CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon can't see what or who he is since he had that Obatomy. He is fully Obatomized, and as he has said in other posts, it is ok to lie, or do anything in order for his side to win. So when he spouts venom and calls names, it is all done for the "greater good" of getting Obama re-elected at any cost.

Don't trouble him with facts, it will just bring more names and venom. Typical Obamaton.
joe bloe's Avatar
Gary Johnson. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Supporting Gary Johnson makes Don Quixote seem downright practical.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-12-2012, 08:57 AM
FastGoon can't see what or who he is since he had that Obatomy. He is fully Obatomized, and as he has said in other posts, it is ok to lie, or do anything in order for his side to win. So when he spouts venom and calls names, it is all done for the "greater good" of getting Obama re-elected at any cost.

Don't trouble him with facts, it will just bring more names and venom. Typical Obamaton. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
From a guy who considers legitimate news sources as being those which have no other intent but to make the President look bad.
rex111999's Avatar
[QUOTE=Fast Gunn;3046720][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]What? Me? Put you on full blast?

What? Me? The problem? You can't be serious!

This may come as a surprise to you, buddy, but I am the solution.

[I][COLOR=Red]When a solution does not agree with your own preconceived notions about how things should be than you label it as a problem.

For example, when this country invaded Iraq, it took me about 30 seconds to decide it was a terrible idea. However, many otherwise intelligent friends were convinced that it was a very good idea.

To this day, it still puzzles as to why some basic things are so patently obvious to me and yet totally impenetrable to others.

Sometimes, I feel like the only sane man left and the lunatics are running the asylum and making the rules.

The preponderance of economic problems that we face today came about when this country elected Bush.

. . . Finally, you should know that there is no venom in me whatsoever, but if I come on a little strong sometimes, it is only because there are some mighty thick heads out there and it takes force to penetrate.

I don't question your ideas, I even agree with some of them. I question the manner in which you have expressed them. I try to express myself with intellect not emotion. I don't always do it successfully. But when my emotions take over in an argument, I loose.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From a guy who considers legitimate news sources as being those which have no other intent but to make the President look bad. Originally Posted by Doove
The President doesn't need my help to look bad. The truth about him is sufficient.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-12-2012, 11:31 AM
The President doesn't need my help to look bad. The truth about him is sufficient. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And someone who thinks the only legitimate news sources are the ones whose stated goal is to make the President look good?

You are that someone.

So tell us again, how are you not part of the problem?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am not the problem. The President isn't bad because of what I post. The President is bad because he is bad. If he weren't bad, there would be nothing to post. I am simply pointing out the truth of what he is doing. You can't handle it, because you are mesmerized by his lofty language, that turns out more often than not to be nothing but lies.

The President is the problem, not me. You are also the problem because you fail to recognize that the President is, at least sometimes, less than perfect. You have Obama on such a pedestal, and worship him with so much vigor, you can't see that he is secretly screwing you from behind. You are the quintessential Obamaton.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Because intelligent people choose to honestly support President Obama for his work, does not mean there is "worship" involved regardless of how often you invoke the hyperbole.

You are in fact, part of the problem when you continue to magnify any little thing that does not suit your narrow mind and of course, there are many things that don't.

President Obama has done a heroic job for this country while fighting against great odds and he deserves our support.

The people who don't and who won't support him are those dyed-in-the-wool Republicans who want to continue the Bush tax cuts and get a larger share of the pie than they deserve while paying less and less taxes.

. . . Anyone who supports that mindset is part of the problem, but of course, they are so immersed in such group-think that they cannot see it.

I am not the problem. The President isn't bad because of what I post. The President is bad because he is bad. If he weren't bad, there would be nothing to post. I am simply pointing out the truth of what he is doing. You can't handle it, because you are mesmerized by his lofty language, that turns out more often than not to be nothing but lies.

The President is the problem, not me. You are also the problem because you fail to recognize that the President is, at least sometimes, less than perfect. You have Obama on such a pedestal, and worship him with so much vigor, you can't see that he is secretly screwing you from behind. You are the quintessential Obamaton. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Any "little" thing?
Like adding $5 trillion to the national debt?
Like lying about open debate on health care reform?
Like approving the indefinite detention of American citizens on American soil without benefit of counsel or judicial review?
Like providing arms to Mexican drug cartels?
Like bailing out his crony capitalist friends on Wall Street?
Like signing a more intrusive Patriot Act?
Like not ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan like he promised?
Like gutting welfare reform?
Like bailing out the auto unions at the expense of stockholders and bondholders? And non-union workers?
Like turning NASA into a Tony Robbins class for Muslims?
Like for having no budget since he took office?
Like exercising no leadership over the Fed?
Like extending the Bush tax cuts?
Like allowing for the civilian use of drones?
Like for failing to enforce border laws, and suing states that do so?
Like sending troops into Libya, Somalia, and other countries where we are not wanted?
Like slapping BP on the wrist, after forbidding clean up techniques that could have worked quicker and faster?
Like appointing judicial morons to the Supreme Court?

Yeah, I just pick on "every little thing," don't I?

You are a fool, FastGoon. A complete, total fool.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, guess what?

You are still the problem, old geezer!

. . . You are just typing more nonsense now.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No answer, eh, FastGoon? Just Obama worship. Tend your Obama Altar, it's time to sacrifice your freedom to it.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-12-2012, 05:19 PM
Any "little" thing?
Like adding $5 trillion to the national debt?
Like lying about open debate on health care reform?
Like approving the indefinite detention of American citizens on American soil without benefit of counsel or judicial review?
Like providing arms to Mexican drug cartels?
Like bailing out his crony capitalist friends on Wall Street?
Like signing a more intrusive Patriot Act?
Like not ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan like he promised?
Like gutting welfare reform?
Like bailing out the auto unions at the expense of stockholders and bondholders? And non-union workers?
Like turning NASA into a Tony Robbins class for Muslims?
Like for having no budget since he took office?
Like exercising no leadership over the Fed?
Like extending the Bush tax cuts?
Like allowing for the civilian use of drones?
Like for failing to enforce border laws, and suing states that do so?
Like sending troops into Libya, Somalia, and other countries where we are not wanted?
Like slapping BP on the wrist, after forbidding clean up techniques that could have worked quicker and faster?
Like appointing judicial morons to the Supreme Court? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
All that and you couldn't find anything that makes him a socialist.

Follow the logic through to it's completion. You'll get it eventually.