
burkalini's Avatar
Interesting response. I know this thread is about what motivates providers, but what motivates me is a need to connect on more than just a physical level. The ONLY providers I see more than once are the ones who truly seem to enjoy our time together and with whom there is some kind of connection, beyond the obvious physical? And these are really few! Originally Posted by Louigi
I understand the need to connect with someone on more than just a sexual level but I would recommend not to seek that in this hobby. The issue with the hobby is that alot of men are capable of physical connection with younger attractive women when in real life it's probably not going to happen. I would suggest if you don't think the lady would date you in real life then don't look for anything but sex.
London Rayne's Avatar
Well darn Burk..that's just cold! I am gonna have to kick your azz for that now! He does not mean fall in love with a hooker, but someone who is more than a hole to fill...maybe someone he can talk to and she actually talks back and makes sense lol. Some guys actually want to converse about more than sports and fitness.

I can tell you Louigi is not the in and out type, but more the savor the moment, go to dinner, great conversation, etc. I am pretty sure that's what he meant by a connection. We all know there are some girls you bang for an hour and that's it. Then there are those providers you see on a regular basis who you actually hang out with beyond the bcd...don't even lie, because I know one of yours ha ha.
burkalini's Avatar
Well darn Burk..that's just cold! I am gonna have to kick your azz for that now! He does not mean fall in love with a hooker, but someone who is more than a hole to fill...maybe someone he can talk to and she actually talks back and makes sense lol. Some guys actually want to converse about more than sports and fitness.

I can tell you Louigi is not the in and out type, but more the savor the moment, go to dinner, great conversation, etc. I am pretty sure that's what he meant by a connection. Originally Posted by London Rayne

I hate to dissagree AGAIN. LOL If it's companionship in any form I still believe it's best in real life. Not that a good conversation or friendly dinner is bad with a provider but don't look for it to replace the same thing in real life. He seemed by his comment that is what he was seeking. If I am wrong then it won't be the first time as you always seem to enjoy pointing out.
London Rayne's Avatar
That's not true at all! Have you seen the way some of the guys around here talk about their ATF? It goes well beyond a dinner, but into a "creepy" territory. Louigi is married, so not gonna happen.

Most men I meet over a certain age are all about companionship. They want to wake up with someone, snuggle, watch movies, all the things they used to have in RL, but can't at the moment. I am not suggesting you can buy true emotion mind you...but you can actually enjoy the company of someone past the sex.

I agree with you that it could be dangerous if lines are crossed into a delusional realm, but men are great at being able to distinguish sex vs. real emotion even if they are spending a lot of time with the lady.

Yah...I love pointing "that" out ha ha.
The ONLY providers I see more than once are the ones who truly seem to enjoy our time together and with whom there is some kind of connection, beyond the obvious physical? And these are really few! Originally Posted by Louigi
I totally get this and pretty much feel the same way.
burkalini's Avatar
Can't is a way of saying I give up. I don't believe they can't. I believe they think they can't. There is always some lady out there with that would love to have dinner or go to the movies. Now are they going to be a beautiful hard body twenty or thirty something. Probably not. So vanity now becomes the reason they can't
London Rayne's Avatar
OHHHH you mean kind of like you 'CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT SEX" LMAO. Gotcha!
burkalini's Avatar
I didn't say CAN"T butthead. I said you live longer if you do. Gotcha back. I hope your next 5 clients all have huge dicks and want sex
That's not true at all! Have you seen the way some of the guys around here talk about their ATF? It goes well beyond a dinner, but into a "creepy" territory. Louigi is married, so not gonna happen.

Most men I meet over a certain age are all about companionship. They want to wake up with someone, snuggle, watch movies, all the things they used to have in RL, but can't at the moment. I am not suggesting you can buy true emotion mind you...but you can actually enjoy the company of someone past the sex.

I agree with you that it could be dangerous if lines are crossed into a delusional realm, but men are great at being able to distinguish sex vs. real emotion even if they are spending a lot of time with the lady.

Yah...I love pointing "that" out ha ha. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I couldn't say it better - and believe me, I've tried.
London Rayne's Avatar
I didn't say CAN"T butthead. I said you live longer if you do. Gotcha back. I hope your next 5 clients all have huge dicks and want sex Originally Posted by burkalini

Oh dayum...that was good!

You're welcome Louigi.
I appreciate the replies so far, but was really hoping for a larger sample size of ladies. Some of the replies so far are about what I expected...that most start this over a desire for more money, and the highly flexible nature of providing is a huge bonus.

The few replies from the client side, as always, are informative, but not what I was looking for. I still appreciate the replies however they don't add to the original post's discussion.

My whole point in this topic was to try and gather a "decent" (which I consider to be around 20) amount of replies from providers as to why they got into this business. Of course, the more providers that say why, the better.

So, allow me to ask these questions in follow up, do you ladies enjoy what you do? While providing has all the benefits of a highly flexible schedule, travel, and high pay, would you still do it if it was legal and taxed? What if you were payed less? Do you view providing as a means to an end such as a quick way to save a lot? Or do you view it as the easiest way to afford shiner things?

As always, thank you for any replies. :-)
Naomi4u's Avatar
So, allow me to ask these questions in follow up, do you ladies enjoy what you do? Originally Posted by daratu1
Yes. It's the best job in the world to me.

While providing has all the benefits of a highly flexible schedule, travel, and high pay, would you still do it if it was legal and taxed?
Of course, Yes.

What if you were payed less?
Hmmmmm....... How much less? LOL!

Do you view providing as a means to an end such as a quick way to save a lot? Or do you view it as the easiest way to afford shiner things?
I'll go slightly off topic here but your question will be answered here a few times.

It depends on who you ask. Some people think we're all here so we can buy bubble gum and hair spray. Meanwhile, SOME of us actually have our priorities together. I stress "some" because from what I have gathered here as of late even the people that seem the most put together have the biggest issues. I view providing as a VERY fun way to make a lot of money. I just bought a new car, getting ready to move in to a new place and next finance an education/business. A lot of ladies here make over 12-20k a month and blow it on drugs, clothes and shoes. Yes they make damn good money but have nothing to show for it because they're bad at managing money or have addictions. I am younger (22 years old) than most ladies here. I am not that girl.

Society sees escorts as drugged out , irresponsible people and that's not true. I am very responsible and have never touched drugs in my life and don't plan on it. My addiction/obsession/infatuation is taking care of my family. That is my high. Making sure my little family is taken care of. I bullshit here on ECCIE at times but that's the main reason why I do this - to make sure that my family has the best that life has to offer.

Daratu, Take a look around. Eccie is a melting pot. There are ladies here that fit the stereotype and live the "hooker" lifestyle and there are others that you wouldn't recognize if you saw them if you were to see them at home. That's me. I'm not a whore/ho/hooker/slut in my personal life. I am the exact opposite. I am reserved, shy (at first glance) and a true conservative.

Yesterday a client that I saw a year ago found my new website and said to me "Do you know how I knew it was you?" I said "No.. how my pictures?" and he says "Well yeah that but you also spelled everything correctly, used complete sentences and proper punctuation on your website. I laughed so hard. What he said was true. A lot of ladies in this business don't even know how to construct a simple sentence or spell so tell me why won't they be here? What GOOD job will hire such? Please enlighten me. There are some ladies here that can't even hold a conversation that doesn't have to do with their cats and pink elephants. Why will they not turn to escorting? For some the ladies here? Yes it is a means to an end. If you don't even know good grammar how will you know how to manage money?

For me, The money gives me power. I know better than to blow my money on stupid things, KNOWING that I can walk into a store and buy whatever I want - that is power. Being able to travel and stay at the finest hotels the city has to offer, eat at the best restaurant and shop whenever I want. It's also an ego boost. Not knowing who's the mystery man is behind the door and five minutes later giving him the best in the world - Thrill. When I can make another man smile and hear things like "You're the best", "I wish I could see you everyday" ... It makes me happy that I could enrich someone else's life in that way.

There are ladies that HATE providing and there are ladies, like me, that love it. A lot of people say it's not easy money but that's their opinion because for me it is. I think it's easy for me because I am able to separate who I am in my personal life and who I am at work so well. Some say it's not a glamorous job, for me it is. It is what the lady makes it out to be. It could be her biggest hell. However, for women like me, It's fun and rewarding. It's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. I think the worse thing I've had to deal with this year is airport security but hey ask another girl and it'll be some guy NCNS'd her or she had a client try to choke her. This business is so individualized. Again like I said earlier, it depends on who you ask.

Anyways, If I keep writing I'll miss my flight . I have a clock-free date in another city today wooohooo! Yall have a great day! smile.
Well it's easy money, (obvious answer), but also quite empowering. I love seducing guys & giving them everything their wives will not
Well it's easy money, (obvious answer), but also quite empowering. I love seducing guys & giving them everything their wives will not Originally Posted by Valerie
Thank you Valerie!!
I understand the need to connect with someone on more than just a sexual level but I would recommend not to seek that in this hobby. The issue with the hobby is that alot of men are capable of physical connection with younger attractive women when in real life it's probably not going to happen. I would suggest if you don't think the lady would date you in real life then don't look for anything but sex. Originally Posted by burkalini
I agree. I live in about 3 worlds: home, work and the hobby. Home takes care of my domestic needs. Work takes care of my need to connect with someone on more than a sexual level (in fact, no sex is involved). I get calls from all over the country asking for my advice, and maintain close friendships with some of those persons. Finally, the hobby sates my immediate sexual needs.