I'm just curious if it's appropriate and okay to just touch base occasionally (with intentions of setting another appointment) perhaps ask if she has an Incall for the week, is in town (or not), or perhaps just a friendly communique to spur another meeting.
Originally Posted by SchnellerFahrer
Please allow me to give you all a "real world" example of why I resurrected this old thread, based on my comment above:
THIS WEEK - THREE (3) lovely ladies reached out to me
proactively to mention they were available (had an Incall), or wanted to attempt and reschedule a meeting.
Two were ladies I've seen before, and I GLADLY and quickly setup followup meetings, the Third was someone we're having scheduling snafus, but have an appt setup next week.
That was the reason for my post, to discover if this was ok and accepted.
From the Ladies' perspective....is this OK to do reach out every now and then? Do you ever reach out to us, especially when we say it's Ok? Is this a valid and good way to keep in touch and meet up again, especially for a good / favorite client?
I hope so! just as in the example I gave.