Danielle Silver

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 03:18 PM
Suicide note

Hillary Clinton

Bitter old man

Barelycorn babble

Only funny comment was the golf

The rest were insults....are you taking notes Ms Silver!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Are you talking about your beliefs you use to insult or undermine his?
You never told us why you changed your screen name. I remember something about you losing your password or some such. Was it to bail on your past?
I have had WTF on ignore for years. I don't find him amusing, enlightening, or informative. I only know what he says if someone reflects it in their response. I would have probably RTM'd him already. I am a political conservative but I have no religion. That by itself flies in the face of what WTF says he believes. He is just WRONG. Not being a Christian, I don't care if he gets banned or goes to hell. The one big take away for everyone is that WTF can't express his beliefs without trying to undermine or insult someone else's. This marks him as a real lowlife.
I'm done on this topic. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
bambino's Avatar
Suicide note

Hillary Clinton

Bitter old man

Barelycorn babble

Only funny comment was the golf

The rest were insults....are you taking notes Ms Silver!

Ban the naysayers...THATS THE CHRISYIAN SPIRIT Originally Posted by WTF
When you put something in all caps, spell it correctly!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 04:02 PM
When you put something in all caps, spell it correctly! Originally Posted by bambino
Has Lusty gotten ahold of your computer?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 04:06 PM
Are you talking about your beliefs you use to insult or undermine his?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I'm 100% sure he will not get the irony...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 04:12 PM
[QUOTE=the_real_Barleycorn;1061 548617. I would have probably RTM'd him already. I am a political conservative but I have no religion. That by itself flies in the face of what WTF says he believes. He is just WRONG. Not being a Christian, I don't care if he gets banned or goes to hell. The one big take away for everyone is that WTF can't express his beliefs without trying to undermine or insult someone else's. This marks him as a real lowlife.
I'm done on this topic.[/QUOTE]

You would have RTM'd me ….yet in every post you call me 'American Taliban'.

So just wtf would you have RTM'd me for? Name Calling?

bambino's Avatar
Has Lusty gotten ahold of your computer?

Originally Posted by WTF
No. You can’t understand religion if you can’t spell it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 04:24 PM

No. You can’t understand religion if you can’t spell it. Originally Posted by bambino
Really....is that in your Bible or did you just pull that out your ass?


The rest were insults....are you taking notes Ms Silver!

Ban the naysayers...THATS THE CHRISYIAN SPIRIT Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, we've known this thread was a part eccie suicide thread/part troll bait thread from the beginning. I've broken no rules on it. Your phantom complaints are just making more work for the mods. And you know it. Sad.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 04:32 PM
Oh, we've known this thread was a part eccie suicide thread/part troll bait thread from the beginning. I've broken no rules on it. . Originally Posted by gnadfly
Which is it Nostradamus? Suicide or troll? Which is it Nostradamus? Either we all broke rules or none were broken.

. Your phantom complaints are just making more work for the mods. And you know it. Sad. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you a Mod?

The only people making work for our Mod are the folks pounding the RTM button.

You offered no such thing.

Condensation is far from respect.

I compared you to the men who never question authority.

Seems your thin skin is showing.

DS should point you for her waste of time. That would shut all this whining down.

"WTF spoke ill of Jesus!"

"WTF called me a murder!"

Holy shit son....did you not see the thread started on my ban about me being a Nazi....one who'd murdered Jews?

Your selective rage might fool our moderator but not me. Originally Posted by WTF
Condensation is actually water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it!

I think Danielle Silver is doing a good job.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 04:45 PM
Condensation is actually water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it!

. Originally Posted by friendly fred
But is it respected?

Why are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person?
Never mind - it's a meltdown.......bye,bye baby!

You would have RTM'd me ….yet in every post you call me 'American Taliban'.

So just wtf would you have RTM'd me for? Name Calling?

Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 05:01 PM
Why are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person?
Never mind - it's a meltdown.......bye,bye baby! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Actually Dear, my handle is WTF, not wtf.

Meltdown? I'm not the one banging the RTM over a God post...can you say the same?

Do you have anything else earth shattering to chime in on?