Misconceptions of others..

Over 1k post, least i'm in good company. Can't wait to meet you too
whitechocolate's Avatar
In my professional work, I have studied the psychology of misconceptions which are at the root of much of the depression and anxiety in society. In doing cognitive therapy with clients, much of the time is spent just trying to educate them on the need to fully understand a person or situation before reaching conclusions. The internet has allowed bullies to just play games and made it difficult for the sensitive people being bullied to truly understand what is going on or why. To not fall victim, it is essential to just ignore these bullies and not engage them until they are willing to expose themselves so that mutual understanding can take place. Never try to confront internet bullies until they show their face.
I'm really a sweet little princess in person. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
lol that is cute.
Naomi4u's Avatar
lol that is cute. Originally Posted by SarahAndFriends
Over 1k post, least i'm in good company. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926

RR, I'm closing in on 1,000 myself....not sure how to celebrate but I am in Florida for another week.....shoot me a PM and let me know where you are, I'll buy you a drink!! Either that or I'll celebrate with Naomi when I see her the week after I get back!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'll celebrate with Naomi when I see her the week after I get back!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Even better!
whitechocolate's Avatar
What is interesting is that when bullies are tamed and misconceptions are cleared up, the opposing forces tend to bond even closer than if the conflict never occurred in the first place so definitely worth the effort to tame the bully through other means than battle.
Naomi4u's Avatar
What is interesting is that when bullies are tamed and misconceptions are cleared up, the opposing forces tend to bond even closer than if the conflict never occurred in the first place so definitely worth the effort to tame the bully through other means than battle. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Who you telling? Just look at Valerie and Wakeup http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=199517. That's gotta go down in SHMB history. We should all kiss and makeup. I'm feeling the love fest!
whitechocolate's Avatar
Naomi, you are absolutely correct. That is one perfect example. A lot of psychological energy goes into taming the breast and when tamed, the beast is ours. Good example for everyone who is having difficult on the Board and great way to get some truly "dedicated" clients when all is said and done.