Social Security costs 47 billion more than it takes in

Guest123018-4's Avatar
There is no surprise in his statements.
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  • 12-30-2012, 06:58 PM
There is no surprise in his statements. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
There should be no suprise in the truth.
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  • 12-30-2012, 08:26 PM
More distraction and deception by WBC. The impending implosion of SS and MCr have been known for decades.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes and it was fixed in 1986. Remember? That is WTF happens with those programs, people live longer, you make adjustments. It needs to be done again. Nothing strange about that.

The increase in Defense Spending has just hastened it. Probably not as much as the recent double dip recession though brought on by the housing and other bubbles.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
We have almost doubled Defense spending in the last decade. Recession come and go but holding the line on Defense spending never happens. Short term, you may be right. Long term, I know I'm correct.


WBC: "Fuc Grandma." They paid the correct amount and you won't find a credible politician who won't say otherwise. Are they looking for you and me to make up the diff? Yep, you probably voted for the guy that wants us to head off to work every morning to keep up the Ponzi scheme. Like I said, you were going on a War spending rant then start with the homo slurs. Game, set, match.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
There were no homo slurs in my 'rant', unless only homo's can see them. You a homo? Check with COGay and see if he say one!


Here's a less tired target for your misplaced rage: The impending implosion of the Student Loan program. Heck, people are getting a huge tax deduction sending kids to college for a degree that's meaningless to most of them when they graduate to a bad economy. You are paying for this WBC!

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I've only been saying that for the last two years....glad to see you are finally paying attention.


WBC is hilarious. He insists Social Security is solvent then complains that Defense spending took the money. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Do you know why people keep lending to us? No of course you don't. I'll tell ya. , because of our assets. Do you know wtf all this new oil and gas means to this nation? People like you keep insisting that the nation is broke. Were that so, nobody would lend to us. We would be having to hyper inflate our way out of this mess but that is not happening. Why you might pose? Because of our huge wealth of assets among other factors which I posted about a week ago. While we do have a high debt, we have marketable assets that people in the world of high finance will probably exploit. But that is for another rant. Just rest assured we are not broke. We spend to much and don't tax enough but we are not broke.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So now you are for backing the full faith and credit of the United States Government with what we as a nation own, like our land and our resources, so that when they will no longer accept our cash because we print it faster than toilet paper is produced, they will be allowed to take our assets.
Typical Democrat commie socialist, like an addict, they will sell, trade or give anything for what they are addicted to.
  • Laz
  • 12-31-2012, 08:48 AM
What happens when all those assets have been sold and we do not have them anymore.
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  • 12-31-2012, 09:13 AM
So now you are for backing the full faith and credit of the United States Government with what we as a nation own, like our land and our resources. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Good Lord you sound like some naive 7th grader. That is how people/nations access credit risks.

That is not some rule I just made up, that is Business 101. Been that way throughout history.

Other nations look at us ( or we look at other nations) this way all the time.

You guys need to pull your head out of your ass. The country is not broke. We do spend to much and that needs to be looked at but we are also taxing at our lowest rate in decades.

But come on man, '' the full faith and credit of the United States Government'' is backed by our ability to pay it back.

I can give you examples of where government entities have already privatized public assets. . Google Chicago parking meters.
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  • 12-31-2012, 09:21 AM
What happens when all those assets have been sold and we do not have them anymore. Originally Posted by Laz
We do like the MiddleEast...we kick those countries out of our country. LOL

Why do you think our military is so active over there now...they kicked our oil companies out of there in the 60's and 70's.

If you do not want this to happen , tell Granny that there just might be a death panel at the end of her life. It is called fiscal reality. We can not continue to pay this huge cost of trying to extend an old person life by another six months. That is the bottom line reality. That is where the majority of cost to Medicare comes in. For what? another six months?

But nobody wants to talk about the bottom line. Old folks want to cut children healthcare coverage so that they can live another six months. Children do not vote. Poor people do not vote. That is who olf folks are trying to fuck over.

Follow the money.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That is a big part of the problem, we have been looking at our spending and not doing nearly enough about it.

Did you miss the downgrade of our credit rating? Would this indicate that there are those that feel our ability to pay back with dollars that have value is becoming much more of a risk?
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  • 12-31-2012, 06:12 PM
That is a big part of the problem, we have been looking at our spending and not doing nearly enough about it.

Did you miss the downgrade of our credit rating? Would this indicate that there are those that feel our ability to pay back with dollars that have value is becoming much more of a risk? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The problem is two fold.

People think we are not getting our spending in order and they think our taxes are to low but we might be to stupid to raise them. We will do both at some point in time. You can bet on that. If you can figure out just when, you can make allota money on that bet.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes our tax rate is too low when you have almost half of the people paying no federal income taxes.
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  • 01-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Yes our tax rate is too low when you have almost half of the people paying no federal income taxes. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
But But But, I thought low tax rates were good!

Funny how you right wingers think that tax rates are always to high on the rich and always to low on the poor!

IMHO, they needed to go up on everyone. Spending needed to be cut accross the board, including on Grandma and Cancer research.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have stated we needed to go over the cliff and let all of the deals expire and cut spending across the board including the military.
Bring our soldiers home, start charging cost plus 10 percent for security of other nations, cut out aid, stop paying unemployment, weed out those that claim disability but are in fact not disabled,cut all federal education spending and return it to the states so we cna stop the dumbing down of our citizens,eliminate government employee unions and fire4 as many of the lazy bastards as possible,stop susidizing programs that do not work and have never worked, and I could go on and on.

The answer isnt higher taxes with no real reduction in spending. Politicians will spend twice what the tax increase are.

Why in the hell is federal tax dollars funding surface trains in the city of Houston? What a waste of tax money. I could go on about other federally funded projects but you should get the point.

The idea to return to a federal government that is authorized by the constitution just seems to scare the left like sunlight to a vampire.

But back on point. It cannot be denied that the US government has used the funds in SS and replaced them with IOUs that are being repaid with freshly jprinted money that is worth less and less. the government can rig the numbers to make it appear that inflation is low but the reality of inflation is all around us. It cannot be denied that our credit rating has fallen. It cannot be denied that we are taking in less than is being paid out. It cannot be denied that the government inflating the currency steals from everyone's savings.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF! Was is so funny about the 47% not paying federal taxes? It is called skin in the game. Some of those people have paid throughout their lives and, like a really rich person, have a new revenue stream. Only a fool would not admit that there are millioins of people who have never paid income taxes on anything that they have "earned". The only thing they know is that one party is talking about giving them more or continuing to give them just enough and the other party is talking about them joining the rest of us. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A TAX RATE! It has to do with contributing and not taking unearned credit. So I don't know why you're laughing except that you don't understand the situation.
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  • 01-02-2013, 07:25 AM
WTF! Was is so funny about the 47% not paying federal taxes? It is called skin in the game. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Like I said, I thought taxes were bad. The less skin in the game the better. Right? Isn't that what you want? Low taxes good, No taxes better!

WTF! . Some of those people have paid throughout their lives and, like a really rich person, have a new revenue stream. Only a fool would not admit that there are millioins of people who have never paid income taxes on anything that they have "earned". The only thing they know is that one party is talking about giving them more or continuing to give them just enough and the other party is talking about them joining the rest of us. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A TAX RATE! It has to do with contributing and not taking unearned credit. So I don't know why you're laughing except that you don't understand the situation. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh I understand the situtation teach.

How about instead of raising their taxes we cut your government benifits. Your military retirement. Student loans to that college you teach at. I could go on and on....

But do not think for a second that I do not get it. We spend more than we tax. Simple. WE need to cut spending or tax more or a combo of both but everybody does not want cuts to their benifits(including you) and nobody want to pay higher taxes. You sir are the one that does not get it.

I have advocated for across the board tax hikes and spending cuts.