Face to Face w/WW/FT...Satan

Slitlikr's Avatar
I wonder why wolf turd hasn't responded...
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Yeah...you were jumping on me for not Fing responding to you in your time.

I am very disturbed at the moment that I brought this person to my home. I don't believe this to be a life or death issue or I would have alerted the MODS and every other resource that I have.

I'm sorry-- but you tell people to PM you for info, then you get too caught up in arguing to answer PM's. My implication isn't that you cry wolf. My statement is that no, not everyone knows everything about Houston issues.

I had asked because I do travel there frequently.. and as a somewhat mouthy provider, that tends to draw in the dudes who want to cause problems.

Its cool-- I'll find out from someone else. Have a great day. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Grace, that's what you get for doing your own thinking & yeah...FU.

PS...I am retracting my observation that SC may have been a WW handle, because he obviously has AAAAAAAAAALOT of love out there which in no way could be for the person at my door earlier today.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
You're welcome. And as you stated, you juuuust may need to move your "incall location". (due to your paranoia (n) all).

PS. Private incall = (Sitting Duck)
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
You're welcome. And as you stated, you juuuust may need to move your "incall location". (due to your paranoia (n) all).

PS. Private incall = (Sitting Duck) Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Is that a threat? Cause it really seems like it is, and you know that I have always liked you.

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Is that a threat?

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
You're a mess.

Screen better.

Grace Preston's Avatar
Ok.. in your initial post you were concerned about needing to move. To me, that does imply a very serious security threat. You had time to argue with people that you feel are trolls... and then made the statement that "all the ladies already kenw anyhow". I didn't. Hence my post. Katie apparently didn't either.

Look-- I get I'm not a Houston regular.. but due to other things in my life, I'm likely to be spending a good chunk of the spring in Houston. So yeah-- I'm paying more attention to things here and trying to get a better "lay of the land", so to speak.

If I were to post a warning thread and ask people to PM me for info (I don't blame you for not posting openly, I wouldn't have either).. then you better believe that answering those PM's is more important than fighting with trolls (and we ALL know I enjoy a good tit for tat). Hell, cut and paste and I can PM a ton of people in quick fashion and get right back to the argument.
You're a genius, when's the last time I started a coed thread?

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Was it when you blabbed about Fancy and her ban reduction?
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Probably GS...why I don't post, screw it.

Yeah. ...this place is really a shit hole.

And Pete always promised "a fuckin ghost town".
You could have posted this in the hen's house
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
My alert is about WW, FT and everyone in Houston knows who that is. I believe he got past my screening. The person I met fits every description that I have ever been given about WW down to this tiniest detail including all the creepiness...ugh. It was my mistake. I am relocating soon so don't worry about my paranoia and just screen as you will.

Lexieinhouston's Avatar

Yes, but then who would you all have had to trash all evening.

PS, I always wondered if you were a Nubian Prince, ha ha.

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Is that a threat? Cause it really seems like it is, and you know that I have always liked you.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
No. You. Haven't. But, anywhooo.. (See infoshare 2013/2014).

As we both know, (the Industry), you've got to keep it moving. Despite our differences, I would never wish ill on you. We are all in this Industry for our own reasons.

Hon, you made your alert. I agree, more Providers will notice this here. However, you expose yourself to the (full in the blanks). Emotions run high (and Reverse Psychology) in this area.

Enjoy your Saturday evening
You're a genius, when's the last time I started a coed thread?

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Well as stupid as your dumbass post is, no one is surprised.
Why don't you fucking go back to not posting idiotic ThreADs?

You still haven't stated who showed up at your door... I'm assuming nobody.
Who the fuck would?

Yes, but then who would you all have had to trash all evening.

PS, I always wondered if you were a Nubian Prince, ha ha.

Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Heh I guess folks just want u to name this perp
I mean you have already accused WW of this crime, the damage has been done...so just tell us who showed up at your door

If it's really WW that handle is toasted and mods will look into it
Bear in mind, he's not the only Asian member putting providers lives in danger in Texas

Name the perp and save a provider or two from being raped or worse