Triple Nine Society Members Execute Hostile Takeover of ECCIE Political Forum

Captain Nightie is the story real? Yes, it is. Will it work? Who knows. But it is real.

Here is the link again... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Of course the story is "real," ignoramus. (At least with respect to the fact that some loons in a few counties actually are pushing the idea.) Media outlets report on all sorts of things nutcases do, often just for some comedic relief. If a dozen Ku Klux Klan cretins have a little rally in the downtown square of a small town, that makes the news, too.

And if you seriously don't know whether this will work, you're even dumber than I thought. Here are a couple of hints for you, Barleycorn: For the secession effort to "work," it would first have to be approved by the state legislature and governor, and then it would have to get passed by the U.S. Congress.

Are you beginning to see a slight problem here?

And if you seriously don't know whether this will work, you're even dumber than I thought. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Perhaps for you but it is an absolute impossibility for Barley4Brains to be "dumber than I thought."

It should be noted that there are days when I B Lying & Crying and Trendaway get dangerously close to Barley4Brains non-intellectual capacity. (I know that is hard to believe)
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I don't know what this triple nine society is all about but look at it this way; if it wasn't for Whirly, COG, myself, and now Han we would have nothing but posts about important things like why Bush is to blame for cancer or VD. I look at some of these posts and I see 200, 300, and approaching 400 replies so I guess someone is reading them. There is nothing stopping someone like FuckZup, CJ, SSOB, or Tex from posting some interesting positions but right now they are being overwhelmed with reality and the Obama meltdown. These guys are like some idiot sitting up to their chin in a pig sty and complaining about it. Get up and climb out idiot! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This is the original post cited. It was refuted and you offered no defense of your statements. Because you couldn't.

[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1053118140]And this forum is how old? A week, maybe threads culled from the last three weeks? You have to do better than that. I am glad to see how the average people are reacting. Those of you above average....carry on. For those of you below average;

More KU Boobs

Now comes the deflection. You ignore the fact you have been caught lying.....yet again.

You expect us to believe you have accomplished anything of value with your life?

At the risk of creating a total psycho bent on his own shooting spree in the hinter lands of Kansas, I say you haven't even graduated from H.S. You lie by reflex.

Too bad you can't learn to quell that reflex like you did your gag reflex. But I digress.

In my opinion, it is better to set off a ticking time bomb out in the middle of nowhere than setting it off in a town or other population center.

I know it's a shame to curtail a promising career as a stump breaker but you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.