Bernie Sanders

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...As for the market. All good things must come to an end. There is little reason why the market has gone up like it has. Now reality is setting in... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Wait! What?!? The stock market can go both up and down? She-dang! Though I do agree that it is way overdue to correct. However, I strongly disagree as it should have gone way, way down a long time ago. That QE4Evah beeswax was and will be bad, bad news some day. Should have taken our licks and moved on back then.

Either way, the current stock market tumble is exactly what GEPOTUS Trump has been driving at for more than 3 years - China supply chain dependence. Well... more broadly, over dependence on external supply chains, especially ones concentrated into a single area. If you didn't understand that 3 years or more ago, now would be a good time to get a clue.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
FAKE AF news article quote aside; I wonder if it's not the economy is because the economy is not stupid these days?

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Time for a reality check. GDP down in 2019 and estimates for 2020 have it lower. Stock market down. Countries like Germany and the U.K. and Japan and Italy and China and Turkey are entering into, or currently in, recession, which will have major impacts to the U.S. economy. Tariffs hurting everyone yet Trump says they are helping our economy. Manufacturing in the U.S. is down. Very few positive signs right now.
Agent220's Avatar
2nd Amendment:

Bernie has called for background checks but did vote against the Brady Bill and doesn't believe in suing gun manufacturers for the sins of the user.

As far as white women, over 50% voted for Trump. Folks really voting against their own best interest as always.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Prohibit firearm possession by felons and the mentally ill.

Forbid firearm possession in sensitive places such as schools
and government buildings.

...States have been delegated the right to impose gun control laws as they see fit, and if people within the state disagree with the laws, they have to right to appeal to the court system to overturn the laws. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Frankly, I do not necessarily agree with the excluding felons piece en banc. Certainly violent felons and most positively, violent felons who've used guns in an imprudent manner should be barred. Possible exception being in time of war, where that is exactly whom you might want on your side. Juss say'n.

That mentally ill piece is a no-brainer (gheese I crack myself up sometimes). In fact, I would go so far as to say; most - if not all - mass shooting are done by mentally ill persons. Same for bombings. Banning guns in 'sensitive places' make them a gun free zone, aka killing field. Most mass shooting have occurred in gun free zones. Put the two together and wadda ya got...?? Do you really need to take off your shoes and socks to do that math?

As to states and laws and the redress thereof; therein lies the beauty of States. You can either fight it locally (politically) or live somewhere else. However, there is still the supremacy clause, wherein States still cannot violate the US Constitution. I think there are like 7 States, plus DC, that have various versions of 'scary looking rifle' bans and/or magazine bans. They tend to have these things in common:
  • Long term Demonicrat controlled government
  • Higher rate of gun crimes after the fact
  • Places I do not live
Ironically, if you factor out just the largest cities with long term Demonicrat controlled politics, the US ranks approximately 189th out of 193 countries for gun violence as a percentage of population. Weird. Huh? Weirder still, if you keep them in, the US ranks about 3rd out of 193 countries.

So to wrap it all up and tie a pretty bow on the simple fact that; Mentally ill people living in large cities that are Demonicrat controlled are really dragging the whole country down. So yeah, maybe it's a good thing some of us can't own tanks (except for Arnold Schwarzenegger?) or rocket launchers. But if all it were to take for me is a simple NICS background check to own them, sign me up!
Dev Null's Avatar
Ironically, if you factor out just the largest cities with long term Demonicrat controlled politics, the US ranks approximately 189th out of 193 countries for gun violence as a percentage of population. Weird. Huh? Weirder still, if you keep them in, the US ranks about 3rd out of 193 countries. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Wrong again (why am I not surprised).

"The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. If you remove Chicago, Detroit, Washington, St. Louis and New Orleans, the United States is then 189th out of 193 countries in the entire world."

Pants on Fire!

A viral meme shared on social media following the Parkland, Fla., shooting claimed the United States has the third-highest count of murders worldwide, a ranking that would drop dramatically if five major cities were excluded.

The image has been circulating since at least 2015.

Our count of the UN’s data placed the United States ninth in intentional homicides. We used the most up-to-date count for each country and territory, which included data anywhere from 2007 to 2015.

As the country with the third-highest population size, however, experts told us the number of people killed is not a very useful metric.

Controlling for population size, most criminologists use the per 100,000 metric. By that standard, we found the United States ranked 94th.

The cities cited in the meme accounted for 1,568 of 17,250, or 9.1 percent, of all homicides reported to the FBI in 2016, Tom Kovandzic, a criminologist at the University of Texas, Dallas, calculated for us. And without those cities, the homicide rate (per capita) would only decline by 7.73 percent, or from 5.34 to 4.93.

When we applied those reductions to the UN data, the United States barely budged in its international standing. It moved down four spots in per capita murders and stayed the same in total murders. That’s inconsequential compared with the 186-spot jump the meme concocted.

I repeat my assertion that Why Yes I Do posts are 99% bullshit. You can twist that into whatever you please, or you can actually research your bullshit claims before posting.

But you're obviously not concerned with posting honestly and truthfully. Most likely because of your tribe's love affair with dishonesty and deceit, although it might also be further proof that right-wing propaganda causes irreversible brain damage.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I repeat my assertion that Why Yes I Do posts are 99% bullshit. ... Originally Posted by Dev Null
At least it is one better than you BS, supported by even more BS. Learn to think for yourself.
Dev Null's Avatar
Learn to think for yourself. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Says the guy who parrots back misinformation from obviously preposterous memes on social media.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
DJIA futures down over 350 points. Remember how recently Trump supporters were bragging about the DJIA possibly breaking 30.000? Now it might break 26,000 -- in the wrong direction. I have said before -- when the market was going up, Trump took full credit for it. With the current slump, yesterday Trump blamed Sanders. So typical of him.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Wow, did I underestimate the market. Went crashing through 26,000 and sits at 25,776 after dropping another 1190 points today. Worst drop since 2008.

Most economists say a recession is highly unlikely. But Trump ain't happy.
Dev Null's Avatar
I won't check my 401k, I won't check my 401k ...
Almost time to buy.

Wow, did I underestimate the market. Went crashing through 26,000 and sits at 25,776 after dropping another 1190 points today. Worst drop since 2008.

Most economists say a recession is highly unlikely. But Trump ain't happy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Almost time to buy. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I assume you were smart enough to sell before the market dropped by almost 15%.
Thank you for your concern but I'm not worried.

I assume you were smart enough to sell before the market dropped by almost 15%. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Dev Null's Avatar
I assume you were smart enough to sell before the market dropped by almost 15%. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Nobody's smart enough to predict what the market is going to do. The smart time to buy is now, whenever now is. Then you go with no-load indexed funds and stick with it. If the market sags, you soldier on.

Anybody who tells you different is a huckster. If you listen to them, you're a gambler.

That's assuming that you have enough liquid assets and/or a steady enough income to invest.
Precious_b's Avatar
Wow, did I underestimate the market. Went crashing through 26,000 and sits at 25,776 after dropping another 1190 points today. Worst drop since 2008.

Most economists say a recession is highly unlikely. But Trump ain't happy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The Big Cheeto is so unhappy that I heard on the news he wants everything about this coronavirus to go through Pence because his peeps are running around like a bunch of chickens.

Wrong again (why am I not surprised).

"The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. If you remove Chicago, Detroit, Washington, St. Louis and New Orleans, the United States is then 189th out of 193 countries in the entire world."

Pants on Fire!
... Originally Posted by Dev Null
Ouch! As Seth Meyers would say, "YA BURNT!"

Almost time to buy. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
It's always time to buy.

Thank you for your concern but I'm not worried. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
He's not showing concern. He's voicing his amazement at your dunce market move.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Thank you for your concern but I'm not worried. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Neither am I. I moved my money out of the volatile part of the market years ago.