Former President Bush Convieniently Left Out Of NY Times Selma Photo

Just shows they are part of the same club. No substantive difference. Democrats, Republicans, just two sides of the same coin. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think you're onto something.
The two shots they compare aren't even the same shot..,
The two shots they compare aren't even the same shot.., Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Crop-Photography. to cut off or mask the unwanted parts of (a print or negative).
BigLouie's Avatar
IIFFOFRDB, let me ask you one thing. Do you think the two shots are the same with one being cropped? Yes or No. No insults, just a simple yes they are the same photo or no they are two different photos.
IIFFOFRDB, let me ask you one thing. Do you think the two shots are the same with one being cropped? Yes or No. No insults, just a simple yes they are the same photo or no they are two different photos. Originally Posted by BigLouie
If you look at the two photos, Obama is in a different position in each. They aren't the same photo.

And it seems this thread was just marching orders from on high. Time for Fox news to make it about anything but what its really about.
Crop-Photography. to cut off or mask the unwanted parts of (a print or negative). Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I know what a crop is. I was cropping photos when you were still sucking on your momma's titty.
I know what a crop is. I was cropping photos when you were still sucking on your momma's titty. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
OK, so you are lying AGAIN.
IIFFOFRDB, let me ask you one thing. Do you think the two shots are the same with one being cropped? Yes or No. No insults, just a simple yes they are the same photo or no they are two different photos. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Good on Shrub for showing up. I didn't see the NYT this week, out of pocket....but Shrub has always been goddamn smart about racial and immigration issues. He recognizes that the Hispanic vote is going to be critical in the coming years. And, that as long as crazy, racist "amnesty" whackjobs like Whirliar, JDidiot, and the rest of the clown posse's views fucks the GOP long-term.
Good on Shrub for showing up. I didn't see the NYT this week, out of pocket....but Shrub has always been goddamn smart about racial and immigration issues. He recognizes that the Hispanic vote is going to be critical in the coming years. And, that as long as crazy, racist "amnesty" whackjobs like Whirliar, JDidiot, and the rest of the clown posse's views fucks the GOP long-term. Originally Posted by timpage
Would you at least agree that amnesty, without doing anything about securing the Border, is a waste of time.

I know that there is no way we will round up millions of illegals and ship them back. Add to that many have kids that are US citizens, and what we are left with is at least getting all of them " legal".

But, if we don't do something about the Border, in 10 years we will be doing the exact same thing all over again.

By the way, it seems the Chinese are now on board with the concept of the "anchor baby"