We know..that is why it is a story worth following when a University Board of Regents launches an investigation and heads roll as a result.

Something to be applauded IMO. But some Longhorn alumn don't think so. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No it's not to be applauded. College and ESPECIALLY greek life is a way to to make connections for the future. Why is it anyone's damn business if the college wants to allow someone in whose high school transcripts don't qualify them?

If you don't think a seating chart can be used as a weapon then honestly you just don't get it and it's out of your league. I'm by no means a snob but this is the way the world really works.
Because it is a taxpayer supported institution that has a no nepotism/favoritism policy.

But if UT wants to change that policy...let's have that debate and then let admissions be up for sale to the highest bidders.

Or let the wealthy/well connected buy the University from the taxpayers; and they can run it anyway they want. Until then, I think it is smart and fair to follow the rules, which prohibit 2 sets of admission standards - one public for most and the other private backdoor for the well connected.

No it's not to be applauded. College and ESPECIALLY greek life is a way to to make connections for the future. Why is it anyone's damn business if the college wants to allow someone in whose high school transcripts don't qualify them?

If you don't think a seating chart can be used as a weapon then honestly you just don't get it and it's out of your league. I'm by no means a snob but this is the way the world really works. Originally Posted by SAangel27
Yssup Rider's Avatar
[I]Reported first HERE, Muskogee[I]. Of course, if you followed the story you'd know that was what Powers had requested to do, rather than "quit now or be fired."

Look dipshits. This isn't over yet. The search committee for a new president will convene before Perry leaves office, meaning this shit will start all over again.

Again, Whir-LIE-Turd, where's the scandal? it's not nearly as evident as the many lies you post in every fucking headline. Just because a RWW blogger calls it a scandal (especially one who is under criminal investigation) doesn't mean it's as big as, say .... Oh, when's that place you drone on and on about?

and, of course, where did YOU go to college?

LexusLover's Avatar
Does anyone know of a college or university that is "political" free in its admission process? As a practical matter I doubt there are any.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not in this country.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Actually Tim it is building one as we speak. It think the first class will be admitted next fall. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LexusLover's Avatar
Not in this country. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Outside of this country?
LexusLover's Avatar
Because it is a taxpayer supported institution that has a no nepotism/favoritism policy. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If you are speaking of the University of Texas system, it is true that taxpayer funds are used, which is precisely why there is a political component to the admission process, since the Texas Legislature must vote for appropriations of taxpayer funds, AND legislators who "hold the purse strings" will be asking for "favors" of the schools administration/admission personnel, who will respond in order to curry favor for the appropriations process. In addition as long as boards serve at the blessing of an elected official there will be politics ...

in addition the University of Texas system is heavily underwritten by endowment funds from alumni and if anyone on here thinks that a $100,000 contributor can't get his or her marginally intelligent child into UT then ...

well ... you are the "marginally intelligent child" of a non-contributor.

in the past the Legislature has attempted to "water down" the admission standards of some "schools" within the University of Texas system (I know of one in particular) and the department/school head(s) have pushed back with the support of the school's alumni and the Legislators backed down.

College campuses are political within the administration and externally.

Those who kept up with the decision to expand or replace Memorial Stadium (now "Darrel K. Royal-Memorial Stadium) should be aware of the clout of Coach Royal vs. LBJ. Coach won. That was raw politics.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
2016 Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Thanks. I was wondering about that. The streets downtown are already torn up with construction.
Trending Idiot, on July 8, 2014 you made the following allegation:

Prove it!
Of course they are; but that doesn't mean taxpayers have to roll over and play dead; ignoring the abuses when they happen. Especially when those abuses are violations of stated policy/rules that everyone else is suppose to play by.


College campuses are political within the administration and externally.

.... Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Of course they are; but that doesn't mean taxpayers have to roll over and play dead; ignoring the abuses when they happen. Especially when those abuses are violations of stated policy/rules that everyone else is suppose to play by. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
First, if you "sanitize" the University of Texas system most, if not all, of the private funding through endowments would evaporate, which would eliminate millions of dollars in grants and scholarships, not to mention supplementation of professorships through privately funded "chairs" (including relocation funds to entice quality professors to the campus) and the consequence would be lower enrollment due to the increased cost (unless, of course, you expect the taxpayers to 100% the higher education of anyone who wants to enroll) that most cannot afford who would be academically qualified to attend and higher quality professors would refuse to transfer to UT and leave tenure at a higher paying position at which they are settled and tied to the community.

Do you have any documented figures (head count) of the number of non-qualified (academically) applicants are accepted annually into UT-Austin based on political favors? (and I am using that term "political" loosely to include a "friend of a friend" request ... ). I am excluding the athletic programs when counting "non-qualified" applicants, of course!!!
The law school admissions scandal was bigger than first imagined. The UT Kroll Report is out.

Wallace was a Rick Perry appointment - a whistleblower extraordinaire.

From the Kroll Report:
University of Texas at Austin President Bill Powers used his authority to get “must have” applicants admitted to the state’s flagship school and misled internal lawyers looking into influence peddling in the admissions process in both the undergraduate college and UT’s top-ranked law school, an independent investigation obtained by The Dallas Morning News has found.

The wide-ranging investigation ordered by former Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa found that Powers overruled his admissions office and exercised broad control when it came to favored applicants – some of whom had the recommendation of powerful people in this state.
What they found was what Wallace Hall alleged: That there was one admissions process for ordinary applicants, and another for the well-connected. “Applicants with special connections had a 72% acceptance rate compared to 40% overall.”

BTW, Bill Powers was an Enron board of directors member - can you spell c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n !
  • DSK
  • 02-23-2015, 08:22 AM
The law school admissions scandal was bigger than first imagined. The UT Kroll Report is out.

Wallace was a Rick Perry appointment - a whistleblower extraordinaire.

From the Kroll Report:
University of Texas at Austin President Bill Powers used his authority to get “must have” applicants admitted to the state’s flagship school and misled internal lawyers looking into influence peddling in the admissions process in both the undergraduate college and UT’s top-ranked law school, an independent investigation obtained by The Dallas Morning News has found.

The wide-ranging investigation ordered by former Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa found that Powers overruled his admissions office and exercised broad control when it came to favored applicants – some of whom had the recommendation of powerful people in this state.
What they found was what Wallace Hall alleged: That there was one admissions process for ordinary applicants, and another for the well-connected. “Applicants with special connections had a 72% acceptance rate compared to 40% overall.”

BTW, Bill Powers was an Enron board of directors member - can you spell c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm personally "shocked" that friends of the Governor of Texas are admitted to the state's flagship University at a higher rate than other applicants. Round up the usual suspects!!! They may even have gambling going on there!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
I remember when Dean Keeton took on the Texas Legislature regarding admission to the law school in which it was proposed that there be a lower standard for Texas residents when applying to the law school. Keeton opposed a double standard and insisted that a quality school should attract national students and the national students should have the same access as Texas residents.

Keeton appeared before the subcommittee conducting hearings and explained that if the bill ever got out of committee for a floor vote, they would all be defeated in their upcoming elections, and he had the campaign funds on tap to see that they were. The bill did not get to the floor.

Things have changed since Keeton left. In those days UT Law was in the top five schools in the country. He supplemented salaries set for the profs on "the hill" with endowments and chairs funded by generous alumni contributions and stole professors from all over the country who were tired of the anti-war protests disrupting scholastics.