Did the top lefty posters self immolate due to embarrassment?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Y'all ingnore the obvious for the sake of identity politics. The Mueller report did not exonerate 45 as claimed by 45 and his AG. If so please post an excerpt from the Mueller report stating that in this thread. The Mueller report did not uncover sufficient evidence to link 45 directly to the misconduct of his subordinates who are convicted felons and currently serving prison sentences. However, the Mueller report did not in anyway exonerate 45 as claimed by 45 and Barr. Hence, 45 has conned the nation and Barr has misled Congress and the nation about the context and substance of the report in direct opposition to communications between Barr and Mueller before the report was released according to Mueller. Next, the Mueller report does proffer almost 200 criminal offenses committed by members if 45's campaign and administration some of whom have been convicted and now serving prison sentences. Evidently, the Mueller nothing burger is made with a far right delicacy.....Crow. I challenge any and all to obtain a copy of the Mueller report and post in this thread the first paragraph of the Mueller report along with an excerpt of the imaginary portion that alledgely completely exonerates 45 of any wrongdoing. I'll wait! Originally Posted by Whisky_1
FYI, Barr's memo was a place-holder that was SUPPLANTED by the release of the actual Mueller report (save for two full-line redactions and seven partial line redactions) weeks ago.

Focusing on the the Barr memo or the lint in your belly button doesn't change the fact that the whole report has been released save for those minimal redactions.

Mueller's conclusion was that there was no collusion and that Mueller didn't have the evidence to bring a case of obstruction. It's delusional to think otherwise. Rosenstein added that if you cannot prove your delusions in court, then they are irrelevant. In this instance, "irrelevant delusions" is synonymous with "exoneration".

Get a copy of the Mueller report and read it. Then reconcille the Mueller report against claims made by 45 and Barr' statement and testimony. Still waiting for that excerpt from the Mueller report that aledgely exonerates 45. Like I said I'm not holding my breath. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Barr quoted Mueller's conclusions verbatim. It's a lie to say he didn't.
Get a copy of the Mueller report and read it. Then reconcille the Mueller report against claims made by 45 and Barr' statement and testimony. Still waiting for that excerpt from the Mueller report that aledgely exonerates 45. Like I said I'm not holding my breath. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
The rest of us aren't holding our breaths either. At the end of the day(and so far every day since the Mueller report), the result is still nothing from either Mueller, Barr, or Rosenstein that rise to charges being levied against the POTUS.

The flunkies in the House committees will continue to pander this or that regarding the report, but they have access to nearly the full report(very minimal redactions as mentioned), haven't read it, but scream bloody murder that Barr is obstructing them.

And when in our justice system did it become necessary to "exonerate" someone. Isn't the burden of proof to prove guilt. I know the those suffering rabid TDS already have Trump "proven" guilty in their heads, but sorry guys and gals the Mueller report didn't prove any guilt.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Get a copy of the Mueller report and read it. Then reconcille the Mueller report against claims made by 45 and Barr' statement and testimony. Still waiting for that excerpt from the Mueller report that aledgely exonerates 45. Like I said I'm not holding my breath. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

i read all of it i need to read. the page where criminal indictments are listed.

lustylad's Avatar
Were you wrong to say AG Barr claimed the Mueller report "exonerates" Trump? Yes or no. Originally Posted by lustylad
Lol! No... so No... Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Ok, if you were right then please post a quote from AG Barr where he claims the Mueller report "exonerates" Trump. That should be pretty simple, no?

On the other hand, what Barr did or did not say does not really matter since YOU, 45 or Barr are not capable of producing an excerpt from the Mueller report pronouncing 45's exoneration. Originally Posted by lustylad
I never claimed there was such an excerpt.

But YOU claimed Barr said the report "exonerates" Trump. Funny how I never heard Barr say that.

If you can't back up your claim with a quote from Barr, then you should have the decency to retract it.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Ok, if you were right then please post a quote from Barr where he claims the Mueller report "exonerates" Trump. That should be pretty simple, no?

I never claimed there was such an excerpt. But you claimed Barr said the report "exonerates" Trump. Funny how I never heard Barr say that. If you can't back up your claim with a quote from Barr, you should have the decency to retract it. Originally Posted by lustylad
More spin and diversion. Why can't you and those of your ilk post the excerpt from the Meuller report that allegedly exonerates 45. That should be pretty simple, no? Funny how I never read that in the Meuller report. 45 should have the decency to retract his claim...right? Don't hold your breath! Your faux outrage should be directed at 45 and Barr rather than me. Apparently, you have no idea how many lies 45 has told and never the decency to retract any of his thousands of lies of omission, half-truths and just plain outright lies. Why can't you and those of your ilk have the decency to admit that 45 was not exonerated by the Mueller report, that Russian intefered in our democratic processes and 45's business relationships with Russian Banks, Russian Business entities and Russian nations place national security at risk? Why can' you and those of your ilk admit this administration is potentially illigimate and treasonous? Why can't you and those of your ilk just admit 45 is a naraccistic, pathological lier who should resign for the good of the nation? I am still waiting for the excerpt from the Mueller report that exnorates 45. It does not have to be from YOU. Anybody can participate. Waiting but not holding my breath!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display:

Hillary took 145 million from Russia to get their hands on our uranium.
Bill got over half a million dollars for a 30 minute speech...from the Russians.
Hillary's son in law was doing business (or hoped to if she won) with the Russians.
Hillary paid money through GPS Fusion and Agent Steele to the Russians for a crappy file on Trump.

And you want to talk about Trump collusion?

By the way, in legalese they don't "exonerate" anyone. What they do say is that there is insufficient evidence to get a conviction. Now that can mean anything from no evidence to questionable evidence. By the way, collusion is not against the law so goes the question of evidence anyway.

Go seek professional help.
I B Hankering's Avatar
More spin and diversion. Why can't you and those of your ilk post the excerpt from the Meuller report that allegedly exonerates 45. That should be pretty simple, no? Funny how I never read that in the Meuller report. 45 should have the decency to retract his claim...right? Don't hold your breath! Your faux outrage should be directed at 45 and Barr rather than me. Apparently, you have no idea how many lies 45 has told and never the decency to retract any of his thousands of lies of omission, half-truths and just plain outright lies. Why can't you and those of your ilk have the decency to admit that 45 was not exonerated by the Mueller report, that Russian intefered in our democratic processes and 45's business relationships with Russian Banks, Russian Business entities and Russian nations place national security at risk? Why can' you and those of your ilk admit this administration is potentially illigimate and treasonous? Why can't you and those of your ilk just admit 45 is a naraccistic, pathological lier who should resign for the good of the nation? I am still waiting for the excerpt from the Mueller report that exnorates 45. It does not have to be from YOU. Anybody can participate. Waiting but not holding my breath! Originally Posted by Whisky_1
To justify your position, you need to cite where Mueller said he had the evidence to indict and prosecute.

No indictment! No conviction! No prosecution! No case at all!
  • oeb11
  • 05-11-2019, 03:25 PM
The rest of us aren't holding our breaths either. At the end of the day(and so far every day since the Mueller report), the result is still nothing from either Mueller, Barr, or Rosenstein that rise to charges being levied against the POTUS.

The flunkies in the House committees will continue to pander this or that regarding the report, but they have access to nearly the full report(very minimal redactions as mentioned), haven't read it, but scream bloody murder that Barr is obstructing them.

And when in our justice system did it become necessary to "exonerate" someone. Isn't the burden of proof to prove guilt. I know the those suffering rabid TDS already have Trump "proven" guilty in their heads, but sorry guys and gals the Mueller report didn't prove any guilt. Originally Posted by eccielover

To back up EL - the full un-redacted report is available to be read by the "Gang of eight", and Schiff and Nadler. he DPST's have refused to avail themselves of the opportunity to read the un-redacted report. They want to continue with their false narrative they already spent two years and millions of dollar on. And now the unremitting subpoenas for everything in Trump's life including every bowel movement he ever passed.
Nadler and Schiff are creating the Constitutional crisis - not Trump.

It will be interesting to see if trump prohibits Jr. from testifying in the republican led Senate committee.
Whisky_1's Avatar
The rest of us aren't holding our breaths either. At the end of the day(and so far every day since the Mueller report), the result is still nothing from either Mueller, Barr, or Rosenstein that rise to charges being levied against the POTUS.

The flunkies in the House committees will continue to pander this or that regarding the report, but they have access to nearly the full report(very minimal redactions as mentioned), haven't read it, but scream bloody murder that Barr is obstructing them.

And when in our justice system did it become necessary to "exonerate" someone. Isn't the burden of proof to prove guilt. I know the those suffering rabid TDS already have Trump "proven" guilty in their heads, but sorry guys and gals the Mueller report didn't prove any guilt. Originally Posted by eccielover
The Meuller report was intended to find facts and obtain indictments accordingly. That has been done sucessfully. A finding of guilt or innocence is for the courts to decide not Mueller or Barr. However, Barr is a gatekeer on the road to prosecuting Trump. Barr's aligience is sworn to the US Constitution and not to serve as 45's personal lawyer protecting 45 from due process. Only 45 knows why he would claim the Mueller report exonerated him. His words not mine. True, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty to an appropriate legal standard. However, several members of 45's campaign and administration have already been convicted as a result of the Mueller investigation and they were convicted long before Mueller's report was released. Does the high personnel turnover rate and number of convictions received by members of 45's campaign and administration not raise some red flags? Some of the individuals indicted and/or convicted are now serving prison sentences. My question is why are y'all not outraged by Russian interference in America's democratic processes? Why are you not outraged by 45's trajectory of failed business ventures and financial ties to Russian that hint of fraud and money laundering? Why are y'all dismissing and normalizing the misconduct of this administration? Identity politics and cognative dissonance maybe?
Whisky_1's Avatar
The rest of us aren't holding our breaths either. At the end of the day(and so far every day since the Mueller report), the result is still nothing from either Mueller, Barr, or Rosenstein that rise to charges being levied against the POTUS.

The flunkies in the House committees will continue to pander this or that regarding the report, but they have access to nearly the full report(very minimal redactions as mentioned), haven't read it, but scream bloody murder that Barr is obstructing them.

And when in our justice system did it become necessary to "exonerate" someone. Isn't the burden of proof to prove guilt. I know the those suffering rabid TDS already have Trump "proven" guilty in their heads, but sorry guys and gals the Mueller report didn't prove any guilt. Originally Posted by eccielover
The Meuller report was intended to find facts and obtain indictments accordingly. That has been done sucessfully. A finding of guilt or innocence is for the courts to decide not Mueller or Barr. However, Barr is a gatekeer on the road to prosecuting Trump. Barr's aligience is sworn to the US Constitution and not to serve as 45's personal lawyer protecting 45 from due process. Only 45 knows why he would claim the Mueller report exonerated him. His words not mine. True, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty to an appropriate legal standard. However, several members of 45's campaign and administration have already been convicted as a result of the Mueller investigation and they were convicted long before Mueller's report was released. Does the high personnel turnover rate and number of convictions received by members of 45's campaign and administration not raise some red flags? Some of the individuals indicted and/or convicted are now serving prison sentences. My question is why are y'all not outraged by Russian interference in America's democratic processes? Why are you not outraged by 45's trajectory of failed business ventures and financial ties to Russian that hint of fraud and money laundering? Why are y'all dismissing and normalizing the misconduct of this administration? Identity politics and cognative dissonance maybe?
lustylad's Avatar
More spin and diversion. Why can't you and those of your ilk post the excerpt from the Meuller (sic) report that allegedly exonerates 45... Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Let's re-read what I just posted. I'll even post it again for you:

I never claimed there was such an excerpt. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you want to continue going back and forth like this? Is it your goal to show everyone in the forum you are either deaf or stupid, or both?

Or are you trying to prove over and over what I posted after your initial rant in this thread:

STRAW MAN. Originally Posted by lustylad
Keep it up and you'll look nuttier than Roseanne Roseannadanna. And not nearly as funny.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Meuller report was intended to find facts and obtain indictments accordingly. That has been done sucessfully. A finding of guilt or innocence is for the courts to decide not Mueller or Barr. However, Barr is a gatekeer on the road to prosecuting Trump. Barr's aligience is sworn to the US Constitution and not to serve as 45's personal lawyer protecting 45 from due process. Only 45 knows why he would claim the Mueller report exonerated him. His words not mine. True, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty to an appropriate legal standard. However, several members of 45's campaign and administration have already been convicted as a result of the Mueller investigation and they were convicted long before Mueller's report was released. Does the high personnel turnover rate and number of convictions received by members of 45's campaign and administration not raise some red flags? Some of the individuals indicted and/or convicted are now serving prison sentences. My question is why are y'all not outraged by Russian interference in America's democratic processes? Why are you not outraged by 45's trajectory of failed business ventures and financial ties to Russian that hint of fraud and money laundering? Why are y'all dismissing and normalizing the misconduct of this administration? Identity politics and cognative dissonance maybe? Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You'd be the one suffering from cognitive dissonance.

You just stated that one is "innocent until proven guilty".

Mueller reported: No crime! No indictment! No prosecution! No conviction! No case at all! NOT GUILTY! Ergo, innocent!

You also stated you are somewhat aware that Mueller did prosecute those he found evidence of criminal activity on, but then you say it isn't Mueller's job to bring a case against Trump to court but rather it somehow suddenly became Barr's responsibility!?!?! You're suffering from serious cognitive dissonance.
Whisky_1's Avatar
You'd be the one suffering from cognitive dissonance.

You just stated that one is "innocent until proven guilty".

Mueller reported: No crime! No indictment! No prosecution! No conviction! No case at all! NOT GUILTY! Ergo, innocent!

You also stated you are somewhat aware that Mueller did prosecute those he found evidence of criminal activity on, but then you say it isn't Mueller's job to bring a case against Trump to court but rather it somehow suddenly became Barr's responsibility!?!?! You're suffering from serious cognitive dissonance.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lol! The fat lady is still singing. YOU and your colleagues are the one who ignore the indictments and convictions of members of 45 campaign and administration. It is public knowledge that members of 45 campaign and administration have been convicted and on their way to serving their prison sentences......all as a result of Mueller's Russia investigation. Evidently, you have not read Mueller's report and subsequently not able to post an excerpt from Mueller's report that exonerates 45's claim or Barr's misleading summary statement. You and your colleagues in this thread are attempting to hold me (a nobody on a hooker board) to a higher standard of personal conduct and accountability than the conflicted President of the United States and his ethically challenged administration. Just let that marinate sink in your brain for a minute. Why don't you and those of your ilk demand that 45 retract the thousand of lies he has publicily told about minorities, immigrants, Muslims, North Korea's ICBM status and the balance trade with China? Why don't you demand 45 retract his claim that the Mueller report exonerates him? Post the excerpt from Mueller's report that 45 and your colleagues claim exnorates 45. I am still waiting!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lol! The fat lady is still singing. YOU and your colleagues are the one who ignore the indictments and convictions of members of 45 campaign and administration. It is public knowledge that members of 45 campaign and administration have been convicted and on their way to serving their prison sentences......all as a result of Mueller's Russia investigation. Evidently, you have not read Mueller's report and subsequently not able to post an excerpt from Mueller's report that exonerates 45's claim or Barr's misleading summary statement. You and your colleagues in this thread are attempting to hold me (a nobody on a hooker board) to a higher standard of personal conduct and accountability than the conflicted President of the United States and his ethically challenged administration. Just let that marinate sink in your brain for a minute. Why don't you and those of your ilk demand that 45 retract the thousand of lies he has publicily told about minorities, immigrants, Muslims, North Korea's ICBM status and the balance trade with China? Why don't you demand 45 retract his claim that the Mueller report exonerates him? Post the excerpt from Mueller's report that 45 and your colleagues claim exnorates 45. I am still waiting! Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You already pointed out that in the American jurisprudence system a person is innocent until proven guilty, and you cannot even cite where Trump was charged with a crime that he needs to be exonerated from.