Consider yourself blessed you only had two sons, that means you only have to worry about how much trouble two dicks can create for you...with daughters you have to worry about every swinging dick out there!!!
Pay yourself first. For in the final analysis you're the only one that's worth it.
To resist the influence of others, knowledge of oneself is most important. T'ealk
It is always the hero that pays the price... when seeking glory and honor, for they are never given.~Dad
If he was stock I'd sold him long ago. ~ Dad. But I've heard it before
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person, is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian. ~Dad
There are only 2 rules for success.
1. Keep your word whenever you give it, whatever the cost, whatever the circumstances.
2. Never give it. ~Dad
Only a weak man blames others (circumstances or people) for his own actions.~ kayla
I'm not blaming you, I'm just making sure you understand your part of the situation. <-all kayla
Form the habit of taking action when your spirit is fresh. To let your dark moods lead you is like choosing cowards to command your army. ~ Charles Cooley
If it sounds too good to be true... baby, it is.
Despite what you learned in Sunday school, the answer to the question, "Am I my brother's keeper" should be an emphatic NO. I am my brothers brother.
I can think of no more string symbol of mans humanity to man than a fire engine. ~ Kurt Bonnegut
Do not mistake composure with ease.~Tuvok
9 men like you are worth an army.~ My boarding team leader to me after a particularly difficult boarding of a drug yacht. 1998
It is the quest for honor that makes one honorable. ~ star wars