Obamacare FIXED! Take that you Teabaggers!

anyone against Ted Cruz is a racist anti-hispanic

there cant be any other reason Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I really don't like the guy, but I do like refried beans, lol.
first things first ... deficit/debt .. there's a difference

nonetheless, credit where credit is due ..

Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billion to avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.

Originally Posted by CJ7
I don't like plagiarism, but I do like pork chops.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-24-2013, 07:19 PM
I don't like plagiarism, but I do like pork chops. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
plagiarism, ? where ?? you didn't notice the live links ... of course not.
RedLeg505's Avatar
those links aren''t proposed spending... its actual spending legislation signed by Bush and passed before Obama took office. Originally Posted by CJ7
Psst.. CJ.. "spending legislation" and "passed before Obama took office.

Passed by WHOM, and who controlled the House which generates SPENDING bills from Jan 2007 until Jan 2009 when Obama took office? Was Bush a tool for signing the bills? Yeppers, but who wrote them and passed them?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IFFY would to know a joke if it was HIM!
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you read any of my post you will see I never bash or disrespect anyone just because I disagree with them. If provoked I will occasionally retaliate, if I think it is worth the trouble. Those such as I.B.H. are not worth the effort. I do align more with moderate Dems but like I have said before I don't believe in party lines. It impossible for half of America to agree on everything and the other half agree on the opposing side.
I support Obama on most issues Biden is odd at best. I would have been happy with McCain but not Palin. I liked Bush but not Cheney. I Think Marco Rubio would be a great President with Maybe McCain as VP or Huntsman. The only Republicans I have any axes to grind with are Tea party-ist and religious nuts.
I feel like you are judging me by the novice sparring I did with I.B. before I realized its much different here than Co-ed or the Locker room. I try to stay civil and to the point. Not really a grand stander like some are.
What do you mean by my theme? Originally Posted by slingblade

A previous post of yours, slingblade, better characterizes who you are and what you are all about.

I don't see how you feel I need to be set straight on anything. Remember I am just a "Dumb Democrat". Originally Posted by slingblade
A previous post of yours, slingblade, better characterizes who you are and what you are all about. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That was before I figured out that you have several names on here and troll around looking for sparring partners. Kinda like the Redneck welcome wagon. I indulged you before I realized that you really have no actual opinion beside starting shit is cheaper than seeing providers and apparently gets you off just the same.
Now that I am enlightened I no longer need your services, so have a good one pal. And thanks for the warm up I have found much better sparring partners. But keep an eye out for those newbies that haven't yet wised up to your agenda. Them Dems are multiplying like rabbits so be careful out there on the front lines.
I B Hankering's Avatar
That was before I figured out that you have several names on here and troll around looking for sparring partners. Kinda like the Redneck welcome wagon. I indulged you before I realized that you really have no actual opinion beside starting shit is cheaper than seeing providers and apparently gets you off just the same.
Now that I am enlightened I no longer need your services, so have a good one pal. And thanks for the warm up I have found much better sparring partners. But keep an eye out for those newbies that haven't yet wised up to your agenda. Them Dems are multiplying like rabbits so be careful out there on the front lines. Originally Posted by slingblade
Check again, slingblade, "them dim-retards" are also declining in popularity. BTW, slingblade, figured you out first, and all you really needed to say was:

Remember I am just a "Dumb Democrat". Originally Posted by slingblade
LexusLover's Avatar
....and troll around looking for sparring partners. .... Originally Posted by slingblade
Did you come on here on a "missionary" campaign to ... errrr............

..... "win the hearts and minds" of the conservatives and .....

.... "convert" those you readily identify as "teabaggers" or "TeaPartiers" ... or otherwise associated with the "Tea Party" ... into Obama Lovers?

Are you trying to convince those opposing ObaminableCare that ....

................ its "good for the country" ... and will "work"?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 09:40 AM
That was before I figured out that you have several names on here and troll around looking for sparring partners. Kinda like the Redneck welcome wagon. I indulged you before I realized that you really have no actual opinion beside starting shit is cheaper than seeing providers and apparently gets you off just the same.
Now that I am enlightened I no longer need your services, so have a good one pal. And thanks for the warm up I have found much better sparring partners. But keep an eye out for those newbies that haven't yet wised up to your agenda. Them Dems are multiplying like rabbits so be careful out there on the front lines. Originally Posted by slingblade

honestly, sling you don't need to afford LL too much attention either ..

the spaced ....... comments he types ........ are the simpletons way ....... of ......

adding drama.....

but you missed IB by a mile. That boy? too damn dumb to be a redneck
LexusLover's Avatar
honestly, sling you don't need to afford LL too much attention either ..

the spaced ....... comments he types ........ are the simpletons way ....... of ......

adding drama..... Originally Posted by CJ7
Actually sling I do that so C4 can follow along ....

............ it resembles more of a Big Chief tablet. .... you know?


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

______________________________ _

and those spaces are to allow his mind to catch up as he lip syncs the words!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 10:57 AM
Actually sling I do that so C4 can follow along ....

............ it resembles more of a Big Chief tablet. .... you know?


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

______________________________ _

and those spaces are to allow his mind to catch up as he lip syncs the words!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Sling, see what I mean?

drama AND wit .... Geezer must have hit the Geritol pretty hard this am ... he's on FIRE !!
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually sling I do that so C4 can follow along ....

............ it resembles more of a Big Chief tablet. .... you know?


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

______________________________ _

and those spaces are to allow his mind to catch up as he lip syncs the words!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Repeating it for him ... grade school works better with repetition.
Did you come on here on a "missionary" campaign to ... errrr............

..... "win the hearts and minds" of the conservatives and .....

.... "convert" those you readily identify as "teabaggers" or "TeaPartiers" ... or otherwise associated with the "Tea Party" ... into Obama Lovers?

Are you trying to convince those opposing ObaminableCare that ....

................ its "good for the country" ... and will "work"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I merely made a post with my opinion, without any name calling. Then I was admonished because I was lumped in with whomever you and I.B. are pissed at. Then after a brief conversation with you most would have seen as a truce between us you go off the deep end again. I am assuming you are either I.B. himself or at least his "companion" at this point.
So that being said I don't really feel like there is any reason to continue have a conversation with you. As for "Teapartiers" I do have an axe to grind with them not Republicans.
Why don't you answer one simple question. If the Teaparty is so great why did they kill the Republican party instead of go after the Democratic seats for themselves. They come across like they want to join forces with them and now they want to roll over the Republicans. I see an "Enemy Mine" scenario about to unfold as in the Reps and The Dems both want the Tea party gone.
Sling, see what I mean?

drama AND wit .... Geezer must have hit the Geritol pretty hard this am ... he's on FIRE !! Originally Posted by CJ7
Him and I.B. remind me of Doyle and Morris. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDKBJxRh_UU