Your Thoughts Ladies & Gentlemen

KaylaRyder's Avatar
What are the exceptions please Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Me : )
Steve_NYS's Avatar
I'm currently working something out with a provider whom I respect a great deal. It involves something unusual, and I actually offered her a partial payment as a way to establish trust and to show that I was serious. She appreciated that gesture and said she would accept no more than a certain amount--which was relatively low. So, for me, a partial pre-payment makes sense in specific situations.

In general, pre-payments require trust, but if the provider and client have that degree of trust, then it seems pre-payments aren't necessary. Funny how that works.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I would tell the gent who offered it to me to split it into two payments..simply until the trust is built..i dont renig on my commited friends..and any girl that would mess that up is a flippin idiot!! Originally Posted by Lucky Lady
I totally agree, why would someone mess up a good thing!! I have been on both sides of deals like this and have always kept up my end.. I have allowed a gent to pay later also, it worked a few times but as of right now said guy still owes me.. it can work but def not always.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
No Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
Sounds like u haven't met that #1 gfe yet.. lmk when u want to meet : ) Xoxoxoxoxo
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
Sounds like u haven't met that #1 gfe yet.. lmk when u want to meet : ) Xoxoxoxoxo Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
Nope, not yet, still looking. How often do you come to Syracuse? I have been reading a little bit about you and seems like you just might be a fun time.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Nope, not yet, still looking. How often do you come to Syracuse? I have been reading a little bit about you and seems like you just might be a fun time. Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
Pm me.. I'm def a fun time and your search may be over.. : )
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
Pm me.. I'm def a fun time and your search may be over.. : ) Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
AmishGangster's Avatar
Awww isnt that cute
I have tried this once or twice with some Ladies. Pay X at the beginning of the Month for X number of visits during the Month. Usually the math made it cheaper than Pay as you go. But there always seemed to be some kind of a problem where X number of visits never happened and it ended up being more expensive than Pay as you go. So now I just stick to Pay as you go at the time services are rendered. As has been said on this board before. Once they have your Money, the other party has no real incentive to see you (no matter how long you have known the person or false sense of trust may have developed between you). Depending upon their situation they may short change you or suddenly go "Radio Silent" and you never hear from them again. But that has just been my experience and not necessarily true of all arrangements like this. Originally Posted by RochBob
Pre-pay at the beginning of the month? You gotta be fucking kidding. I wont even pre-pay at the beginning of a date....

and neither should anyone else unless you like getting the shaft. I know some guys like getting the shaft too but getting the shaft and getting ripped off, well thats just for suckers Originally Posted by AmishGangster
As USUAL... most of the fucks around here have gotten it wrong.
The two fucks above got it close.

Here's how you do it:
Say the deal is 10 visits for $1,000
You get TEN "Franklins", give her ONE Franklin on the first visit.
You also cut the other 9 Franklins in half, and give her the left hand sides of the Franklins, and YOU keep the right hand sides of the Franklins.
She knows you are committed for nine more visits.... she has to make good on the visits to make the money.

If she just won't complete the transaction... well.... you are still out the money.... but you'd have been out the money anyways. At least you have the satisfaction of knowing that she didn't get the cash either... and then you can come here to ICKY and tell us what a thief she is..... and what a stoopid fuck you were to even consider this.

SO.... YOU lose, SHE loses... and the community wins.....
And the entertainment value is through the fucking roof....

Why do I have to do all of the thinking around here.....

Would only consider it with established trust, which takes awhile. No problem with my regular as we've been doing this quite awhile, and we trust each other unconditionally. Originally Posted by cculvr69
You go first.....
But I wouldn't go any higher than Jackson's .....
AmishGangster's Avatar
Technically that wont work. It would be virtually impossible to cut a bill exactly in half and per the US Treasury if you can present 50.01 % of a note they will replace it with a new one.

So just tell her she is getting half but give her just a lil less, then you hold all the cards.

Fuckin Upsetters
Let me clarify...
Let's say a gentlemen gives a lady $1000 at the beginning of the month.

Ladies, would you do this?

Gentlemen, would you? What would you require/desire for such an arrangement? Originally Posted by Angel T
How about we see you a bunch of times and pay you at the end of the month!

Would that work?? Originally Posted by splitlicker
Very true, things can happen.

Originally Posted by Angel T
Why was that funny??

Was it as funny as your statement? Originally Posted by splitlicker
I think you need to stop spending so much time with PM he's rubbing off on you. Smh... Originally Posted by Angel T
Angel -- do you really not see how insulting that was? Your line of thinking is that it is ok for guys to consider prepaying the lady and trust them , but when Split suggests that the trust go in the other direction, you find it laughable? That, despite the myriad stories of the ladies screwing guys who did prepay? There is nothing wrong with the points that Split was making at all. In fact, his points , and your response are rather revealing.

I have prepaid a few times with the knowledge that I may not see the money back and knew it may become a gift. Sometimes it became a gift and sometimes it didn't. In general, I think it is a bad idea , because as others have said -- even a girl who isn't naturally a thief tends to lose incentive if she already received and spent the money. Suddenly her schedule doesn't seem to match yours anymore or the service becomes shoddy. Only those with the strongest work ethic overcome that human tendency. The girl who I have helped a couple times without hesitation is an UTR girl I have seen for 9 years who rarely if ever sees anyone else and I know the cash helps around holidays and school shopping and such. She is always good for repaying me, so there are times where it is quite reasonable. She is an exception though as she is more of a FB than a hooker.
doctorisin's Avatar
Also, I read somewhere around here about a girl who offered 10 one hour dates for $1,000 upfront and there were some gentlemen who took her up on that. I can't remember who it was. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
that was me, twice, with jamie breeze... but 500 up front and then 500 split among last 9 dates... she had to go away for awhile during our second set of dates... so even when the intentions are good and the trust is there, things can happen to make the arrangement go bad.

who knows, maybe she'll make good when she returns
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Angel -- do you really not see how insulting that was? Your line of thinking is that it is ok for guys to consider prepaying the lady and trust them , but when Split suggests that the trust go in the other direction, you find it laughable? That, despite the myriad stories of the ladies screwing guys who did prepay? There is nothing wrong with the points that Split was making at all. In fact, his points , and your response are rather revealing.
. Originally Posted by Taskmaster

I agree that if a girl is expecting a client to step out of the norm or go above and beyond for her that it needs to be a give and take. I have one client who I've met off of eccie that I would allow to pay me after a date when he gets the money. He usually comes bearing gifts, is always very clean, respectful, and a total gentleman. Girls need to learn to give back to their best clients.
Oh.... now you're gonna make me blush.....
Me : ) Originally Posted by KaylaRyder