Almost anything will do

discreetgent's Avatar
SROnly, you are getting competition tonight

His only crime is poor writing. He may have grossed her out, but how is that "outing" her? Originally Posted by ANONONE
Really? Out of all the ladies present here he picked her, ... now if the words "young lady" would have been used in place of "Ansley" then the post would have been a total different content and could have been meant anyone, not singling out only Ansley.

Pretty sure the word "Outed" has many definitions besides what it means in the hobby.
SROnly, you are getting competition tonight Originally Posted by discreetgent
pyramider's Avatar
Funny?...It doesn't look yellow. Next time you might want to take a cloth. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Now I know what Ansley meant by wiping the pollen off.

I had a Volvo stationwagon as a car rental for a week. It accelerated well, but the handling was merely okay.
For Ansley

"Volvo Driving Soccer Mom"

Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na

You know I used to be a bad girl
I got busy in the bathroom at my high school prom
Yeah I used to be a dancer at the local strip club
But now I know my right wing from my wrong

Yeah, yeah

I really used to be a bad girl
I had a threesome with my sister and her boyfriend Tom
I know I used to be a real wild child
But now I am a Volvo-driving soccer mom

Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na

I really used to be a bad girl
I got busted for possession of my wizard-shaped bong
I used to love to do the things they tell me not to do
But now I'm different--now I sing a new song

I really used to be a bad girl
I got gang-banged in the bathroom at my high school prom
Yes, I used to be a real wild child
But now I am a Volvo-driving soccer mom

Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na

Where do all the porn stars go
When the lights go down?
I wonder where all the porn stars go
'Cause when you need one, they are never around

I think they moved out to the suburbs
And now they're blonde, bland, middle-class Republican wives
They all have blonde, bland, middle-class Republican children
Blonde, bland, middle-class Republican lives

Where do all the porn stars go
When the lights go down?
I think I know where all the porn stars go
They all become Volvo-driving soccer moms

Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na
Sydneyb's Avatar
Oh....knowing what a lady Ansley is (maybe naughty behind closed doors, but that's DEFINITELY where it stays with that little southern belle....I don't see this ending well.

Well Ans, you were bored with the board - how's that workin' for ya? ;-)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-08-2010, 10:44 PM

Well Ans, you were bored with the board - how's that workin' for ya? ;-) Originally Posted by Sydneyb
:laughin g1::laug hing1::l aughing1:

I say we have a beautiful beaver contest! Come on ladies, make your avatar useful. Any ties will go to the Braille runoff system. My eyesight is 20/30 but my tongue is 20/10
Sisyphus's Avatar
Well Ans, you were bored with the board - how's that workin' for ya? ;-) Originally Posted by Sydneyb
Just a little something from the "Careful What You Wish For!" file...
Rudyard K's Avatar
apologies as obviosly i offended you and such was my intentions. Originally Posted by petiteassman
If you had just stopped right there...that probably would have been best. You offended a gal, even though trying to be funny, stand up like a man and take your whipp'n.

But, you had to go on...

i must admit im a bit confused as with this being an adult forum that revolves around fantasy and you being an incredibly sexy woman who provides services to fufill that fantasys the fact that a normal man would have those thoughts about you seems pretty normal.i guess that while discussions of toilet training,s and m, b and d, cbt and the like are welcomed and applauded here just the thought of enjoying a tremendously sexy soccer mom must be out of bounds and perhaps deviant in nature. again i apologize for making you feel uncomfortable and hope the rest of your day is better. Originally Posted by petiteassman
So, effectively your apology doesn't mean jack. Whatever validity it had...just got lost...and you instead ridiculed her for being offended. Maybe you don't care...and that's cool with me...but you've got a pissed off Momma...and that never serves you well. If you're gonna piss one off...make it a good'n.
Sisyphus's Avatar
apologies as obviosly i offended you and such was my intentions. Originally Posted by petiteassman
Ok...I'll take the bait... Why would you say something like that on purpose? As best I can recall it was your initial introduction to our little gang of idiots.... one of the stranger debutant balls I've seen in my time here....

i must admit im a bit confused as with this being an adult forum that revolves around fantasy and you being an incredibly sexy woman who provides services to fufill that fantasys the fact that a normal man would have those thoughts about you seems pretty normal. Originally Posted by petiteassman
Here's a quarter... buy a clue! Just because it may be a "normal" fantasy (thought) doesn't mean saying it out loud to the object of the fantasy in public is normal as well. As has been previously pointed out... it's rude... and a bit creepy to boot.

Geezus, if every guy (ok, read... me!) who had a delicious fantasy about the fair Ansley posted it here every time he had it... the freakin' board would crash under the bandwidth weight!!!

i guess that while discussions of toilet training,s and m, b and d, cbt and the like are welcomed and applauded here just the thought of enjoying a tremendously sexy soccer mom must be out of bounds and perhaps deviant in nature. again i apologize for making you feel uncomfortable and hope the rest of your day is better. Originally Posted by petiteassman
Keep in mind... you're walking into the corner (martini) bar with a number of folks who have been knocking them back together for quite a while now. If you don't show your ass right out of the shoot you will be able to join in the reindeer games at some point. Patience, grasshopper...
atlcomedy's Avatar
Ok...I'll take the bait... Why would you say something like that on purpose? As best I can recall it was your initial introduction to our little gang of idiots.... one of the stranger debutant balls I've seen in my time here....

Here's a quarter... buy a clue! Just because it may be a "normal" fantasy (thought) doesn't mean saying it out loud to the object of the fantasy in public is normal as well. As has been previously pointed out... it's rude... and a bit creepy to boot.

Geezus, if every guy (ok, read... me!) who had a delicious fantasy about the fair Ansley posted it here every time he had it... the freakin' board would crash under the bandwidth weight!!!

Keep in mind... you're walking into the corner (martini) bar with a number of folks who have been knocking them back together for quite a while now. If you don't show your ass right out of the shoot you will be able to join in the reindeer games at some point. Patience, grasshopper... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Probably the best pragmatic explaination of the whole situation

...Not right or is what it is...
Sisyphus's Avatar
Probably the best pragmatic explaination of the whole situation

...Not right or is what it is... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
[Shrugs] My work here is never done....

I'm not passing judgement... well, okay... I am. But, FWIW, not doing so as my raison d'être for entering the fray. I'm not the ACME Judgement Company...

It just doesn't make any sense... on a lot of levels. If there's a logical explanation I'm overlooking, I'm all ears...
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Maybe most women would be very flattered with your post. For me it has made me feel extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed.

For the record I have no idea who this man is. Originally Posted by Ansley
He don't know you at all. I used don't on purpose.
Quite possibly I have one of the most twisted and open minds on this board. I will say that your post really shocked me. It was invasive to Ansley's privacy, and presented a side of her that she obviously does not have.

I found your post to be distasteful in the extreme, even though you predicated it by saying it was a fantasy.

There aren't many boundaries on this board, and there shouldn't be. But I think you just crossed one of them. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
my little fantasy crossed the border but this from a previous post of yours

This last week I spent a fair amount of time in airports.

I found myself looking at various women wondering if they participated in the hobby.

Some were easy. Gray-haired frumps were an automatic no. Even if they did at one time, they don't now.

However, girls from about 18 to late 40s were all possibilities. This is probably a stereotype, but some ladies looked more like they might be providers than others.

I saw one lady who was probably in her mid 30s, wore a provocative top, no wedding band, long blondish hair, jeans, and "fuck-me" 3" stilettos.

So, I guess the question is: when you people watch in public, do you try and imagine whether to not the person you are watching hobbies? And if so, do you try and strike up a conversation to see how far it will go? I've never been very successful in turning a chance meeting into a bedroom romp so I tend to stay away, and watch silently.
Everything stated herein is fantasy.
CT2005 "

that ok. the fact that i would fantasize about a woman who a] livliehood is derived from having sex with strangers [like you and i] for money b] post provacative stimulating arousing posts c] post nude/semi nude pics of herself [and great ones i might add] on the internet with the intention of arousing us to the point of paying her to have sex with her that is overboard across the line.. but to hang out in an airport checking out 18 - 50 year old women and fantasize about which ones might also screw guys for dollars to judge a womans fuckabillity based on the lenghts of her heels to because of your discomfort with approaching a woman on a normal basis choose to "stand away and watch silently" basically undressing her in your mind now thats ok. just so we do not forget this board is here, amongst other reasons so horny, cheating guys can spend their hard earned money to have sex with strangers, so said men can give their reviews as to how well these girls sucked, fucked, whether they would blow us with or without a condom and whether at said price or for additional funds they would let us enter them anally. the women amongst other reasons come on here to adverize that they will have sex with strangers [once verified] in exchange for money and tell us where when how much and what activities. everyone uses fake names and handles in the pursuit of a strange piece or to earn the untaxed quick buck. now along the way many friendships are made feelings are developed bonds are formed. providers and clients become frinds sometimes more posters become buddies or do business. great tips are passed along about non sex issues great advise and jokes are shared and alot of fun is had. all this is true but if we dont admit the real reason we are here we should be on a disney, espn or local chat forum.its about SEX and or thoughts and actions about it.Ansley is beautiful and through her posts and advertisments she does a great job of arousing guys [if she did not would a stranger fork over 650 dollars to have sex with her]. if creating the desired effect makes one uncomfortable one must wonder if one is in the right line of work. and if checking out strangers in an airport is more normal and accepted i think ill drive from now on.anyways i at least hope this thread helped Ansley get over that feeling that things have been a little slow and almost anything goes.
All true, but "decorum" is the point.