August 1st catholics have to give up their religion.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Why did we ever stop bombing the Germans, the Japanese, or the Souix? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Stop bombing the Souix?

When did we start?
Did I miss something? Where in my postings was I defending the communists? All I said is that the right wing military dictatorships supported by the US government dealt with those that were not on board by assassinating them. Now if you want to talk about China, I see that in the interest of the profit factor, the US government is also turning a blind eye to the human rights violations the communist dictatorship continues to practice in that communist country. Reminds me of the '80s US administrations turning a blind eye to Saddam's atrocities in Irak.

China has not embraced capitalism, China is just seizing the opportunity that American corporations are handing them in a silver platter to become the next world economic and military power. The Chinese are very patient and have long term plans, whereas Americans are impatient and only think about the next quarter. Someday all the short term profits American corporations are reaping from selling their souls to China will come back to haunt them. It's a matter of time, however as an American citizen I wish it didn't happen that way, but as I have said before, that train has left the station.
IB - I also forgot to remind you, as I'm sure you know, that the civil war in Guatemala was started by the CIA sponsored "invasion" led by their puppet Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas in 1954 to overthrow the government of democratically elected Jacobo Arbenz. Why did they have to overthrow him? They claim he was a communist (at least that's the official story as told by the cover up). Why was he a communist? He was instituting a program to purchase (not seize) land that was not being utilized by their owners. The price the government was willing to pay was the value the owners reported to the government to pay property taxes (apparently in Guatemala you set the value of the property to pay taxes). Since the United Fruit Company owned large vasts of unutilized land, the government wanted to buy the land at the declared value. Allan Dulles, director of the CIA and a former member of the UFCO board, orchestrated the coup via operation PBSUCCESS to protect UFCO's land in Guatemala, as it had been significantly undervalued in order to cheat the Guatemalan government when paying property taxes. Apparently the UFCO had reported the value of the land at $3 per acre, when in reality it was valued at $75 per acre. Of course, they didn't like that and brought on the big guns with the CIA to make sure they defeated the communist Arbenz.

Again, US government resources being utilized in the name of combating communism to protect the assets of an American company. If the company hadn't been cheating to begin with, perhaps history would have taken a different turn and hundreds of thousands of innocent people would have not died. I'm sure that's how a lot of civil wars around the world have started, but at the time since Russia was enemy number 1, everything was blamed on communism.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Did I miss something? Where in my postings was I defending the communists? Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Yes. Evidently you did miss something when you interjected yourself into the argument. The posted work by the Gao Brothers is an indictment of Mao's atheistic-communist regime.

Furthermore, you quibble when you blame the CIA for the Civil War in Guatemala. Had Castro and the Soviet Union not been directly involved in fomenting and financing revolt as well as providing arms and materiel, the war would have been short-lived. Again, the communist rebels employed exactly the same tactics you are criticizing the government for using.
Yes. Evidently you did miss something when you interjected yourself into the argument. The posted work by the Gao Brothers is an indictment of Mao's atheistic-communist regime.

Furthermore, you quibble when you blame the CIA for the Civil War in Guatemala. Had Castro and the Soviet Union not been directly involved in fomenting and financing revolt as well as providing arms and materiel, the war would have been short-lived. Again, the communist rebels employed exactly the same tactics you are criticizing the government for using.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Very true that if Castro and the Soviet Union would not have financed the leftist guerrillas, the war would have been a lot shorter. My point is the catalyst was the CIAs operation.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Very true that if Castro and the Soviet Union would not have financed the leftist guerrillas, the war would have been a lot shorter. My point is the catalyst was the CIAs operation. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
The Guatemalan "government" overthrown by coups d’état with the help of the CIA in 1954 was a Soviet-backed, leftist government which emerged after a coups d’état in 1944. Had there been no Soviet backed left-wing coups d’état in 1944, there would have been no CIA sponsored coups d’état in 1954. It was one of many proxy wars fought by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The communist rebels used the same terrorist tactics employed by the CIA backed regimes.
The Guatemalan "government" overthrown by coups d’état with the help of the CIA in 1954 was a Soviet-backed, leftist government which emerged after a coups d’état in 1944. Had there been no Soviet backed left-wing coups d’état in 1944, there would have been no CIA sponsored coups d’état in 1954. It was one of many proxy wars fought by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The communist rebels used the same terrorist tactics employed by the CIA backed regimes.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sure IB, if you say so.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sure IB, if you say so. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Here's a tid-bit:
"The collapse of international communism, embodied by the USSR, led to the swift end of civil wars in El Salvador, Guatemala, as well as the electoral defeat of the Sandinistas in 1990."