Topic: How likely are you to respond to a faceless provider ad?

  • Sami
  • 07-17-2010, 11:08 AM
I don't show my face or tatoos. To much info for LE to identify me as well as noisy civie neighbors. I work hard to keep low profile for me and my gentleman if the guys want to know about my face I have no problem sending pic after screened but I would like one in return as well.Fair is Fair .And if they do there research my reviews speak of my face.
So far this year, my best experiences have been with ladies who hide or obscure their faces on P411: Gianna, Diana Austin, Nina Moretti, and Angelina Adams. My least satisifying experience was with a lady who had a full facial shot on her P411 advertisement (name withheld). The photo was correct, but I didn't care for her approach to the business.

In the past ('01-'07), all of the few rip-offs that I encoutered were with providers with full facial shots on Eros.
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  • CDL1
  • 07-17-2010, 06:52 PM
I don't see a provider without a face pic. This issue came up in an Austin thread and there is a strong majority of providers there that do not show their face pics.

When I went to Austin. Went to a club called Sugar's and got to meet some really nice dancers and had a great time. Did not see a provider.

The providers kept their face pics and I kept my money {Sugar's got it all!!!!!!!!!!}
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lol.....yeah i guess almost a decade of stellar reviews don't mean anything if the great SteveSanderson can't get a look at your face. what a schmuck Originally Posted by milfsneeded420
If you can't even show ANY body pix, then you're REALLY hiding something. And if you must send your White Knights to resort to name calling...
  • Coach
  • 07-17-2010, 09:44 PM
I don't mind if the face isn't shown. But I want to see at least a pic of the body or tits.
So, not to sound all holier than though by going back this route, but isn't a good thing we all have different philosophies on how to choose? In my late teens early 20s, I was best friends, like really truly best friends with this dude we'll call Von. For his 18th birthday, I got him the coolest present one guy can get another. I got him the cbj on hh special. we got along so well for so long. I truly believe it had something (if not a lot) to do with our taste in women. While we could see why someone else my be attracted to the girls each other would date, we never really liked the same girl, even at SCs.

so what I'm saying is, some of you don't assign as much importance to the face as the rest of us. not saying you don't care at all, just not to the level my group does. just like some guys prefer to finish with a facial, and I am someone disappointed in anything short of swallowing the whole damn thing.

as far as privacy concerns, I believe the subject was introduced merely to argue for reasons NOT to show one's face. look, I would never dream to tell a provider how to run their business. if privacy is enough of a concern, then no one can stop you from doing what makes you feel safer. same argument goes for covered or uncovered knob jobs. If I was the lady out there offering blowies... I'd require a jimmy hat. yet as the receiver, I always shoot for bbbj because having one takes away from the sensation for me. didn't use to, but that's besides the point.

my post was merely to see where people stood on the topic. I look at trends like the car dealership that sells for lower front end profit tends to do better than stores that try to steal $5,000 off you up front. so, I could only venture to guess, but my instincts are telling me that the providers pulling in more income have a faceshot on here or BP or both. if a provider makes enough doing business as they currently are, there would be no reason to infer from my post that I was suggesting to anyone to change the way they promote.

I would have to guess that both of our thoughts probably stemmed from a specific event or a series of events back to back to back. for instance, I responded to an ad in the back of a magazine. the face was hard to see. small ad, black & white, what are ya gonna do right? well, she was nice from a far but far from nice. she had obviously been doing, that thing we're not allowed to talk about on here, for many years. it wasn't just gross with the jacked up teeth, but it was heartbreaking because she had that look in her eyes that said please don't turn around and leave, how come nobody wants me. I made up something about feeling guilty cuz I had a gf. I gave her 80 (twice the asking price) wished her well, and left. well, about 3 hours later, she calls me to tell me she's getting pulled over and she's riding dirty. she hangs up, and about 5 minutes later someone calls from her phone. not sure if it was LE, but whoever it was sure did play the part well. I won't continue on with the never ending details, but needless to say, it made me very aware of the kind of provider I wanted to avoid like the plague. from my perspective, they tend to have a certain look. I know that's stereotyping and being judgmental, but hey it's my choice.
Sure, face pic is a plus, but my favorite provider, Bryleigh, does not post hers. Reviewers told me she was "model pretty" and they were right. Trust the right reviewers, and respect the young college girl who may want to work in this biz for only a few years, or less.
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