Where to purchase a ready-made milking table

Looks like I'm not the only one who's been trying to find this table. So many videos but nothing that says where I can buy one. Originally Posted by Lylipad
Sooooo....Lylipad bumps a two year old thread.....

.....and I get pointed for a 757-day-old post with an infraction.

What do you call a *********** virgin?

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges. Pistolero

.....ugly. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Pistolero's Avatar
Finish the story, GS
^^^^^ That you're stalking me?

That's what I thought when i woke up to your love letter this morning.
Pistolero's Avatar
If stalking you because we got 5 RTM on your post is what you mean, then I guess I am stalking you.

However, what I was talking about was how I removed the points when I noticed how old the post was. Remember the words about giving you a statute of limitations pass on this?????????

Don't worry. You will not have to read them next time.
If stalking you because we got 5 RTM on your post is what you mean, then I guess I am stalking you.

...... Originally Posted by Pistolero
Awwwww.....only 5? That's all the haterz I got?

Well maybe the others were sleeping in. But please name them.

I saw the reversal earlier in the afternoon but couldn't update my "down to zero" thread until now.

Remember the words about giving you a statute of limitations pass on this?????????
..... Originally Posted by Pistolero
It was helpful that that you mentioned this and acted on it. Saved me the time from starting another Poll.
Pistolero...can you please get my threAd back on topic?!

BTW: Though I didn't get a milking table, I did follow through with getting a two bedroom incall. My second room features the sex swing in all its glory as well as a professional massage table.
Pistolero's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^ TOPIC! ^^^^^^^^^^
Pistolero...can you please get my threAd back on topic?!

BTW: Though I didn't get a milking table, I did follow through with getting a two bedroom incall. My second room features the sex swing in all its glory as well as a professional massage table. Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Since you asked again, YM - I have a real world friend who is heavily into the bdsm community here in Houston (personally, not professionally). I believe he knows someone who does custom built bondage type furniture. I think this would be your best best in acquiring something of that sort; going custom.

I can ask him for the name and pass it on to you, if you would like?
Does someone have a picture of a milking table?
A portable glory Hole,,,
I think the thrill of a genuine glory hole (for those that are into such things) is the anonymity...not knowing who is on the other end, doing what to your pickle.

Milking table fantasy/fetish is similar yes, but I think most gents who want it wouldn't necessarily want to not know who...it's more about their cocks being objectified.
rduke4923's Avatar
Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I am sorry but i have to ask a question. This appears to be a wood ikea ish
Table. So by drilling a hole in it and marketing it as a "milking table "
How much does that raise the asking price
Lols....agreed. He asked what one was...that was one of the first pics that came up on Google, ha.

If I were the type to use one, I'd get custom made, all the way. Besides...somehow I think the gent getting milked wouldn't care less where the table came from at that point....ha.