
ramblinman69's Avatar
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
System of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control; also, the political movements aimed at putting that system into practice. Because “social control” may be interpreted in widely diverging ways, socialism ranges from statist to libertarian, from Marxist to liberal. The term was first used to describe the doctrines of Charles Fourier, Henri de Saint-Simon, and Robert Owen, who emphasized noncoercive communities of people working noncompetitively for the spiritual and physical well-being of all (see utopian socialism). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, seeing socialism as a transition state between capitalism and communism, appropriated what they found useful in socialist movements to develop their “scientific socialism.” In the 20th century, the Soviet Union was the principal model of strictly centralized socialism, while Sweden and Denmark were well-known for their noncommunist socialism. See also collectivism, communitarianism, social democracy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've told you before, CBJ7. It's not socialist, it's fascist.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 11:51 PM
I've told you before, CBJ7. It's not socialist, it's fascist. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
tell ramblin
ramblinman69's Avatar
Is that a good thing either way? Come on now
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 11:54 PM
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
System of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control; also, the political movements aimed at putting that system into practice. Because “social control” may be interpreted in widely diverging ways, socialism ranges from statist to libertarian, from Marxist to liberal. The term was first used to describe the doctrines of Charles Fourier, Henri de Saint-Simon, and Robert Owen, who emphasized noncoercive communities of people working noncompetitively for the spiritual and physical well-being of all (see utopian socialism). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, seeing socialism as a transition state between capitalism and communism, appropriated what they found useful in socialist movements to develop their “scientific socialism.” In the 20th century, the Soviet Union was the principal model of strictly centralized socialism, while Sweden and Denmark were well-known for their noncommunist socialism. See also collectivism, communitarianism, social democracy. Originally Posted by ramblinman69

I appreciate your effort, but like you say, you're posting on a hooker board, and a member of the socialist party said Obie was no socialist ... given your own comment, I'll go with the socialists opinion rather than a rightwing talking point
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 11:58 PM
Is that a good thing either way? Come on now Originally Posted by ramblinman69

both are talking points.
ramblinman69's Avatar
Oddly enough, I'm a registered Dem (don't hate peeps), I voted for Clinton for the first time in '92. Things have changed now and I don't hold you old fucks responsible, but your ideals have got to change in order for us to prosper, and this is not the way. That's all, just wake up please.

I appreciate your effort, but like you say, you're posting on a hooker board, and a member of the socialist party said Obie was no socialist ... given your own comment, I'll go with the socialists opinion rather than a rightwing talking point Originally Posted by CJ7
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  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2013, 12:08 AM
Oddly enough, I'm a registered Dem (don't hate peeps), I voted for Clinton for the first time in '92. Things have changed now and I don't hold you old fucks responsible, but your ideals have got to change in order for us to prosper, and this is not the way. That's all, just wake up please. Originally Posted by ramblinman69

I'm awake, shit like this keeps me awake wondering when some crazy sob kills the POTUS, regardless how much I dislike some of his legislation, or lack thereof

and you?
ramblinman69's Avatar
By definition, that's where we are headed sadly enough. Just so it's clear, Hillary will only continue this, despite them and the Obamas being total enemies despite their now friendly ways. I'm not saying the Reps are the solution by any means, but this...this whole deal is bullshit. I wish I could give you an answer to the solution CJ, I'm not here to hate and call names but just trying to figure out a logical solution.
ramblinman69's Avatar
You've met Assup (AKA "the dumb-fuck golem jackass"), he's real *popular* in this forum (and gay bath houses). See @

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ah, gotcha. Thx man, I was wondering what his deal was until I read like 5 of his posts.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2013, 12:33 AM
By definition, that's where we are headed sadly enough. Just so it's clear, Hillary will only continue this, despite them and the Obamas being total enemies despite their now friendly ways. I'm not saying the Reps are the solution by any means, but this...this whole deal is bullshit. I wish I could give you an answer to the solution CJ, I'm not here to hate and call names but just trying to figure out a logical solution. Originally Posted by ramblinman69
nor I... IMO logical solutions went down the tubes when skewed reports from partisan media sources took over political realm, and started viewer bending minds at their will for the sake of ratings ... until partisanship takes a back seat to passing legislation that serves the people this country is in deep shit ... I'm not a Dem btw.

but I am off to chocolate cake and ice cold milk land..

peace out.
ramblinman69's Avatar
nor I... IMO logical solutions went down the tubes when skewed reports from partisan media sources took over political realm, and started viewer bending minds at their will for the sake of ratings ... until partisanship takes a back seat to passing legislation that serves the people this country is in deep shit ... I'm not a Dem btw.

but I am off to chocolate cake and ice cold milk land..

peace out. Originally Posted by CJ7

Totally agree. Mainstream media has skewed everyone depending on what channel they watch. It's a Demolition Man ratings game now for the new electorates in the HR and Sen, and it's sad. Shit, I think some of us with logical minds besides the assup guy can make a case for running for these offices, can't do any worse!

Enjoy the cake dude!
NiceGuy53's Avatar
fox news ...


Originally Posted by CJ7

You need to take a closer look at the first 2 polls that are listed in your link. The Quinnipiac poll shows a generic Congressional ballot poll of 39% Republican and 39% Democrat. The same poll on Oct 1 was 34% Republican and 43% Democrat. That's a 9% gain for the Republican Congressional candidate. The Fox News poll shows that if the Congressional elections were held today the Republican Congressional candidate holds a 43% to 40% advantage. Three weeks ago the Democrats held a 45% to 37% advantage. That is a 11% shift in favor of the Republican candidate. I will post the link to both polls for you.

Watch out sucker, that boomerang is still headed straight for your stupid little head.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
I'm not a Dem btw.

. Originally Posted by CJ7
No, you are a self proclaimed "registered independent" in a state (Texas) that has open primaries.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2013, 08:25 AM
You need to take a closer look at the first 2 polls that are listed in your link. The Quinnipiac poll shows a generic Congressional ballot poll of 39% Republican and 39% Democrat. The same poll on Oct 1 was 34% Republican and 43% Democrat. That's a 9% gain for the Republican Congressional candidate. The Fox News poll shows that if the Congressional elections were held today the Republican Congressional candidate holds a 43% to 40% advantage. Three weeks ago the Democrats held a 45% to 37% advantage. That is a 11% shift in favor of the Republican candidate. I will post the link to both polls for you.

Watch out sucker, that boomerang is still headed straight for your stupid little head. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53


your link clearly states ..

What a difference a couple weeks makes. Republicans have a slim three-point advantage when Americans are asked about their vote preference for Congress in the latest Fox News poll. That’s an 11 percentage-point shift from last month when Democrats had an 8-point edge.

The poll finds “if the Congressional election were held today,” 43 percent of voters would back the Republican in their district and 40 percent the Democratic candidate

that was taken on the 13

in my link the Fox poll was taken on the 10th, and showed 21% favored the republicans.. from 21% to 43% in 3 days... think about it.

two things ... either Fox is full of Fox, or they're comparing certain districts to national polls and/or you're too dumb to notice or too dishonest to notice

oh wait..