Republican Next Move: Special Prosecutor

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  • WTF
  • 10-11-2011, 08:15 AM
The fact remains, "Fast and Furious" happened. Holder has admitted as much, and you are an abject moron if you believe Hillary, Holder and Obama wouldn't have made it an anti-gun issue if it hadn't bit them in the ass. Hillary has already over-stated, in 2009, that U.S. gun sales were responsible for the violence in Mexico. So it's been part of their "agenda" for some time.,2128382.story Originally Posted by I B Hankering

That does not mean that the ATF planted all those guns so that the admin could make a case for prohibiting the sale of guns.

That is your fallacy. What nonsense.

There will be no smoking gun that in fact that was what Holder was trying to get the ATF to do.

There was no conspiracy just like there was no 9/11 conspiracy....even though 9/11 happened!

Yes Fast and Furious happened but not because there was a conspiracy in the admin to prohibit the sale of guns in this country.

But the fact remains that guns sold in this country make their way to drug lords in Mexico. They (the ATF) were trying to track just who the mules were.
This is not rocket science. Though it appears to be for you wingnuts!
I B Hankering's Avatar
There will be no smoking gun that in fact that was what Holder was trying to get the ATF to do. Originally Posted by WTF
You're right: in this case it's plural - "smoking guns".

But the fact remains that guns sold in this country make their way to drug lords in Mexico. Originally Posted by WTF
Delivery assured with Obama government oversight!
They (the ATF) were trying to track just who the mules were. Originally Posted by WTF
The ATF surveilled the "mules" as they walked out of the gun stores. The ATF surveilled the "mules" as they loaded the weapons into vehicles. The ATF agents surveilled the "mules" as they drove across the border. Right, ATF was just trying to figure out who the "mules" were, but their plan was to arrest people they did not surveil in a place where they have no jurisdiction.
Newly released emails show that the Holder DOJ/ATF actually DID NOT physically track the "mules".........unlike the gun tracking programming run by the Bush DOJ, where they actually did track/follow the mules (Project Gunrunner).

Fast and Furious guns have turned up all over Mexico and the southwestern US; the Holder DOJ had zero knowledge where these guns were after they left the US gun dealer businesses.

Fast and Furious was a 3-stooges operation run by the head stooge Eric Holder !

I B Hankering's Avatar
"ATF named the case 'Fast and Furious.'
Surveillance video obtained by CBS News shows suspected drug cartel suppliers carrying boxes of weapons to their cars at a Phoenix gun shop. The long boxes shown in the video being loaded in were AK-47-type assault rifles.

"So it turns out ATF not only allowed it - they videotaped it."
They wanted the video as "evidence" of US gun dealers selling to cartel memebers !

The ATF wasn't concerned about following the weapons, because they didn't !
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  • WTF
  • 10-11-2011, 10:00 AM
Fast and Furious was a 3-stooges operation run by the head stooge Eric Holder !
Originally Posted by Whirlaway

It was not run by Holder. The ATF did this on their own without Holder knowing. He did not know about it until to late. He maybe guilty of trying to cover his ass on just when he knew but he was not responsible for the operation. Like Nixon, he probably will take the fall but if you read wtf occured you will know that he was not in charge of this operation. He found out after the fact and probably tried to cover the ATF's ass.

A far cry from wtf you are saying
That will be news to Holder that he doesn't "run" the ATF !
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  • 10-11-2011, 10:04 AM
"So it turns out ATF not only allowed it - they videotaped it." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Just as in Waco, these ATF heads should roll.

But that is not Obama nor Holder.

You idiots keep saying that Obama is at fault. God Damn that is like saying Bush was at fault for abu ghraib, you sound like the nutty left when you say such things.

Like I said, there is no difference in nuttiness in the Tea Terrorist and the Wall street terrorist.

You guys prove it day in and day out
After they videotaped the cartel picking the guns up from a US dealer; the next step would be a CBS news breaking story from an "unidentified source" showing gun dealers selling guns to cartels out the back door of their businesses !

Then would come the Congressional speeches from the Democrats, with demands for legislation to regin in the gun owners of America !

And Obama and Holder would be cheerleading them.
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  • WTF
  • 10-11-2011, 10:13 AM
After they videotaped the cartel picking the guns up from a US dealer; the next step would be a CBS news breaking story from an "unidentified source" showing gun dealers selling guns to cartels out the back door of their businesses !

Then would come the Congressional speeches from the Democrats, with demands for legislation to regin in the gun owners of America !

And Obama and Holder would be cheerleading them. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yet none of that happened.

Do you think the ATF was in coohoots with Obama?

How utterly stupid!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do you think the ATF was in coohoots with Obama? Originally Posted by WTF
Not all of them. Just the Obama appointees. The guys in the field ratted them out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Do you think the ATF was in coohoots with Obama? Originally Posted by WTF
Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't the ATF work for the President, administered by the Attorney General?

Ah, I remember the good old days, when a President actually took responsibility for what happened in his administration. We need you Harry Truman, "The Buck Stops Here."

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If your post kill our brain cells can we sue you? Originally Posted by BigLouie
Uh, I think it is a little late for that.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting point of view. Skip the ad, he starts in on Fast and Furious at about 0.50.

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  • WTF
  • 10-11-2011, 02:26 PM
Not all of them. Just the Obama appointees. The guys in the field ratted them out. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
WTF ever....provide a link to your BS.