Off the Clock

Naomi4u's Avatar
Originally Posted by SR Only
We need to get a room .

It is obvious that certain attitudes are never brought into a gents time, and that's all that matters. This is why I discourage blogs, because too many guys need to stay in fantasy land where all is perfect for this to work. That is the very reason I pulled mine. Originally Posted by London Rayne
There is nothing wrong with speaking your mind. I think too often the men expect us to be robots and not have opinions. I get that. They are paying for a fantasy. Heck I've invited a few of my clients to eccie and when they read my posts they're like "That's not the Naomi I know" LOL! What I have a big problem with is the Yes Mans in this industry. The ladies that don't speak their mind and let men walk all over them. Sure you're paying to see me and I'll f your brains out while telling you how wonderful you are but I'm still human.

No doubt she would Naomi. She might even get some of mine. With all my years in ATL, perhaps she already has! I have no problem with the blog or her personally, it is a great read no question. My only issue the pseudo alter-ego. The other blogger you refer to I have the utmost respect for as she writes it as her own person/provider. At least she is totally honest with everyone about WHO she is and a gentleman knows all that upfront, then he can make a more informed decision to see her or not. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Doove's Avatar
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  • 03-18-2011, 10:48 AM
It's quite annoying to have a rapport with people you really enjoy being with just to find out they expect you to be with them for free...all the time. That's not fair in any business. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I can only imagine. Which is why i would never be the one to propose OTC time, no matter how good of a rapport i seemed to have with someone. First, while part of me is fully willing to accept that any positive rapport is truly genuine, another part of me is also cynical enough to keep it in perspective. And secondly, i enjoy the former enough to not want to destroy it by putting someone in a position of needing to tell me to "go take a hike, ya doofus". And like London says, having that expectation is just not fair to the girl.

I wonder how many of the examples of girls accepting the offer of OTC time that come from the gents are simply a case of the girls not wanting to ruffle the feathers of a good repeat customer. Certainly not all, but i would bet some.

Chica (I love that name btw), I have found that 40% (If not more) of the ladies that are providers don't want to be providers. They hate providing and they do it just for the money. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks, Naomi, for saving me the trouble of needing to respond to Chica Chaser.

I bet you money that she'd still get lots of business as Alex. She's interesting and men love that.
And beyond that, i'm quite sure she's still very adept at selling the illusion of enjoying each and every which she would likely leave many clients feeling as if they're somehow different than the guys she admits to not enjoying. All part of Ego Boost 101.
We need to get a room . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
And what, talk politics? World Affairs? Hydro-dynamics?

Oh do what?!?! Oh boy!!!!!!
London Rayne's Avatar
I can only imagine. Which is why i would never be the one to propose OTC time, no matter how good of a rapport i seemed to have with someone. First, while part of me is fully willing to accept that any positive rapport is truly genuine, another part of me is also cynical enough to keep it in perspective. And secondly, i enjoy the former enough to not want to destroy it by putting someone in a position of needing to tell me to "go take a hike, ya doofus". And like London says, having that expectation is just not fair to the girl.

I wonder how many of the examples of girls accepting the offer of OTC time that come from the gents are simply a case of the girls not wanting to ruffle the feathers of a good repeat customer. Certainly not all, but i would bet some.

Thanks, Naomi, for saving me the trouble of needing to respond to Chica Chaser.

And beyond that, i'm quite sure she's still very adept at selling the illusion of enjoying each and every which she would likely leave many clients feeling as if they're somehow different than the guys she admits to not enjoying. All part of Ego Boost 101. Originally Posted by Doove

Well said. I offer OTC time because I can afford to at that junction and I enjoy the guy, but I will NEVER offer bcd OTC...that's a boyfriend lol. I do agree that many women feel forced to offer extra time for fear of bad reviews. Many are already at such low rates and in addition are being haggled for more. You might think you are eliminating the competition by being that way, but the fact is that guy is still going to see the next girl at her regular rate lol. That's when you really feel stupid!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Great theory and very true. This biz has a lot to do with self esteem as well as ego. If you get a chance read this post. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
This was interesting and funny read. Thank you .

It is obvious that certain attitudes are never brought into a gents time, and that's all that matters. This is why I discourage blogs, because too many guys need to stay in fantasy land where all is perfect for this to work. That is the very reason I pulled mine. Originally Posted by London Rayne
One reason I keep my blog up (and certain parts of my website lol) is because I prefer guys to get a feel of my personality before trying to book a session. The way I am with gents I see is the same way I am in my blog. If a guy gets offended by my blog or site, then odds are our personalities wouldn't have clicked anyways, so I'd prefer they didn't try and book with me. That way no one's time is wasted, and they can go on to see a lady who would better suit them...
London Rayne's Avatar
One reason I keep my blog up (and certain parts of my website lol) is because I prefer guys to get a feel of my personality before trying to book a session. The way I am with gents I see is the same way I am in my blog. If a guy gets offended by my blog or site, then odds are our personalities wouldn't have clicked anyways, so I'd prefer they didn't try and book with me. That way no one's time is wasted, and they can go on to see a lady who would better suit them... Originally Posted by Valerie
True, but I don't talk about such things during my dates lol. I sounded like a psycho on my blog, and I am nothing like that in person. I may have a straight up, in your face, demeanor on the boards but I would never behave that way with someone who is paying for a fantasy. I am still funny, but not rude.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-18-2011, 01:26 PM
Well said. I offer OTC time because I can afford to at that junction and I enjoy the guy, but I will NEVER offer bcd OTC...! Originally Posted by London Rayne
I've just figured out what OTC really means!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I may have a straight up, in your face, demeanor on the boards but I would never behave that way with someone who is paying for a fantasy. I am still funny, but not rude. Originally Posted by London Rayne

London Rayne's Avatar
I've just figured out what OTC really means! Originally Posted by WTF're slow today ha ha. Get some nookie, but get some good one for a change.
True, but I don't talk about such things during my dates lol. I sounded like a psycho on my blog, and I am nothing like that in person. I may have a straight up, in your face, demeanor on the boards but I would never behave that way with someone who is paying for a fantasy. I am still funny, but not rude. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'm not rude to my clients, oddly enough a lot of my clients bring up my blog and like to talk about particular things I've written....Yes they are paying me, and whatever they are wanting, I am going to give them, but whilst doing so, my personality is going to come across in the process, which is the same personality I have in my blog. So I'd rather a person be aware of that before booking an appointment.
London Rayne's Avatar
I'm not rude to my clients, oddly enough a lot of my clients bring up my blog and like to talk about particular things I've written....Yes they are paying me, and whatever they are wanting, I am going to give them, but whilst doing so, my personality is going to come across in the process, which is the same personality I have in my blog. So I'd rather a person be aware of that before booking an appointment. Originally Posted by Valerie
And that is your right to run your business how you see fit. I am NOTHING like I am on these boards with the exception of being outgoing, so I am not hiding anything lol. When I say my blog was was BAD. Yours is cake compared to the things I said ha ha. Bottom hurt my image, so I pulled it.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes blogs can affect business. I have a blog and I know not to blog my every thought. If I did I'd probably receive bomb threats and hate mail. You can still be you without ranting every minute. A rant here and there is fine. It just shows people that you're human. However, when the whole blog is one big negative ball, it only tells clients "Something's wrong with this girl". Heck last night I blogged about Egyptian cotton sheets. Keeping it positive doesn't hurt.
discreetgent's Avatar
So to recap: Alex asked what we thought about OTC. A number of us commented that it does happen and that we know that from personal experience. Then Alex comes back and says thats wrong. Did I get that right?
Camille, I did some research and I have come to find that a lot of ladies get into the business for the attention. I don't. I'm very attractive and get a lot of attention in my personal life. However, a lot of unattractive ladies get into business because figured SOMEONE will pay to sleep with them. Why not? One man's beast is another man's beauty right? and why have sex for free when you can get people to pay you for it. Think about it . Not nice for me to say but it's the truth. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it lol. Alex, I like blunt too .

Of course we do. Though there are loopholes, we both know that this industry isn't legal. We have to screen to keep ourselves out of jail and avoid violent (bad) clients right? Hobbyists KNOW that they have to be respectful via email to get an appointment. I don't want to spend time with an asshole that's why I require that gent is detailed and non-explicit and I'm sure that's the case for other ladies. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Naomi, on your first point, I have no doubt if you've done your research as you say that it's very true. Hell, there are plenty of women who would tread the same (wanting attention) path without yes, I'm sure there are those that would do it just for the temporary spotlight too! But that's the point I was getting at money + attention = combination of factors.
With regards your second point, when I was talking about being "polite' I wasn't referring to the sorts of things that would fall under screening for LE/bad clients...I meant more along the lines of rapport. Sorry that wasn't clearer...

TGIF..have a good one everybody!

C xx