Just venting

Now I lay me down to sleep,

The king-size bed is soft and deep..

I sleep right in the center groove

My human being can hardly move!

I've trapped her legs, she's tucked in tight

And here is where I pass the night

No one disturbs me or dares intrude

Till morning comes and "I want food!"

I sneak up slowly to begin

my nibbles on my human's chin.

She wakes up quickly,

I have sharp teeth-

I'm a puppy, don't you see?

For the morning's here

and it's time to play

I always seem to get my way.

So thank you Lord for giving me

This human person that I see.

The one who hugs and holds me tight

And shares her bed with me at night!
Poem For A New Puppy Owner
Don't smell crotches, don't eat plants.
Don't steal food or underpants.
Don't eat my socks, don't grab my hair.
Don't rip the stuffing from that chair!
Don't eat those peas! Don't touch that bush!Don't chew my shoes. What IS that mush?
Eat your cookies. Drink your drink,
Outta the toilet! Outta the sink!
Away from the cat box, it's for the cat!
And MUST you kiss me after that?
Yes, raising a puppy, is not for the lazy!
Though puppies are funny, they're also quite crazy.
But don't despair, though its toil and strife.
After three years, you'll get back your life!
So, let's go for "walkies", you can "do your thing"
And perhaps I'll get back my good diamond ring!
Nitwitboy's Avatar
How about a stalking poem TT.
A what?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Well, it'll just get you down
If you let life get to you
'Cause everybody's saying something
None of it's true
Well, I just don't care
When them times get hard
'Cause I got everything I need
Right out in my yard
I love my truck, she's right outside
I ain't got much love but I sure got a ride
It don't matter who lived
It don't matter who lied
I got my truck right by my side
You got Sally and you got Sue
And I got a Chevrolet
She takes me home after work
Don't ever miss a day
She don't care what I am
She don't care what I ain't
But she ain't no cheap pick-up
She just needs a couple coats of paint
She don't care if I don't work a lick
She'll start every time if the choke don't stick
I know that she will never doubt me
'Cause she never leaves home without me
I got my truck right by my side, yeah
I got my truck right by my side
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
What's with the puppy thing? Just wondering..
The desire...the need eats at my soul
I'm longing to fill a devastating hole
One that has left me afraid to love
Afraid to trust, lest one can prove
That I do have absolutely nothing to fear
I can be open, let you get near.

Why does life get so confused?
I look so confident, it's just a ruse.
I long for the connection, if just a touch
But I'm so afraid, it's just too much.
So I look in each face, hoping for this
Which will, for a while, give me some bliss
And help me forget about my inadequacy
Just make me feel loved, special, worthy.
That is one weird ass dude.
A gentle brush of his fingers,
Sending shivers down my spine.
In the love I see in his eyes,
Is a love that equals mine.

He greets me with a smile,
And leaves me with a kiss.
If he were to ever leave me,
I couldn't imagine what I'd miss.

Maybe it's his touch,
Or the way he makes me feel.
But whatever it is,
I'm head over heels.