Mueller Report-Volume ll - Obstruction of justice.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Fuck the staffers. Nobody elected them! If a member of Congress can't perform his/her sworn duties and is so incompetent they have to delegate the job to some unelected junior staff toadies, they should resign immediately! Originally Posted by lustylad

The problem is you have to vote them out. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to resign. Delegating specialized research is too important and takes too much time from the representative.

Although I agree with the writers opinion, those are not my words. I hope you can remember that. There are some here who don't understand quotes.
Jaxson66's Avatar
. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that he is considering moving to hold Corey Lewandowski in contempt after the former Trump campaign chairman declined to answer a series of questions related to his appearances in former special counsel Robert Mueller's report.

Lyingdowski told two provable lies in his first hearing, he should be charged with perjury also.
bambino's Avatar
. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that he is considering moving to hold Corey Lewandowski in contempt after the former Trump campaign chairman declined to answer a series of questions related to his appearances in former special counsel Robert Mueller's report.

Lyingdowski told two provable lies in his first hearing, he should be charged with perjury also. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Murder too!!!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Murder too!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Was he the one who killed Seth Rich?

What’s next, I think I know, tweets coming from the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office about deep state spies. Spies for Obama who are trying to make the self proclaimed stable genius look like a dumbass.

He’ll be crying like a fat headed calf with his head stuck under the fence...Bwwaaaaaaaaa
bambino's Avatar
Was he the one who killed Seth Rich?

What’s next, I think I know, tweets coming from the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office about deep state spies. Spies for Obama who are trying to make the self proclaimed stable genius look like a dumbass.

He’ll be crying like a fat headed calf with his head stuck under the fence...Bwwaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Oh, I’m sure you’re right!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Oh, I’m sure you’re right! Originally Posted by bambino

How about that Rudy G , the fat lying bastards personal lawyers interview last night admitting that he ordered the code red.

If your constantly dizzy these days it’s a sign of detox..
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Fuck the staffers. Nobody elected them! If a member of Congress can't perform his/her sworn duties and is so incompetent they have to delegate the job to some unelected junior staff toadies, they should resign immediately! Originally Posted by lustylad

Anyone watch Matt Gaetz grilling the Race Pimp, Al Sharpton, yesterday? Nadless had no clue what to do. All the Dems Horses Azzes didn't know what to do. They tried to run out the clock on him with procedural questions. All Matt was doing was asking Ol' Sharlatan if the words published in various news papers and newscasts were his own. (Spoiler Alert - they were) When his time expired, Jim Jordan yielded his time to Gaetz and the grilling continued. Turns out Ol Rev Al is quite the racist, bigot and anti-semite - according to his own documented words. Who knew?!?
LexusLover's Avatar
Will any of this repair the roads, bridges, dams, and further the "effort" of converting this country into carbon-free energy and travel?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Will any of this repair the roads, bridges, dams, and further the "effort" of converting this country into carbon-free energy and travel? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your post doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with the corruption in the trump administration or the trump campaign. It’s merely very lame distraction.

Have you seen Rudy G’s code red confession.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Anyone watch Matt Gaetz grilling the Race Pimp, Al Sharpton, yesterday? Nadless had no clue what to do. All the Dems Horses Azzes didn't know what to do. They tried to run out the clock on him with procedural questions. All Matt was doing was asking Ol' Sharlatan if the words published in various news papers and newscasts were his own. (Spoiler Alert - they were) When his time expired, Jim Jordan yielded his time to Gaetz and the grilling continued. Turns out Ol Rev Al is quite the racist, bigot and anti-semite - according to his own documented words. Who knew?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So, what’s that have to do with the fat lying bastards possible impeachment.
Will any of this repair the roads, bridges, dams, and further the "effort" of converting this country into carbon-free energy and travel? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Carbon-free energy is a myth. I'd bet WTF's first born on it. Any carbon free energy either uses carbon directly or indirectly. And it will be that way at least until the end of the next century.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Carbon-free energy is a myth. I'd bet WTF's first born on it. Any carbon free energy either uses carbon directly or indirectly. And it will be that way at least until the end of the next century. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Shouldn’t you be preparing for the new conspiracy theory Handjob Hannity will be barking tonight.

This thread is in regard to the probable impeachment of the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office.
So, what’s that have to do with the fat lying bastards possible impeachment. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Use the right words it's Impossible Impeachment.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So, what’s that have to do with the fat lying bastards possible impeachment. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

"Possible" impeachment?!? For starters, there would have to be cause and actual evidence of a crime - while in office no less. Ol Nadless has even less mental horsepower than yourself - so fat chance of him being successful in any endeavor he undertakes.

Trump is far more likely to memorialized with his visage added to Mt Rushmore.
Jaxson66's Avatar
[QUOTE=Why_Yes_I_Do;1061782855]"Possible" impeachment?!? For starters, there would have to be cause and actual evidence of a crime - while in office no less. Ol Nadless has even less mental horsepower than yourself - so fat chance of him being successful in any endeavor he undertakes. /QUOTE]

If that is true, why did Nader leave the Lyingdowski hearing open....

Nailer only recessed the hearing, didn’t close it. I’m betting the next guy is Dearborn.

You see they have lost to investigate while the intelligence committee begins their hearings.

Read for yourself, don’t be the last guy to do so.