBP party is liberal is saying the Westboro Bapist church is the root of the republician party. Ignorance is not flattering Joe. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Of course they're liberals. They fit right in with the rest of the loony left, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Rashid Khalidi, Al Franken, Keith Ellison, and of course, Barack Hussein Obama.

Senator Al Franken

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2012, 07:48 AM
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh one or two minutes of a 60 minute video, imagine all the vital information that was included in those 120 seconds, vital enough to erase all the damning things he said in the other 48 minutes. Nice try. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Whereas your attempt to ignore and discount edited, editorialized and out of context statements is evidence you are Kool Aid intoxicated.

For instance, CBJ7 might state: "Skylar saw where Ekim the Inbred sucked Slick Willie's dick." Simply by editing out five words -- less than a second in time -- CBJ7's statement becomes, "Skylar sucked Slick Willie's dick."

In regards to the Palestinian remarks, several minutes were edited out and what Mother Jones released -- and CNN, ABC and CBS repeated -- completely misrepresents what Romney actually said. So much for your Kool Aid approach to determining what is substantively vital in reporting the truth. Keep watching the Kool Aid dispensing MSM networks.
I B Hankering's Avatar
My point is that you knowingly tried to mislead with your "Odumbo fomented regime change in Libya; thus, Odumbo is directly accountable for subsequent events in that country." As you correctly point out now, it started just a few centuries before Obama. And Obama was certainly not the first to contemplate regeim changes in different places--including Libya. Originally Posted by Old-T
Are you denying Odumbo used Predator drones against Kadaffyduck's regime and him personally? You're hysterically stupid if you are trying to deny Odumbo's missile strike against Kadaffyduck's motor convoy didn't deliver him to the mob.

And now trying to claim a Jeffersonian Democrat is the same as an Obama Democrat is just hysterically stupid. I suspect even you know that--but don't care much. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're hysterically stupid if you didn't realize Odumbo and the DNC made that claim at the 2012 convention!
Of course they're Idiots. They fit right in with the following Who's Who list of Republican Wacky Far Right Wing-Nuts: George W. Bush, Tom DeLay, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, Donald Trump, Sheriff Joe Araipo, Mitch McConnell, Todd Akin, Mark Foley, John Boehner, Sarah (Governor Quitter) Palin, Rick (Governor Goodhair) Perry, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan and of course the person depicted in the picture below, Mitt Gaffeney.

And for your viewing pleasure I now proudly present the 2012 Republicant candidate for (never to be) President, none other than Goobernor Mitt Gaffeney! Originally Posted by bigtex
Shitfire, how in the hell did I ever forget the esteemed Ann Coulter from the distinguished list of Wacky, Far Right Wing-Nut Idiots?

Furthermore, after watching the RNC Chair Reince Priebus on the Sunday morning ABC News show trying to convince America that the was a very good week for Mitt Gaffney, I suppose we need to add his name to the Idiot list as well!

I should have been more thorough in presenting a more comprehensive list of Far Right Wing-Nut Idiots! Please understand, there are must too many Far Right Wing-Nut Idiots to name them all in one setting! And we have yet to include our very own Eccie Sandbox, Far Right Wing-Nut Idiots to the list.
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;3228683]Whereas your attempt to ignore and discount edited, editorialized and out of context statements is evidence you are Kool Aid intoxicated.

For instance, CBJ7 might state: "Skylar saw where Ekim the Inbred sucked Slick Willie's dick." Simply by editing out five words -- less than a second in time -- CBJ7's statement becomes, "Skylar sucked Slick Willie's dick."

You are a childish fuck .or are you projecting about sucking my dick?
I B Hankering's Avatar

You are a childish fuck .or are you projecting about sucking my dick? Originally Posted by ekim008
In your dreams, you homo-retard.
Whereas your attempt to ignore and discount edited, editorialized and out of context statements is evidence you are Kool Aid intoxicated.

For instance, CBJ7 might state: "Skylar saw where Ekim the Inbred sucked Slick Willie's dick." Simply by editing out five words -- less than a second in time -- CBJ7's statement becomes, "Skylar sucked Slick Willie's dick."

In regards to the Palestinian remarks, several minutes were edited out and what Mother Jones released -- and CNN, ABC and CBS repeated -- completely misrepresents what Romney actually said. So much for your Kool Aid approach to determining what is substantively vital in reporting the truth. Keep watching the Kool Aid dispensing MSM networks. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If the video was edited and his statements where taken out of context don't you think Romney would have commented on the production of the video instead of saying
"It's not elegantly stated, let me put it that way. I was speaking off the cuff in response to a question. And I'm sure I could state it more clearly in a more effective way than I did in a setting like that," Romney said. "Of course I want to help all Americans. All Americans have a bright and prosperous future."
Therefore your whole argument goes down the whole. Because I am pretty sure that if the Romney campaign felt as though the video was edited we would never hear the end of it. It's just people like you, with your long winded speculation to try to retract what Romney said from the public's collective opinion.
In your dreams, you homo-retard. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's the spirit IB. If you can't dazzle them with superior intellect, baffle them with mindless, childish name calling.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-23-2012, 02:28 PM
Are you denying Odumbo used Predator drones against Kadaffyduck's regime and him personally? You're hysterically stupid if you are trying to deny Odumbo's missile strike against Kadaffyduck's motor convoy didn't deliver him to the mob.
Your inability to read or think logically--I am not sure which is the root cause--is shining through very brightly on this thread and the other one today. Did I say ANYTHING about Obama NOT injecting in Libya? No I did not. I only said he didn't start it as you were implying. You yourself even AGREED with my point when you brought up Jefferson. You can't have it both ways--Obama started it but it's been going on for 200 years. No, wait! I get it now, just like Lincoln was a vampire slayer, Jefferson invented a time travel machine and lept forward a couple centuries. OBAMA IS ACTUALLY THOMAS JEFFERSON!!!! No wonder he won't produce a birth certificate, it would prove he is time traveling! Only YOU, IB, are brilliant enough to see that! What a fool we have been to doubt you!

You're hysterically stupid if you didn't realize Odumbo and the DNC made that claim at the 2012 convention! This one I have to mark down and use soon. Actually I give permission for anyone who cares to use it, they can use it even though I noticed it: IBH is admitting that anything the DNC says must be true! I'm not even taking him out of context--since the DNC and Obama said Jefferson was the first Democrat he is clearly, unequivically DEMANDING that I accept it as true--because the DNC said it! I now suspect IBH will start seriously backpeddling, but we all have seen it here ourselves. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
If the video was edited and his statements where taken out of context don't you think Romney would have commented on the production of the video instead of saying
Therefore your whole argument goes down the whole. Because I am pretty sure that if the Romney campaign felt as though the video was edited we would never hear the end of it. It's just people like you, with your long winded speculation to try to retract what Romney said from the public's collective opinion. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
It's your argument that has no foundation, because once again you're ignoring the Kool Aid dispensing MSM's presentation of the video as "unaltered evidence". Further, you're ignoring completely the Kool Aid dispensing MSM's claims regarding the Palestinian problem -- which it has yet to retract.

Your phoney concern regarding "
we would never hear the end of it" has no meaning, because you put on your liberal, MSM blinders and ear plugs ages ago and you see and hear only what you want to see and hear. The story is not over, your just not listening. Mother Jones has put forth multiple lies and the liberal MSM repeated those lies, and Dims like you deny there ever were lies.