I'm very proud of The Mayor and Judge Hildago For Forcing Us To Wear Masks

TryWeakly's Avatar
unless you breathe through your shoe,...

maybe put a mask on your shoe to be really safe.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Like the Comcast dudes do when they visit?
TryWeakly's Avatar
He hasn’t even started yet px......Trust me, I found this out the hard way many years ago....ijs Originally Posted by Russ38

Yep. +1^
TryWeakly's Avatar
Yeah, I'll say, like all up in her ass close! Originally Posted by boardman
lol ...
Russ38's Avatar
But who am I kidding. Contact tracing is already here. A few years back I had a friend suggestion pop up on FB. I looked at the photo and I nearly fell out of my seat. It was a provider I had seen earlier in the week. There she was with all her RL information and I assume she had mine as well. FB said it suggested the contact since we had recently been in close proximity. Yeah, I'll say, like all up in her ass close! Originally Posted by boardman
^^^^ And this right here is why I have never created a FB account.....I catch a lot of shit from friends and family members over it but I’m not going to make it that easy for anyone.....
TryWeakly's Avatar
  • pxmcc
  • 04-27-2020, 04:38 PM
Like the Comcast dudes do when they visit? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
ya but are they n-95s..
TryWeakly's Avatar
Why would they wear N95s on their shoes?
  • pxmcc
  • 04-27-2020, 05:27 PM
Why would they wear N95s on their shoes? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
because apparently your tricky sneakers can breathe..
TryWeakly's Avatar
Butt leather doesnt .....unless they have holes I suppose.

..in which case I will wear them to Church.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-27-2020, 07:47 PM
Butt leather doesnt .....unless they have holes I suppose.

..in which case I will wear them to Church. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
problem solved..
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
“Judge” Hidalgo. Lmao. Taking my guns and mask free face out in north Harris.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-28-2020, 03:16 AM
“Judge” Hidalgo. Lmao. Taking my guns and mask free face out in north Harris. Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
just a comment. i dont follow local politics too much so i know little about Judge Hidalgo, but i think what happened in the midterms was the urbans and the suburbans were so fed up with trump that they just voted the straight dem ticket. (that's what i did, and for the same reason.) so if a blue dog had been running for the judge position, pretty sure a blue dog would have gotten elected.

if you consider the order from the standpoint of protection of self, it is controversial. but if you look at it from a protection of others standpoint-the asymptomatic carrier who may be unknowingly infecting others-it actually makes perfect sense from a public health perspective. (the epidemiology and infectious disease community is leaning strongly in the direction of there being such persons.) so although it is debatable, it is far from a clown move like banning immigration which accomplishes nothing from a public health perspective.

if texas is going to go through with this reopening, if i was governor, i would mandate either testing of everyone prior to returning to the workforce, or if that's not possible (fyi, it's not lol), then education in how to correctly use a mask (and maybe gloves) and order they be worn. i predict if that's not done, texas and the other states will go exponential, which means we're going to look like new york in a month. yay. can't wait for that. part of being smart is realizing when you have a shitty hand and doing your best to keep your losses from becoming catastrophic. a return to business as usual will be catastrophic, i predict. and ya, you can quote me in about a month based on what Abbott does.

at a minimum, governors should follow the recommendations of epidemiologists and infectious disease experts. reopening because trump said to is a clown move that those governors will come to regret, i predict. this stuff is super contagious and is kinda a long-term clusterfuck if a carrier of the virus starts going south clinically and ends up in the ICU. these patients are never the same afterwards.

although georgia may end up a candidate for the darwin awards, i'd prefer that texas doesn't.
LexusLover's Avatar
He hasn’t even started yet px...... Originally Posted by Russ38
Px ... is still at it. Guess the adjunct "hotel law" instructor thingy went kinda flat .... so he's moving as far away as he can from chastizing another poster about not spending three years in law school and being in "academia"!

FYI ... Russ ... I've been doing THIS longer than he has!

So now he attacks me personally for calling out his bullshit.

Am I concerned? Nope!

The "hotel law" adjunct instructor just showed his ass again!
  • pxmcc
  • 04-28-2020, 07:25 AM
Px ... is still at it. Guess the adjunct "hotel law" instructor thingy went kinda flat .... so he's moving as far away as he can from chastizing another poster about not spending three years in law school and being in "academia"!

FYI ... Russ ... I've been doing THIS longer than he has!

So now he attacks me personally for calling out his bullshit.

Am I concerned? Nope!

The "hotel law" adjunct instructor just showed his ass again! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lexus Lover, see me in your official "Bitch about pxmcc" thread. you have no clue what i'm about. so go bring your trolling there and i'll tell you what i'm about when i get a few minutes. as it is, you are again trying to hijack a thread and make it about me. this thread is not about me but the other one is. so move your trolling to the other thread and i'll tell you what i'm about since you really want to know.

you seem to think that being an adjunct prof at the #2 program in the country was somehow my crowning glory. it was nothing of the sort. i have 3 science degrees as well; plus i've hopped across multiple careers. but go troll me in my troll groupie thread and i'll touch base when i get some time to tell you who i am and what i'm about.

i'd welcome you to my troll groupie fan club but you've already been a member for, what, 3+ years now? so welcome back to my troll groupie club! you took quite a hiatus after that Supreme Directive, didn't you?

in the meantime, google brian liang, MD, JD, PhD because it will be relevant to my discussion. when i speak about science, medicine, etc, believe it or not, i know my shit, just like i do in philosophy and several other fields.

weren't you the one who said that getting corona virus on the bottom of your shoes was about the same as breathing in respiratory droplets with the corona virus? i didn't call you out cause you troll like a frickin pitbull-you're like captain ahab, and i wanted to let sleeping dogs lie. but i was literally folmfao, cause that's one of the dumbest things i've ever heard. no offense tho..

and i'm sorry that i trigger you. i hear that professional counseling works wonders. get some help..
px.....everyone of your threads are about YOU and your opinions.

You have a need to be in the limelight just like sc and shine.

The subjects of most of your threads are politically based one way or another.

That's a hot bed and you know it is.

Thing about it is that it gets you the attention you always seek.

I don't understand that but ok.