Review:CG4U Redux Grade A++ For Style....LOL

All I know is CG4U is HOT!

And you can most likely get aids if u don't cover up.. Sound like you don't use cover... Originally Posted by asian_nuts
No idea where that shit came from! Just jumpin on the latest bandwagon? Nada q ver!

stfu .jpg
mwsatx's Avatar
Bravo!! Add me to the CF4U fan club.
Doglegg's Avatar
Met CG4U sometime back, a very good looking girl.

At the time she was just starting and had made a few posts that expounded upon her immaturity. No harm, no foul, everyone has had youthfulness to blame for many things.

It seems she has matured and has made a very reasonable accounting as to why shit happened, maybe not so much as an apology, but a reasoned response.

For the rest that made comments that she responded to, she can do that, it is her right and she obviously was willing to take on any and all negative feedback. Good on her.

There really isn't a good reason why I never joined her fan club and I still am not her standard bearer, but my estimation of her has risen a couple of points.

More of our female members would do well to develop this type of style when dealing with criticism.
lol oh please...LOL i forget!!! these are the ONLY HOOKERS in ALL of san santonio!!! and that this is the ONLY RESOURCE for hookers LOLOLOL oh please oh please dont put me on a dont see list!!! lol, you my old stinky man...are showing the rings in your .... by stating the obvious how you ass kissing old farts love to pile on a guy who simply stated a NCNS is self outing!!!and those who agree, its just a FREAKING NCNS no reason to hijack his tread!!! you my friend need to call your primary care dr and start the old person test...if you can remember where your phone is... and you really are impressed with yourself if you think providers on here wont see someone just because they exchange some remarks with a crusty old ass moron!!! NOT only has this started to become the waste land for the retired monthly social security checks, but most providers AND NEW providers are all over the place but here!!! so i thank you!!! for reminding me why it is that i leave this waste land for you and you walker to roam around freely!!! have at it old fart...
so i thank you!!! for reminding me why it is that i leave this waste land for you and you walker to roam around freely!!! have at it old fart... Originally Posted by lasvegas
You're welcome.
Doglegg's Avatar
lol oh please...LOL i forget!!! these are the ONLY HOOKERS in ALL of san santonio!!! and that this is the ONLY RESOURCE for hookers LOLOLOL oh please oh please dont put me on a dont see list!!! lol, you my old stinky man...are showing the rings in your .... by stating the obvious how you ass kissing old farts love to pile on a guy who simply stated a NCNS is self outing!!!and those who agree, its just a FREAKING NCNS no reason to hijack his tread!!! you my friend need to call your primary care dr and start the old person test...if you can remember where your phone is... and you really are impressed with yourself if you think providers on here wont see someone just because they exchange some remarks with a crusty old ass moron!!! NOT only has this started to become the waste land for the retired monthly social security checks, but most providers AND NEW providers are all over the place but here!!! so i thank you!!! for reminding me why it is that i leave this waste land for you and you walker to roam around freely!!! have at it old fart... Originally Posted by lasvegas
I don't know you, nor do I understand where you think you come from to comment about me or my age.

For 21 yrs I helped to ensure that everyone has a right to free speech, from CG4U to your little fuzz-nuts ass. And I still support free speech and am willing to sacrifice to ensure it continues.

As much as it torques my jaw you can say what you wish, just realize that if somebody were to beat the living shit out of you for being such a turdball, I would come immediately to your aid....just as fast as my walker would allow me to get there.

In your case a few hours, as my dementia would cause me to forget where I was off to in such a hurry without my dentures, colostomy bag, and popcorn. Cause I might just enjoy the show.
LOL later! lol
i think you have a turd in your depends... that might lighten your attitude!!! always always the liberal bitches who love to start the name calling and when someone punches back??? all the depends filled feelings are hurt... peg legg... pop open your ensure...get a clean depends on... and just call you neighbor at the home to gum your limp dick...its all good
oh and by the way you idiot...that response wasnt directed at you!!! hahahahaha you really do have dementia..LOL the other old fart replied...LOL you guys cant and shouldnt be left alone...LOL
asian_nuts's Avatar
Because the other gals read this stuff. If you're an asshole to someone like CG4U, they figure you'll probably be an asshole with them. The gals pick up on your opinion of escorts and attitude - which puts some people on the DNS list.

It's called Self Screening - and you're doing it right now. Originally Posted by OldYeller
Like I said you want to kiss ass so other providers think your there white knights ... Why don't you just put on a dress and be there bitch. Most providers wouldn't act like this they will let you know and do a reschedule
Mossman's Avatar
It seems some people have never experienced a disappointment in life, therefore, the response would be visceral and vituperative. CG4U shows herself to be human. I enjoy her post and find it amusing and stimulating. I fear in a war of wits her opponents might find themselves poorly armed at best. Before anyone cries WK, let me say the vagaries of retirement planning have ruled out a chance of me ever meeting her. Nonetheless, I applaud her for replying. A mature individual accepts what cannot be changed and moves on!
asian_nuts's Avatar
let me say the vagaries of retirement planning have ruled out a chance of me ever meeting her. Nonetheless, I applaud her for replying.

Lmfao she will meet you