Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

Yssup Rider's Avatar
More bumper sticker rhetoric (mixed with a plethora - I said it - of the more hackneyed political jingoism). Why am I not surprised? Why are these questions not even questions, though they're punctuated thrice? (Why am I even reading this post...)

Folks have been watching too much late night Fox News. One ludicrous claim after another. Though I only occasionally watch Fox, have they begun a Headline News channel, where they just repeat the same negative shit over and over every five minutes? Seems like the arguments are pretty universal. Seems like they always have been. Perhaps we need to have a button on these posts that indicate the difference between truth, fact, opinion and "other." Maybe ECCIE should install a Bullshit-o-meter into threads like these?

Good news is that some of the most vocal, vehement and vitriolic critics in the nation (Teabaggers under the age of 60, for example) will probably sleep through election day, just like they slept through civics, economics and english classes. Bad news is we're going to have to hear the venom spew forth for another year and a half.

Oh well, we heard the same thing for five years after Clinton left office, while Bush was reading "My Pet Goat" and plunging the world into debt, destruction and despair. President Obama's courage has been unparalleled by any U.S. President since Reagan. His commitment to the wellbeing of all Americans has cost him tremendous political capital yet he continues to fight for the RIGHT thing, even if it pisses off the rich and powerful. His record indicates that.

Party on dudes!
Arguing about politics in today's society is pointless. It needs to go back to north and south and then after 10 years we will see who is better off and who actually was right.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
More bumper sticker rhetoric (mixed with a plethora - I said it - of the more hackneyed political jingoism). Why am I not surprised? Why are these questions not even questions, though they're punctuated thrice? (Why am I even reading this post...)

I am a conservative I find bumper stickers to be tacky!

Folks have been watching too much late night Fox News. One ludicrous claim after another. Though I only occasionally watch Fox, have they begun a Headline News channel, where they just repeat the same negative shit over and over every five minutes? Seems like the arguments are pretty universal. Seems like they always have been. Perhaps we need to have a button on these posts that indicate the difference between truth, fact, opinion and "other." Maybe ECCIE should install a Bullshit-o-meter into threads like these?

Fox News is the only conservative channel. Liberals have all the others.....
If Fox is so full of shit how come they have the highest ratings???

Good news is that some of the most vocal, vehement and vitriolic critics in the nation (Teabaggers under the age of 60, for example) will probably sleep through election day, just like they slept through civics, economics and english classes. Bad news is we're going to have to hear the venom spew forth for another year and a half.

I paid attention in Government and Economics. I like being able to make money and wanted to learn about the evil powers that want to rob me. English class I hated it. I can speak it well enough and if I have a need to publish a book I will hire an editor that was a English major. I wish the current administration took at least one Economics class.

Oh well, we heard the same thing for five years after Clinton left office, while Bush was reading "My Pet Goat" and plunging the world into debt, destruction and despair. President Obama's courage has been unparalleled by any U.S. President since Reagan. His commitment to the wellbeing of all Americans has cost him tremendous political capital yet he continues to fight for the RIGHT thing, even if it pisses off the rich and powerful. His record indicates that.

Party on dudes! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bush, spent money like crazy as well and I did not like everything he did either. I would hardly compare Obama to Reagan.... Reagan actually reduced the unemployment rate and business grew. Reagan also would not give out any bailout money...

There is no reason to party the country is heading in the wrong direction at a very fast pace.

Yssup just keep drinking the kool aid. Liberals think with emotion instead of logic.
Banned 35 times's Avatar
King Hussein sucks.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hate and fear are emotions. And if you want hate and fear, you know exactly where to find it, 24/7.

That's all I'll say in response to the red, white and blue reply to my previous post.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Hate and fear are emotions. And if you want hate and fear, you know exactly where to find it, 24/7.

Since when did facts become hate and fear?

That's all I'll say in response to the red, white and blue reply to my previous post. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It is called being aware....

When government grows and continues to be a parasite on the economy the Nation will not be able to sustain itself.

Emotional people are always on the attack and lose all rational behavior...
Budman's Avatar
Here is some peace and love from the liberals. I feel so much better knowing that they can't stand hate speech.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I think when some of these far left liberals start chanting the hate and race card they need to take a hard look inward at their actions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YOW! I guess Nancy Pelosi speaks as much for me as Donald Trump speaks for you. I'll never vote for the bitch again!!!!! Thanks for the eye opener!

I'm glad you're speaking for THE conservatives about THE liberals. How about the centrist liberals, or, worse, the poor moderate conservatives whose notion of government is being trampled daily by the chaos in the Congress and the Texas Legislature. (You ARE aware that the Texas Legislature is in session, aren't you?)

I don't think I'm the only one who believes fear and hate mongering has long been a major tool of the GOP strategists (Ailes, Rove, Rollins, etc.) and FOX News. Roger Ailes used it successfully to sweep Daddy Bush into office. The Gingrich Revolution in the early 90s wound up in disaster for the GOP, as will the Tea Party revolution.

Ailes used his GOP strategy on the airwaves to build Fox "News."

Saying something is a fact without offering a shred of proof doesn't hold water, guys. Wyldeman said, in his inimitable fashion, that liberals use emotions and not logic. Hate and fear are emotions, right? So exactly what ARE you trying to say? What card are you "chanting" from?

Of course, by calling names, putting people on classes, spouting jingo, quoting the cliches of others and otherwise foaming on the debate floor, you make this the type of, ahem, emotional discussion we've all come to know and love here at ECCIE.

So if it makes you more comfortable ...

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yssup, I have not called anyone names and I am sure I could list twice as many names and publications as you have that are slinging hate and fear when you oppose the left beliefs.

If you would just compare what you have just said with what I or any other conservative has responded with you would see a distinct difference. It is obvious that you are a very emotional person just by looking at how much you post and the style you tend to be on a always a victim mentality.

I think you need to get with Whispers and ask him what Dr. he went to for those testosterone pills. I think your estrogen levels are getting to high. I am worried about you man. I thought you were a little smarter than to be a kool aid drinking liberal
Budman's Avatar
Sup, just because you're not the only one that believes something does not make it true. You make the "hate mongering..." statement like it is fact and your side doesn't play the same game.

I'm not speaking for anyone. Political arguements on a SHMB is futile.
Banned 35 times's Avatar
This is what the country, and the world needs:
Banned 35 times's Avatar
A song for the President:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK folks. Now who thinks Humpty's funny?

Glad he put this thread into the proper perspective. Was only a matter of time!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sup, just because you're not the only one that believes something does not make it true. You make the "hate mongering..." statement like it is fact and your side doesn't play the same game.

Do a little checking around, Budman. Ailes, et al, are famous for hate mongering. It IS fact AND more importantly, it's the truth. (BTW -- does that address that sentence? I'm not sure I got it all...) Nobody ever said that the Democrats don't play rough. Of course, I can't remember the last time a Democrat was elected president based on a hate campaign... can you? And I don't remember the last time the Democratic party (or even a splinter ultra left wing peace and love mongering group) tried to suppress the vote in a national election.

I'm not speaking for anyone. Political arguements on a SHMB is futile. Originally Posted by Budman

Political arguments on an SHMB are futile, you're right about that. They expose more bullshit than barbeque, but some folks find this to be better recreation than some of the other discussions you might find on boards like these. That said, if you're going to get into it, bring more than "THE LIBERALS THIS" and "THE CONSERVATIVES THAT." It's way too easy to label people and then stand on one side or another. And before you point the "L" or "R" finger at anybody, please take the time to make sure there's a "book" in the hand on the other end of that finger. Otherwise, your argument isn't an argument at all. Of course that's what I believe.

IN MY OPINION, too many people in this country (and G-d knows on this board) are either unwilling or just too lazy to study the issues beyond a 30-second rant on the "news" network of his/her choice. However, they're quick to regurgitate the last thing they heard. Reading is right out, unless it's at a stop light.

If circumstances were different, you think those same folks would be on the other side of the line spitting back across it?

You're entitled to your opinion.