You're paying for a fantasy nothing more nothing less.. Not to mention you're paying a whore its her job to make you feel as if you're the best thing since sliced bread..My kind of gal ...
Duh it's all fake if we really had feelings for you we wouldn't accept the money it takes to deal with you..
If you can't separate your feelings from reality that your just a walking atm then you're in for major dissapointment..
Exactly why I don't like long appointments because people can't accept the fact that I'm just there for you to get a nutt & that's it.. This is a job we do this to make a living & just think how many dicks were in her mouth before you got there.. How does dick taste ? Obviously you like it because you kept going back..
I'm a whore
I have what you need
Your a trick
You have what I need & it's not your dick..
If we didn't lie to you then you wouldn't keep coming back.. We tell you whatever we have to so that you feel like you're a million bucks.. Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl