Rounding The Corner

Jacuzzme's Avatar
He would not rely on people like Dr. Scott Atlas.
Yeah, since he’s only a professor at one of the most highly regarded universities in the world and has a resume 100 miles long. Definitely not a guy I’d take medical advice from. Only Faucci is qualified to say we should all wear face diapers, or we shouldn’t, or whatever his opinion is this week.
Sorry, can't help myself as a semi-trekkie:
Warp Speed is for Klingons and sci-fi. So, back to reality....
Dr. Atlas is not an immunologist.
Dr. Fauci is not a healthcare policy advisor.

I think we need both of them. I don't think this is binary.

We need both of them to work on a plan of action that is using sound, non-politicized medical advice, but does not cause government overreach and infringes on people's rights.

I don't think we need to burn the bill of rights to do this, and I don't think we need to throw "science" out the window.

People need to grow the fuck up and realize they don't have the right to tell people what to do, and they need to stop listening to all the medical misinformation the news is pushing or blocking.

When your wee-wee don't work, go see a dermatologist?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah, since he’s only a professor at one of the most highly regarded universities in the world and has a resume 100 miles long. Definitely not a guy I’d take medical advice from. Only Faucci is qualified to say we should all wear face diapers, or we shouldn’t, or whatever his opinion is this week. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I would not use my PCP for heart surgery or even advice on heart surgery. Dr. Atlas may have a resume 100 miles long but is he knowledgeable on infectious diseases, which he being asked to be? As far as I know, he is the ONLY person on Trump's task force who is a doctor. Fauci and Birx are no longer looked upon for their advice since their opinions differ from what Trump wants to hear and Dr.Atlas tells Trump what he wants to hear.

I have no problem with Dr. Atlas being a member of the Coronavirus Task Force but I do have a problem with him being the sole medical advisor on the team.
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2020, 04:42 PM
Nothing above matters - if Biden is elected he has made it clear he will shut down the entire country until the virus is eradicated.

Years of total enforced lockdown - even KumHoela will keep the lockdowns going to control America when she 25th amendments out the senile Biden.

the above debate - while well meaning - is irrelevant to the reality of the political situation

the DPST's will use the excuse to lock down and destroy the economy - to be 'rebuilt' in their preferred Marxist Stalinist economic model .
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2020, 04:45 PM
So Unique in response to your claims:

"Typhoid Fever - This is the disease that the "carrier" "typhoid Mary" resulted in court cases where in she ended up in isolation. It's variations of laws enacted since then and other court cases that have resulted in today's laws actively in use for the current Covid.

Only about 350 cases in US annually, not airborne, treatable by antibiotics since it is bacterial, largely effective vaccine available. FALSE

Tuberculosis (since ancient times), well know cases are Edgar Allen Poe and Eleanor Roosevelt.

Maybe 10,000 cases/yr in US for past few years. Treatable with drugs. Mainly controlled by contract tracing and isolation...sound familiar? FALSE

Scarlet fever
I've answered before, look it up. FALSE


About 2000 cases/yr in US almost all from foreign travelers. Controllable if mosquitoes controlled. Always wanted to find a case in my 40 yr career, never did. FALSE


This virus was essentially eradicated in the US until the anti-vacers stopped immunizing their kids. Maybe 2000 cases/yr now. FALSE


HIV bad. Once transmission understood,, initially controlled by contact tracing and barrier prevention. Blood borne, not air borne. In my opinion, if it had been air borne, the human race would have been decimated. Seem to be effective treatments available now.


There are two types, which I won't go into. Very well controlled by vaccine until the anti-vacers surfaced. Maybe 1500 cases in US in 2019. FALSE

Rabies (since ancient ages, in 2010 Indonesia had 130 people die)

Rabies is a BITCH if you get it. Few survivors. Controlled by vaccination (see a theme?) of domestic animals. Rabies vaccine for humans very effective, but if you don't get before or immediately after exposure, you're dead. I'll be generous and give a PARTIAL FALSE. Again, if rabies were airborne, we'd all be fucked.

Bottom line, science indeed has made great progress and will continue to do so. We'd be wise to anticipate and prepare for future threats from not just viruses but other pathogens. Mother nature can be a real bitch at times. Originally Posted by reddog1951

fine red puppy - please explain WHY u believe the statements are false - and provide medical references for your POV.

smallpox - basically accurate.

Show the medical science behind the rest of your DPST allegations! Quote the medical references.
Ever heard of 'teh' CDC??
No - I understand that.
Thank you - valued poster!
sportfisherman's Avatar
Surely you guys realize the OP was being sarcastic right ?

Rounding the Fucking Corner my Ass !

What a fucking Joke !!

It would be funny if it were not so horrific the number of cases coming.

The only question up for Debate is if "In the Rounding of this Corner" have we ;

1.Run into a Brickwall ? or

2.Driven off a fucking Cliff ?

Actually I am glad that One Term Donnie is out on the Stump delivering varying renditions of Rounding bends,Rounded the bend,Turned the corner,Turning the corner,etc...

Plus it's being covered on all major news outlets,Fox,CNN,MSNBC.

That's a great closing message on the Trump presidency.

People see that, while they also see that we have set Records for new Covid cases.

And the Daily Death Rate is supposed to Triple by January.

You think that might dampen Trump support on Tue in Swing States impacted by this Virus ?

I'm so grateful that Trump took the Virus back from the Doctors last April.

This has surely been the Trump Virus since then !!

This is going to be historically the Greatest Presidential Failure and Debacle "In the History of the World" !!

A Perfect Failure !! A Perfect Debacle !!
According to, as of today in the United States, there have been 9,311,946 total confirmed cases of coronavirus, and 235, 128 total deaths ..... AND MOST IMPORTANT, there are 6,17, 180 confirmed total recoveries ...... oh yes, there's that number that the Liberalturds always conveniently fail to mention ..... so I look at it this way, if someone is so stupid to assign all those deaths to Trump, then that person must also be brilliant enough to credit all those recoveries to Trump, too ..... one thing is certain however ..... if Biden wins this election then on January 20, 2021 this officially becomes "Biden's virus", let's see how the numbers respond once he's in charge ..... it is almost certain this pandemic will be much worse when he's in charge, and worldometers will provide the facts .....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing above matters - if Biden is elected he has made it clear he will shut down the entire country until the virus is eradicated.

Years of total enforced lockdown - even KumHoela will keep the lockdowns going to control America when she 25th amendments out the senile Biden.

the above debate - while well meaning - is irrelevant to the reality of the political situation

the DPST's will use the excuse to lock down and destroy the economy - to be 'rebuilt' in their preferred Marxist Stalinist economic model . Originally Posted by oeb11
Dear DOTY --


Or just more "cogent and constructive" comments?

Come on, cite the science behind your Russian-directed campaign of disinformation and DOTYery! Come on, man!

adav8s28's Avatar
According to the CDC's latest best guess, the infection fatality rate is 0.65% and survival rate is 99.35%. And that indeed is a fur piece from 99.98%. As you know it depends a lot on age and pre-existing conditions. Originally Posted by Tiny
So, to reach Herd immunity 70% of the USA population would have become infected.

# infected = .70 * 330,000,000 = 231,000,000

# deaths = .0065 * 231,000,000 = 1,501,500

This is the number that I had in your contest. The 1.5 million deaths is a heavy price to pay to reach herd immunity. There are some on here that would take their chances or are not concerned about death, as long as things are not shut down.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
it's an endless debate over freedom versus safety. Some would like to sacrifice their freedom for more safety, others would rather sacrifice their safety for more freedom. I don't think they'll ever be a consensus.

But did beetle bub get banned wtf?
So, to reach Herd immunity 70% of the USA population would have become infected.

# infected = .70 * 330,000,000 = 231,000,000

# deaths = .0065 * 231,000,000 = 1,501,500

This is the number that I had in your contest. The 1.5 million deaths is a heavy price to pay to reach herd immunity. There are some on here that would take their chances or are not concerned about death, as long as things are not shut down. Originally Posted by adav8s28
We may not have a choice. Not just "we" but the planet.
matchingmole's Avatar
Nothing above matters - if Biden is elected he has made it clear he will shut down the entire country until the virus is eradicated.

Years of total enforced lockdown - even KumHoela will keep the lockdowns going to control America when she 25th amendments out the senile Biden.

the above debate - while well meaning - is irrelevant to the reality of the political situation

the DPST's will use the excuse to lock down and destroy the economy - to be 'rebuilt' in their preferred Marxist Stalinist economic model . Originally Posted by oeb11

  • oeb11
  • 10-31-2020, 06:08 AM
of course - in the burrows - there is no economy - so moles, demons, and nuke chasers don't care!