TEXTING, PM'S, EMAIL.... are you fucking kidding me?

Still Looking's Avatar
Ignoring ones request is no way to do business. If said provider does not want to see (refuse business) the hobbyist then she has the right and should respond with I do not want to see you. The hobbyist should then move on. Calling her out that she does not want to see me is pointless, but ignoring one is bad business and could be called out for that.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Good point! Unless of course you just don't give a shit or your a cock blocking agency or your dance card is full regardless!
Good point! Unless of course you just don't give a shit or your a cock blocking agency or your dance card is full regardless! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Yep. I usually say it up front.
Still Looking's Avatar
Okay, so I just got the main idea of this thread and I need to add my .02:

When it comes to voice calls over my phone--I use google voice and it forwards to my regular cell phone so no big deal with calling from blocked, number is masked anyway. However, I do prefer initial contact to be text, PM or email SIMPLY because I do NOT sit around my apartment, hotel, wherever waiting to be called by someone trying to set an appointment. Like most human beings (what a shocker), I am typically out with friends, at dinner with family, or otherwise in a public area where I will be unable to talk freely, thus making any type of voice conversation futile. I do not speak in code, or any of that other nonsense.

I might disagree with you that most people are NOT "out with friends, at dinner with family"... most people when they work they are "WORKING"!

However, if you do the text, email, PM, whatever, and I have done my end of the screening to set up an appointment (which, depending on if I'm near a computer or not [can't access ECCIE from my cell network connection], should typically take about ten, fifteen minutes if I'm near a computer, or possibly an hour, two hours if I'm not [mostly to finish up what I'm doing and get home to the computer].) then the typical, when, what time, how long correspondences and then done. I usually request that you inform me when on your way and I'll disclose my exact location (address) but will not give room or apartment number until you do get here. If you meet at my private incall, I request that you meet me outside in the parking lot, for hotel, when you arrive, I give room number and meet you at the door.

Nothing unique here!

What I will not even dignify with ANY response (Please excuse any improper or "bad" TCB skills) is when I am asked to discuss rates or activities, which sometimes I will say "won't discuss" and then leave it at that. Any good hobbyist should know that most, if not all, providers do not or will not discuss that sort of thing. It is and should be listed in our ads, showcases and if we have it, P411 ads/listings as well.

Nothing unique here!

But I digress....what I would like to add, is that if you would like to have a voice call, after I have screened and we have at least exchanged a handful of correspondences, you can always request a quick (meaning, no more than 5 minutes) call to verify that it IS me, (I can even SKYPE!) and I would be more than happy to let you know if I'm where I can talk freely or give you a call when I can talk.

Great idea!

It has taken a couple months for me to develop my way of setting up appointments, but it is very comfortable for me, especially since it helps weed out the "bad eggs" of the hobbyists and keep my business running smoothly. It also helps ensure my safety as well.


Hope this at least adds some insight as to our end, though most of you who have been around a lot longer than I should know these things already. Originally Posted by Stefany
Not really sure what your saying here?!

Wow, sorry for the sarcasm and bad attitude at the beginning!!

Hummm... I had no idea you were being sarcastic and that you had a bad attitude... I thought you were offering insight? But ahhhh... thank you.

Also, I do want to let you guys know that most guys don't understand any bit of proper protocol when setting up an appointment so sifting through that is probably (well, no, it really is) the worst thing about handling business. Originally Posted by Stefany
Tire kickers, time wasters, phone jerk offs are all part of the business I afraid. There are many very nice, respectfully gentleman out there that don't want to be punished because a provider gets a bad attitude. That's really not fair is it?
Not really sure what your saying here?!

Tire kickers, time wasters, phone jerk offs are all part of the business I afraid. There are many very nice, respectfully gentleman out there that don't want to be punished because a provider gets a bad attitude. That's really not fair is it? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Okay, but how is it fair when you guys do it to us? Hmmm...double standards? To be honest, I don't care how "well established" you are on this site, if you are anything less than respectful, then how can you expect me to do the same? That is exactly why I'm independent. So that I don't have to put up with the same BS I had to deal with while working minimum wage.

I'm usually a very well-mannered, easy going, down-to-earth person, but I just can't and will not deal with anyone who can't respect me. And the business is what we each make of it. I can set my own rules as to how I run my business, and if someone doesn't like it, fine, move on to another provider.

I think that's it. Just back to the original post, though (since this is what I do when the same thing happens to me, only I never really let it get that far I usually cut to the point and ask if they would like to set an appointment. If they get snippy or say if they're paying for my time, they'd like to know what they're getting, etc, etc, I just say that I don't want to see them and move on.

And aside from all the other BS that came from being sightly de-railed. I totally agree with your main point: setting an appointment should be quick, painless and totally to the point. It's best and easier for both parties that way.
And to add to that, when I am out doing whatever, I'm NOT classifying that as working, but that I am still open to take appointments. That is why my availability is open, or mostly open. No set hours.

I, personally, do not have particular "set hours" that I take appointments.
Still Looking's Avatar
Most Sundays I am not working, but at the same time on days I am, should I literally be sitting here from 6 am until 3 am every day waiting on someone to contact me? That's just what you do isn't it? Wait for a call? Literally locked in an apartment with nothing to do? Why in the FUCK would you lock yourself up in an apartment? Aren't I allowed a lunch break? Girls got to eat! I mean, even prisoners get that. Ok they are locked up, but yes they do get to eat! This is my own business, I make my own rules. Good for you! as it should be! And typically, if I am out someplace where I cannot talk, I typically can make a quick run to the bathroom/outside/wherever. Good business practice! But you also need to understand that MOST guys who try and insist calling before anything else are just time wasters and get off on just talking about the stuff. I can only speak for myself and I don't do that. Not saying that all, but for the most part, most of them are. Just my experience so far. Talking for 30 mins = 30 mins of my time. Even if they didn't physically see me, I still see it [from a business perspective] the same thing. And it's a loss because most guys who want to "talk" never set an appointment. Interesting... REALLY? When I call I just want to make sure its YOU I'm dealing with and I want to know WHERE & WHEN. I really don't give a shit what you sign might be, or what you ate last night and who you were with or when you are getting together with your family. SIMPLE... WHERE & WHEN! Doesn't that seem fair? I always get the "I'll think about it and call you back" spiel that most throw at us.

Tire kickers are part of the business. So should you punish all hobbyist?

My preference of no calling stems from my first month and a half doing this. I lost a lot of other appointments that I could have had and made money with from NCNS on the other end of that.

So just think about it, just because YOU don't do these things that hurt us girls, doesn't mean it isn't a regular, frequent occurrence for us, which I guess means the bad eggs ruin it for the rest of you otherwise awesome gents. Originally Posted by Stefany
So a few ass holes screwed it up for the good guys? You know... I have met a lot of providers in my time. Most represent that the guys as a whole are a bunch of good guys. They bring gifts, they are gentleman and thoughtful. They respect the providers and appreciate them. That seems to be the rule. If it wasn't why would they keep doing this? I wonder why "YOU" have such a large percentage of time wasters?

Also, my availability is typically OPEN, which means nearly 24/7 (except most Sundays).

So 24 / 6 then... YES?

It should not be expected for me to be at home, just sitting and waiting for someone to contact me, and to expect that of me is unfair. Has anyone told this is what you should be doing?As a human being, understandable would be about 12-16 hours, whatever. But who will be taking my cat to the vet? Who can go to the store and groceries for me? Who is going to pay my bills, etc, etc? Just because I run my own business, does NOT mean I shouldn't be allowed to run my life and do the things I need to do just for the sake of this perfect idea of what "standard" TCB is, or should be.

Stefany as someone calling you for the first time to set up an appointment I really could give a flying rats ass about your cat. Exactly how much time do you spend buying groceries and can you talk to and from the grocery store? See that's just it "YOU" get to run your life and your business just the way you see fit. If it works for you by all means you go girl. If you have plenty of business then no one will argue with you... certainly not little old me!

Not to mention most of you guys aren't much better at it. SO just please stop with the double standards. (I also understand a lot of us girls aren't GREAT at it, either, but at least understand where some of it comes from. It's definitely a two-way street.) Originally Posted by Stefany
Where you "FAIL" is treating the good guys like the bad guys. "I" don't appreciate being threated poorly because of what others do. Each and ever client is a different person. Let's turn this around... I have experience about every scam out there EXCEPT being robbed. Should I treat every provider I meet like a lying thieving bitch? I thinck not! You might just want to reevaluate your line of thinking. Each new call could be an opportunity. You can certainly limit you time on the phone my staying you need to go. But you can be pleasant and certainly confirm your for real and set an appointment.... YES? If your system works for you.... I wish you nothing but the best!

Still Looking's Avatar
Dude,, you know the second you wrote this that your way of working only applies to about 10% maybe 20% of Providers out there, otherwise you would not be here posting this..

Many see this as game or fun rather than a Business.. to each is own and what they want out of it... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Sure seems like ALL BUSINESS 3 days before the 1st and 3 days after the 1st of each month! I'm not sure where your percentages come from other than speculation but it seems to me and talking to many a provider this business is a means to get from point A to point B. Many get very use to the CASH and stay on. Many leave as fast as they came! Some use it as an ATM. Whens the last time you heard a lady say I've been doing this 10, 15 or 20 years?
Still Looking's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^What he said...

Either it is a job being self employed or it is normally not successful but for a very short time. I was self-employed for most of my adult life. I retired early. Twice. Too early the first time and was extremely bored. Now I have enough time and money to do what I want to, when I want to.

The main point is: the harder and smarter you work, the more successful you will be. I have met some very smart business women and marketers in the hobby and some of the worst. Guess who is the most successful???

Please ladies, post the basic area of your incall. Be it the Domain area or South Congress and Lamar or wherever. Some of us live out of town and need this info to know what time to try to schedule our appointments. I am not going to try to schedule a 9 am appointment with someone who is in South Austin. I will schedule one for 10 or 11. When someone asks you a general area of your incall, before they ask you for an appointment time, THERE IS A VALID REASON...


G Originally Posted by Gentleman
Still Looking's Avatar
Okay, but how is it fair when you guys do it to us? Hmmm...double standards? To be honest, I don't care how "well established" you are on this site, if you are anything less than respectful, then how can you expect me to do the same? That is exactly why I'm independent. So that I don't have to put up with the same BS I had to deal with while working minimum wage.

Once again your lumping "ALL" hobbyist together. Is that really fair? You don't care? So now you identified the problem! You totally lost sight of who is paying who. The guys pay YOU, you provide a service. Good or bad... if its mostly bad you won't be around long. If it good you will do well. Are "YOU attacking me personally or are you make a general statement once again lumping "ALL HOBBYIST" as a group? I really can't tell!

I'm usually a very well-mannered, easy going, down-to-earth person, but I just can't and will not deal with anyone who can't respect me. And the business is what we each make of it. I can set my own rules as to how I run my business, and if someone doesn't like it, fine, move on to another provider.

Good point!

I think that's it. Just back to the original post, though (since this is what I do when the same thing happens to me, only I never really let it get that far I usually cut to the point and ask if they would like to set an appointment. If they get snippy or say if they're paying for my time, they'd like to know what they're getting, etc, etc, I just say that I don't want to see them and move on.

Your call, you go girl!

And aside from all the other BS that came from being sightly de-railed. I totally agree with your main point: setting an appointment should be quick, painless and totally to the point. It's best and easier for both parties that way. Originally Posted by Stefany
I totally agree with you! I thinck its pretty clear who got derailed here! Tell your cat I said "HELLO" Or do you thinck he or she might not care as well?

And to add to that, when I am out doing whatever, I'm NOT classifying that as working, but that I am still open to take appointments. That is why my availability is open, or mostly open. No set hours.

I, personally, do not have particular "set hours" that I take appointments. Originally Posted by Stefany
Once again its your business to run as you see fit. Same with your life. I wish you nothing but the very best!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Man with all this chit chat have you found a lady to pound one out with yet?

Just watching in amazement

Still Looking's Avatar
Now it's my turn STEFANY to ask a question. Do you have any idea why your last review was a NO REVIEW?


Still Looking's Avatar
Man with all this chit chat have you found a lady to pound one out with yet?

Just watching in amazement

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
I get LUCKY every now and then LOL
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I get LUCKY every now and then LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Bullshit, you don't get lucky, you make lucky

Still Looking's Avatar
Bullshit, you don't get lucky, you make lucky

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

Tatonka's Avatar
Sorry my friend, you are WRONG! If you had an appointment and it was NSNC you can in FACT write a review. It will stay up but you will NOT get premium access for it. But it will / should be attached to the providers handle. This has been discussed before and that was the discussion of the powers to be.

If local mods choose NOT to do this they should be directed to a higher power. Originally Posted by Still Looking
I do not believe that I am wrong, my good man, at least not how NCNS reviews are handled here in the Austin section.
You are correct about being able to write a review of a NCNS and them not being eligible for premium access.
But here in the Austin section such reviews are typically moved to the coed section, usually with a comment like this from one of the Austin mods:

Since no activities took place, this does not qualify as a review. Moving to Coed as per our custom.

I do not know if that is how they are handled in other city sections but in my experience that is how it goes here in the Austin section.

So if a ncns review is written here in the Austin review section it will very likely wind up in the coed section.
Members also should not write reviews of cancellations or general flakiness, those subjects are more suited for the coed section.
That was the intended gist of my original post.