IRS Lawyer Admitted Lois Lerner’s ‘Lost’ Emails Were Backed Up

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The misquoting, deliberate doctoring, ranting, squealing and spewing is what sets your posts apart from the truth, IBIdiot.

Stick with the straight story and people may actually stop discounting your every post as bullshit and fabrication.

You have made your own reputation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is the straight story, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
you tell me Glory Hole.

tell me why it's so important that the truth be distorted if it's so damning?

Some of your pals just know no other way.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, Assup. I thought you knew. I was wrong, you were just blowing off mindless bullshit, as usual. Never mind! Continue on in your your role as DEM and DOTY. You are truly impressive with those titles!

I B Hankering's Avatar
"For months on end, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen insisted that Lois Lerner's emails were destroyed when her computer's hard drive failed.

"Koskinen even told Congress that IRS 'moved heaven and earth' trying to recover the emails but simply could not find a way to do so.

"Now, thanks to a determined federal judge, the country learns that all government emails are preserved in a doomsday kind of database. Lerner's emails never were lost....

"'The Odumbo administration had been lying to the American people about Lois Lerner’s missing emails,'" Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton added."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I read the link, IBIdiot, even though my bullshit filter blocked the Washington Examiner.

NOWHERE is there any mention of anybody by the name "Odumbo."

You're doctoring the quotes you link to, IBIdiot. You're LYING again.

I read the link, IBIdiot, even though my bullshit filter blocked the Washington Examiner.

NOWHERE is there any mention of anybody by the name "Odumbo."

You're doctoring the quotes you link to, IBIdiot. You're LYING again.

Brilliant. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I'm not...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, you're simply cutting and pasting, doodyhead...
I B Hankering's Avatar
"Given all the legal trouble at the IRS resulting from the agency’s unlawful targeting of Tea Party groups, John Koskinen, the commissioner of the IRS, should consider paying closer attention to what’s going on in the ethics office. He might consider staffing it with lawyers who aren’t under suspicion for violating ethics.

Such a novel idea might spread through other departments of the government, maybe even the Justice Department. Someone there appointed Andrew C. Strelka as the official representative of the IRS in civil legal proceedings related to the targeting scandal. Before Mr. Strelka went to the Justice Department, he worked for Lois Lerner in the Exempt Organizations (EO) division of the IRS, and he participated in the targeting of conservative groups.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee this week released emails that show Mr. Strelka received the infamous 'be on the lookout for a tea party case' email from his superiors. Two years ago, Mr. Strelka sent a touching note to Mrs. Lerner saying, 'I still feel an EO connection … I cherished my time in the EO family, and I owe a big thanks to you for hiring me.'

"Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, the oversight panel’s chairman, and Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, cite this close relationship as another reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate the IRS. 'This new information about additional conflicts of interest within the Justice Department,' they wrote, 'shows that almost every facet of the Department with an interest in the IRS targeting investigation is compromised.'

"If this is the most ethical administration in history, full of integrity, honor, probity, uprightness — and without even a 'smidgen' of corruption, as President Odombo boasts it is, we don’t want to see what an unethical administration looks like. Probably like a parody."

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I read the link, IBIdiot, even though my bullshit filter blocked the Washington Examiner.

NOWHERE is there any mention of anybody by the name "Odumbo."

You're doctoring the quotes you link to, IBIdiot. You're LYING again.

Brilliant. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And the Washington Times is another sardine in my BULLSHIT net. But even that bastion of fair and balanced journalism (you suppose they are also owned by Arab News?) never mentions anybody ned "Odumbo."

From this we can again conclude that you're a lying sack of shit, IBIdiot.

Your complete lack of responsibility might be OK with the more intellectually challenged among us, like IBHomo, Whir-LIE-turd and Slobbrin, but to the rest of us, you're acting like the ignorant cracker you are.
And the Washington Times is another sardine in my BULLSHIT net. But even that bastion of fair and balanced journalism (you suppose they are also owned by Arab News?) never mentions anybody ned "Odumbo."

From this we can again conclude that you're a lying sack of shit, IBIdiot.

Your complete lack of responsibility might be OK with the more intellectually challenged among us, like IBHomo, Whir-LIE-turd and Slobbrin, but to the rest of us, you're acting like the ignorant cracker you are. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Are you talking to yourself? ... again Spam Writer
I B Hankering's Avatar

Email Reveals Lois Lerner Ignored Political Expenditures By Unions
Posted By Connor D. Wolf On 8:47 PM 09/01/2014

The official at the center of the Internal Revenue Service tea party scandal once dismissed complaints that labor unions were not reporting millions of dollars in political activities on their tax forms, according to an email obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

In 2007, Lerner responded directly to a complaint that some major labor unions reported completely different amounts of political expenditures when filing with the IRS and the Department of Labor.

At the time of the email, Lerner was the Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS.

Lerner wrote, “We looked at the information you provided regarding organizations that report substantial amounts of political activity and lobbying expenditures on the DOL Form LM-2, but report little to no political expenditures on the Form 990 filed with the IRS.”

“We believe this difference in reporting does not necessarily indicate that the organization has incorrectly reported to either the DOL or the IRS,” Lerner concluded.

Don Todd, the deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) at the time the email was sent, confirmed seeing Lerner’s email and remembering similar complaints at the time. OLMS oversees labor union financial disclosures within the Department of Labor.

“The laws never been enforced,” Todd told TheDCNF. “The IRS was telling us it would cost more to enforce the law then they would collect.”

In 2006, the year leading up to Lerner’s email, the national headquarters for the AFL-CIO reported no direct or indirect political expenditures with the IRS on their 990 form, leaving the line 81a blank. That same year, the AFL-CIO reported $29,585,661 in political activities with the Department of Labor.

Also in 2006 the Teamsters Union reported no political expenditures with the IRS while at the same time reporting $7,081,965 with the Labor Department.

Again in 2006, Unite-Here reported no political activity with the IRS and $1,451,002 with the Labor Department.

In 2005, the National Education Association also reported no political expenditures with the IRS while at the same time reporting $24,985,250 with the Labor Department.

Labor union political spending overwhelmingly benefits Democrats. Todd told TheDNCF Lerner may have been playing favorites. Lerner has been accused of singling out tea party groups applying for tax-exempt status.

Lerner acknowledged in the 2007 email, “The definition of political campaign activity required to be reported on Form LM2 coincides with the definition of political campaign activity expenditures required to be reported on Form 990.”

But she did offer some possible reasons for the discrepancies. “The Form LM-2 does not separate this reporting from the reporting of lobbying expenditures,” she wrote. “Furthermore, even if section 501(c)(5) labor organizations were required to report their lobbying expenditures, the amount required to be reported on Form LM-2 includes activity, such as attempting to influence regulations, that is not required to be reported as lobbying, as the IRS limitations apply to legislative lobbying.”

Lerner conceded, “Having said that, we did see some instances that raised concerns and we referred that information to our Dallas office to determine whether examination is warranted.” It does not appear any further investigation was conducted.

The Bush administration mandated more detailed disclosure requirements for labor unions, but they were relaxed by the Odumbo administration’s Labor Department.

An IRS spokesman told TheDCNF the agency had no “immediate comment” on the matter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I read the link, IBIdiot, even though my bullshit filter blocked the Daily Caller, which might be one if the most outrageous tabloids in the I note rent check-out line (and NO you can't have any candy, little boy! )

NOWHERE is there any mention of anybody by the name "Odumbo."

You're doctoring the quotes you link to, IBIdiot. You're LYING again. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
and again and again and again.

You're like a schoolyard bully who gets his ass whipped and doesn't understand why.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Odumbo regularly claims that he oversees the most honest and transparent administration in history. But when it comes to congressional investigators looking into the IRS scandal and other issues, it is funny how often the Odumbo administration hits the delete button....

For a scandal that is frequently derided as “fake,” it is amazing how often real evidence disappears. The disappearing act is so frequent, it is reasonable to wonder whether it is really a systematic attempt to destroy evidence of abuse of power.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who here believes that all of these journalistic sources refer to a man named "Odumbo?"

Answer carefully. Your integrity is in question.