Ray Epps: The Hammer Falls Gently

VitaMan's Avatar
A fake photo, Salty ? Maybe you can recognize him as one of your buds.
Probably someone told him to do this, right Salty ? And he was helpless to resist.

VitaMan's Avatar
You think this is a fake photo, Salty ?
Maybe this guy was on a modeling assignment ?
Or maybe this is just part of the tour of the US Capital ?

VitaMan's Avatar
... The FBI was already onto Ray Epps BEFORE he "called them"...
The FBI knew Epps was there...
"Informant" Epps was doing exactly what he was supposed to do.

Which is why the FBI had NO PLANS to charge Epps with anything.
Until the public outrage at everyone else within a cm of
the Capitol grounds being charged.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

You completely made this up out of your salty mind.

Why not send in an application to Revolver News and get a job there, instead of posting the same UNPROVEN ridiculous conspiracy theories you post on here, day after day ? All supported by extreme right fake news producing biased sites.
You completely made this up out of your salty mind.

Why not send in an application to Revolver News and get a job there, instead of posting the same UNPROVEN ridiculous conspiracy theories you post on here, day after day ? All supported by extreme right fake news producing biased sites. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Is this your thread? ... Odd that I don't see
yer name there as OP... Can't you just address the
topics WITHOUT insults and bad ways??

... Besides, there are a number of other conservative sites
along-with Revolver... Breitbart, The Federalist, Newsmax
and even Fox-News sometimes - just to name a few.

... So, you're sayin' that what WE have all revealed
and what WE all believe concerning Mr. Epps there
is just "conspiracy theory"?? The videos (Mr. Epps on tape)
at the Capitol are somehow untrue?? ... Is THAT it?

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No sir, you don’t get to play the victim AND the mod in this thread, Salty.

If you considour others disagreeing with-your ad-nauseum, unsubstantiated statements and misinformation as insults, then you surely-need to toughen up.

You keep listing known extreme right wing blogs as your sources but haven’t yet-once posted a link to the storey you’re paraphrasing on this subject. Not once.

How do we know you’re not embellishing the embellishments?

No insults, mate, but what you BELIEVE is just that.

Epps is only different because your favorite fantasy sites say so. So basically you BELIEVE what THEY tell you. No discussion or debate needed.

... So Revolver News is a "fantasy site"?

They have actual videos of Ray Epps ON CAMERA encouraging people
to "Go in-to the Capitol" - not just on 6th Jan - but the day before.

Go look - and THEN you can dispute things... Just wander over there
and take a peek... or search for "Ray Epps Capitol videos"...

... See? ... Mr. Epps ON VIDEO aint fantasy - it's REALITY.

And OUR issue here is the soft "slap onto his wrist" from the FBI
that Epps got... While other who did much less surely faced
HEAVIER charges.

... It's really NOT hard to understand.

#### Salty
Michael8219's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what does this prove? Nobody disputes he was involved, hence the conviction.

Revolver is fantasyland, and y’all are riding Space Mountain nonstop.

After all the carnival food they feed you, how have you not lost your cookies yet

And of course, you amplify your misinformed take by totally ignoring the photos and questions posted by VM.
VitaMan's Avatar
There seem to be 3 reasons Salty and others here keep focusing on Ray Epps ad nauseam:

1) Ray Epps was working undercover for the FBI.
a complete fabrication with no PROOF at all....also Ray Epps was a leading member of a radical group supporting Trump
before the Jan 6 riot, which makes this conspiracy theory even more preposterous. The only ones who promote this are the radical right, that promote all the other conspiracy theories of the same theme.

2) Ray Epps was at the US Capitol on Jan 6 when the riot took place
He was.

3) sentencing received by Ray Epps very light compared to others who participated, as part of a deal with the FBI and DOJ

The reasons for the sentence received are mentioned in the sentencing memorandum. This has been provided in a new thread, so as not to receive complaints from Salty. Note: this thread is not his thread.

That is all there to this event with regard to Ray Epps. Regarding the 1000s of Trump supporters that rioted at the US Capitol, the pictures are better than words. It was a disgrace.
  • Tiny
  • 01-14-2024, 12:04 PM
There's an interview with Andreas Malm in the New York Times today. Malm wrote a book that was made into a movie, How to Blow up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World of Fire." He advocates terrorist actions to fight fossil fuels. He says he doesn't favor killing people, just destroying pipelines and the like, but in the interview effectively says if there are some deaths in the process it's justified. He also admits to participating in illegal acts but refuses to incriminate himself. I don't believe Malm has ever been charged with a crime related to environmental terrorism. And I don't believe he should be, given there's no evidence he committed a crime.

But contrast with Ray Epps. He randomly encouraged people to peacefully enter the Capitol. He also encouraged people not to harm police. And there's no evidence he did anything illegal beyond walking/running with a group of people onto the grounds of the Capitol. Yet people want the book thrown at him. Ironically the same people who, like him, are strong Trump supporters.

It's a strange world.

Precious_b's Avatar
You didn't answer how stupid Trump supporters would be to follow Ray Epps (if there was any conspiracy at all). They are all cattle, with no idea of right and wrong ?

No Ray Epps here:

Originally Posted by VitaMan
No Ray Epps here:

Originally Posted by VitaMan
Ray Epps leading this guy ?

Originally Posted by VitaMan
No Ray Epps here either:

Originally Posted by VitaMan
Pelosi can't refuse the National Guard. Trump didn't send them.
That Ray Epps must be a heckuva motivational speaker.

Trump supporters led by sheep to the slaughter......not a good look for them.
The Trump supporters are never able to strike the right tone. It is never their fault, and they don't take responsibility.
Just like Mr. Trump....it was his responsibility to send the National Guard.....and who does he shift responsibility to ?

Just caught up in the moment:

Originally Posted by VitaMan
No it isn't

And again......the Trump supporters fell under the pixie dust of Ray Epps, and couldn't help themselves ?
They have no minds of their own to determine right from wrong ? Could someone answer that ?
We'll wait.

The conspiracy theory that Ray Epps was working for the FBI or DOJ is total garbage.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
A fake photo, Salty ? Maybe you can recognize him as one of your buds.
Probably someone told him to do this, right Salty ? And he was helpless to resist.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
You think this is a fake photo, Salty ?
Maybe this guy was on a modeling assignment ?
Or maybe this is just part of the tour of the US Capital ?

Originally Posted by VitaMan

Well, I did say he was a gadfly there on 1/6. But for the life of me, I can't see him in any of those pictures. Can someone supply proof that all those people went by the gate where video shows Ray at and getting instructions from him?
Michael8219's Avatar
He was there. Period. Point is he deserved more than probation. Doesn’t get any simpler than that.
Precious_b's Avatar
He was there. Period. Point is he deserved more than probation. Doesn’t get any simpler than that. Originally Posted by Michael8219
On the grounds, yes.

As Tom Selleck said in An Innocent Man, "Good legal representation is a must."

Those that are whining about their sentence should ante up for better legal ponies.