Need Help Very Bad...Please Help if you can!

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-09-2011, 02:07 PM
+1 shyster

Ginger, I think you and some others who've posted in this thread don't seem to understand this is not the right place nor the right time to give (unsolicited) advice. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 01-09-2011, 02:37 PM
consider contacting an adoption agency in the dallas ft worth area.
They provide living expenses, and a little extra for you to make it through your pregnancy. PLUS....I'm confused as to why you think you can support a child....when you are begging for money now? Not to be insensitive...but babe...let's look at reality.
There are many wonderful families who are waiting to adopt that cannot naturally have children of their own. Think of the kid man! Give it a chance to have a wonderful life....and you can get yourself out of trouble!
Just a very sincere suggestion. I once knew a girl that followed this path....and she said it was the most rewarding experience of her life.

Good luck sweetie,
GingerB Originally Posted by GingerB

I don't know you or anything about your reputation. But you remind me of the idiots that run around and advocate forced sterilization for the 'good of everyone involved'. Who died and elected you to make decisions on what is best for someone other than yourself? While what you state about many wonderful families who would love to adopt is spot on, the thing you have not taken in to account is that Brianna is a capable and wonderful person in herself. To recommend she do ANYTHING with her child other than what SHE chooses to do is despicable.

Get a life OF YOUR OWN and mind your own business.

Warmest personal regards,
I think Ginger was offering good long-term advice. If Brianna is asking for help in an open forum, she is opening the floor for any assistance options.
Ginger, I am not begging for money.. I am just asking for Gents to visit me this weekend b4 I go to court. I am not asking for help with my pregnancy, I am asking for help towards my legal fund.. I can support my children and that is not what I am asking for..I am not willing to call a adoption agency to adopt my child for that is not what I am asking for.
I do take offense to that! This thread was started to see if gents would come see me this weekend and suppport what I am going thru, not for freebies.

consider contacting an adoption agency in the dallas ft worth area.
They provide living expenses, and a little extra for you to make it through your pregnancy. PLUS....I'm confused as to why you think you can support a child....when you are begging for money now? Not to be insensitive...but babe...let's look at reality.
There are many wonderful families who are waiting to adopt that cannot naturally have children of their own. Think of the kid man! Give it a chance to have a wonderful life....and you can get yourself out of trouble!
Just a very sincere suggestion. I once knew a girl that followed this path....and she said it was the most rewarding experience of her life.

Good luck sweetie,
GingerB Originally Posted by GingerB
Thanks to all who support what I am saying...Dont judge me unless you have met me. I am a very respectable provider in this community and do take offense when people who dont know me judge me.

Brianna, I support you and wish there was something I could do !!

love to you and your child...:-)

consider contacting an adoption agency in the dallas ft worth area.
They provide living expenses, and a little extra for you to make it through your pregnancy. PLUS....I'm confused as to why you think you can support a child....when you are begging for money now? Not to be insensitive...but babe...let's look at reality.
There are many wonderful families who are waiting to adopt that cannot naturally have children of their own. Think of the kid man! Give it a chance to have a wonderful life....and you can get yourself out of trouble!
Just a very sincere suggestion. I once knew a girl that followed this path....and she said it was the most rewarding experience of her life.

Good luck sweetie,
GingerB Originally Posted by GingerB
I am not pregnant, but I am a mother and I was offended as well, by this unsolicited advice. Raising children is a blessing and I am sure that everyone's parents did not always have it easy. So I am guessing that every time things get tough we should consider giving our children away? I think not! You do not know her life or her struggles so to ASSUME that she should adopt out her child because she needs extra work right now, is absurd and a tad bit self-righteous.

Side note: In case there are any misunderstandings, I wanted to say that I have the utmost respect for women who have chosen adoption when there is no other option.

Thanks to all who support what I am saying...Dont judge me unless you have met me. I am a very respectable provider in this community and do take offense when people who dont know me judge me.

Brianna Originally Posted by playtimewithbrianna

I will apologize for the people in the community who find it prudent to kick someone while they are down. Please keep your head up and I hope that you were able to get what you needed to stay out of trouble.


I'm not sure what exactly to think of this post.....
Sleepy363's Avatar
Ginger, I am not begging for money.. I am just asking for Gents to visit me this weekend b4 I go to court. Originally Posted by playtimewithbrianna
That would be called an advertisement. Those belong in the dallas/ft. worth/weekend ad sections. The co-ed section is not for asking men to come see them this weekend.

I hope you get everything worked out.
Brianna, have you considered asking family to help you out?
I am not pregnant, but I am a mother and I was offended as well, by this unsolicited advice. Raising children is a blessing and I am sure that everyone's parents did not always have it easy. So I am guessing that every time things get tough we should consider giving our children away? I think not! You do not know her life or her struggles so to ASSUME that she should adopt out her child because she needs extra work right now, is absurd and a tad bit self-righteous.


I will apologize for the people in the community who find it prudent to kick someone while they are down. Please keep your head up and I hope that you were able to get what you needed to stay out of trouble.

Reese Originally Posted by reese foster
+ 1 and Amen! Sometimes, the EASY choice would be to give up a child for adoption. The more difficult choice would be to see things through, and provide a good life for your children. No one said it would be easy.
I think Ginger was offering good long-term advice. If Brianna is asking for help in an open forum, she is opening the floor for any assistance options. Originally Posted by rn_sweetie
Except for the teeny tiny issue that it does nothing to address the problem presented.

If you had posted, for example, that England and France had declared war on you, and I replied that you should not have invaded Czechoslovakia, while good advice, is it really helpful? And if I went on to suggest that you not open a second front to the East, again, while good advice, how does that address the actual problem you presented?

Putting the baby up for adoption does nothing to help her financial situation *now*, nor the possibility that the she could be pregnant in jail.

Has anyone spoken to her to see how court went?
gntman's Avatar
Brianna, I wish the best for you. You are brave and a sweetie. The posts here prove one thing... that we are a community (the third letter in eccie, right?) and we all have different opinions. The point is we all care, whether our opinions are the same or not.

At the end of the day... we ALL get by with a little help from our friends. Pay it forward.
Guest021213's Avatar
Ok, I wasn't going to post on this thread but enough is enough!
Brianna is obviously feeling desperate right now and turned to what could be the people that she knows the best and asked for help.
So instead of certain people coming in here and blasting away at her which shows a total lack of any class at all , try to understand this is a person in need.
You may be in a bad situation your self some time with no where to turn.
I know that the way she worded her request may have sounded like she was asking for something for nothing.
Check her ads and other posts for the past week. She has made it very obvious she is willing to work for the money.
She has been offering specials and everything else she can think of to EARN the money.
If she had put this part in her request she made today you all would be calling it an ad and bitching at her about posting an ad in coeds.
I have met Brianna a couple times and she is a sweet lady and certainly doesn't deserve to be ripped apart because she made a request to those people she thinks she knows.
If you want to help her do so. If you don't thats understandable but you don't need to post on this thread and show how small a heart you have. Originally Posted by looiecypher
+1 Looie ... I haven't met Brianna, but I think we should do unto others as we want to be done unto us ...
Brianna, I hope you met your needs
Brianna, you seem like a very sweet girl. I simply was letting you know that there are other options for you at this point.
If you feel strongly about your position and comfortable that all will work out....then by all means....just say .... thanks but no thanks to my suggestion.
I see you've done that in your last post, and I respect your saying so.

We all have our own struggles and our own outlooks on life situations.
Respecting the opinions and thoughts of others is what creates and sustains harmony.

This thread is about Brianna trying to get herself out of a bad financial situation. If she does not have the $$ to pay her court costs (or what it may be)....then there is a tendency to believe she is having a rough time financially in general.

I don't know the facts....and I agree that this board is not the place to "inform everyone of ALL the facts".

RN Sweetie - thanks for pointing out....that -
Once again, I was offering a long term solution, which, if the stars align and it feels right....then adoption could be a very good thing (why is the word ADOPTION such a bad "omen")?

I was not being malicious nor did I have “self righteous” intentions.
Levels of maturity and understanding can vary from person to person.

Brianna, I do wish you the very best hun, and I hope you have some clients that will come through which will carry you over to the next step in your life.

Many Hugs,