Much rather be a stooge than a
cock-socket like AssPup, & UnderCunt Originally Posted by rioseco
You must've graduate top of your class. You'd rather be a stooge than a cock socket. That's some good shit right there. You got your wish; you're a stooge AND a cock socket.
rioseco's Avatar
You must've graduate top of your class. You'd rather be a stooge than a cock socket. That's some good shit right there. You got your wish; you're a stooge AND a cock socket. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

You can't have it all your way fuck face. You are thye dick-port, not me !
You can't have it all your way fuck face. You are thye dick-port, not me ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen. Did you even MAKE it out of high school?
rioseco's Avatar
Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen. Did you even MAKE it out of high school? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Why I didn't realize you cared. I am touched. And I thought you only cared about your own small world. The one filled with liberals,homos and muslims. That's so kind. Imagine a world wear everyone cared as much as you.
Have a super evening douche bag.
Why I didn't realize you cared. I am touched. And I thought you only cared about your own small world. The one filled with liberals,homos and muslims. That's so kind. Imagine a world wear everyone cared as much as you.
Have a super evening douche bag. Originally Posted by rioseco
It's 'where', but I get the gist. It's not your fault, it's easy to spot because the more education one has, the more one isn't able to be ruled by fear. Liberals, Homos and Muslims, as you put it, don't scare me. Something being different isn't a reason to fear it. You ARE a throwback though, I'll give you that. I might even bet you got a pointy hat in your closet... or know someone who did.
rioseco's Avatar
It's 'where', but I get the gist. It's not your fault, it's easy to spot because the more education one has, the more one isn't able to be ruled by fear. Liberals, Homos and Muslims, as you put it, don't scare me. Something being different isn't a reason to fear it. You ARE a throwback though, I'll give you that. I might even bet you got a pointy hat in your closet... or know someone who did. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Again, many thanks.
I am indeed touched to know you care.