HIV tests shown to be completely bogus

Six minutes into House of Numbers all I heard is there’s a debate about whether HIV exists. There is no debate about the resulting AIDS symptoms that kill people. Then it went to conspiracy. The bottom line is we know what behaviors cause the eventual AIDS. Unsafe sex, unsafe blood transfusions are primary vectors of the disease. I think movies, articles and discussions like this lull people into a false sense of security draw attention away from prevention. I’m cool if people want their conspiracies, but the bottom line is people always die from AIDS. It is irresponsible to try to paint the diseases as non-existent. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Further more people were dying from AIDS long before they even had these HIV drugs around. For the OP to imply that its the drugs and no real virus exists is irresponsible in my opinion.
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Further more people were dying from AIDS long before they even had these HIV drugs around. For the OP to imply that its the drugs and no real virus exists is irresponsible in my opinion. Originally Posted by Sensia
To be clear, I'm not implying anything - I'm only reporting facts.

First understand there are dozens of historically well-known physical conditions and diseases that are today lumped together and called AIDS. In the early 80's when the AIDS scare was promoted in the mainstream media, only gays on the west coast were afflicted.

The lifestyle of these gay men was responsible for their deteriorated physical status. They self-medicated daily with antibiotics, took meth and other drugs and alcohol daily, inhaled 'poppers', they were constantly recovering from venereal diseases, they had poor diets and nutrition, etc. These multiple, repeated and chronic exposures to immunological stressors contributed to their conditions. Their immune systems collapsed, disease became manifest and the condition was called AIDS (before that it was called other names too).

The HIV drugs to which you refer were a shelved cancer drug that had previously proved so toxic and deadly to human life that it was banned from use. Pharmaceutical agents allied themselves with the gay community and the media to the extent that they eventually caused enough public outcry and demand for a cure that the banned cancer drugs were approved for use in AIDS patients. These drugs killed and continue to kill hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Thus, you have 2 causes for deaths - the chemical/physical/biological/nutritional attack on the body - and later, the deadly antiretroviral drugs.
