Eccie links in CL & BP ads

So for those of you who are too closed minded to understand...well...I'm sorry. I wish there was a better way to explain it to you. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Everyone else was quoting me, I wanted to do it too!

Ok, I am sorry. I am 'Freaking out'....but bear with me, I have never freaked out before.

This does make me very nervous and I want a real discussion on it because to be honest, I want someone to have a good arguement against me that it will put me at ease.

Someone did give me a great arguement, but it was in a PM away from the peanut gallery. He was able to at least let me realize that I'm 'freaking out'.

So be it. I know it's true. But, LE is not a creature of habit like the rest of us. They have been known to shake things up and pull the unexpected. So let's at least agree to keep on our toes and stay safe!

Post Script:
I still think it's a dumb idea to post Eccie links on CL/BP!
Wait a tic-- I was somewhat with you until this. So, if people do not agree with your viewpoint then they are closed minded? Isn't that a bit closed minded of you in and of itself??

Keep in mind that this is a discussion forum-- not an agreement forum. There will always be those who agree and those who disagree with your viewpoint. That does not make them right or wrong or closed or open minded.

Why is "People are People" running through my head right now?? Originally Posted by DecemberLove

That's what happened when I voiced my opinion, December... so I just deleted my messages.. no need to argue about it if I'm selfish, uncaring, or close-minded to someone... lol
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-03-2010, 01:54 AM
So be it. I know it's true. But, LE is not a creature of habit like the rest of us. They have been known to shake things up and pull the unexpected. So let's at least agree to keep on our toes and stay safe! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums

We only have each other to protect ourselves. There is no one else. The only thing we can count on is Vigilance!
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar

Well, first off, the name of their, implies a lot of things..
2ndly - that fuckin ad is REVIEW LINK central..

I thought you'd get a kick out of this one.
If the link doesn't work, I've got it printscreened.

I do believe that this would be what TC, the OP is referring to.

I may have overlooked a post in this thread, but Jackie is arguably one of the most intelligent people on this site and has an amazing amount of thoughtful insight when ever she speaks. What are you thoughts on this aspect, Jackie? Worthwhile? Originally Posted by PSD
Thank you for your kind words and your compliment, I missed it earlier or I would have addressed it sooner. I strive to speak intelligently and concisely on issues and topics, however, I'm certain many here are more "intelligent" and equally if not better "well-spoken".

I've been over the thread a few times and I don't believe I have anything to add to the discussion at present that hasn't already been mentioned . . . plus, staying quiet is occasionally best.

You are correct, LE is everywhere. As much as they are "nowhere". One of LE's greatest weapons is that they exist more in the mind than they ever do on this or any other board. And, they know exactly how to push that button and apply that pressure consistently. The unfortunate fact is that when they do present themselves, it is usually too late and one then enters damage control. It may be prudent, as has been previously pointed out, to be VIGILANT at all times!

Be safe everyone!


- Jackie
The Adult section on CL closed today I believe. Instead, the word 'Censored' is there in its place. Their lawyers convinced them to shut down the adult ads due to the heat that they were getting from 17 states about the fact they were 'promoting prostitution' in that section.
I saw it when i logged in to check both my hotmail and Yahoo mail... a nice big news headline "Craigslist finally shuts down adult section under pressure"...

Makes me wonder how long it will be before they start hitting backpage up for the same reason... then coming to sites like this and eraps.

This BP ad has her review links and her showcase link Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Thank you Tiffany
rachet3375's Avatar
Yes! On their sites! Or even state in their BP/CL ads 'Reviews available upon request' then after contact, give them the links then.
I think inviting all of the BP/CL 'lurkers' in is a bad thing. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums

I agree with Tiff that requesting reviews would be the way to go or their personal sites'
I too was a BP lurker and had about a .500 batting avg. Then I found ECCIE through a link and have since all but given up on BP. Without the links to this board I would probably not have found it, hard to say. I can understand how it makes some of you nervous but a number of VPs list on BP as well. I suppose you need to make use of any advertising you can, but it is a little disappointing to see them there. My opinion is that in a perfect world this site and others like it should suffice, but it does not. Complacency can beat the crap out of ya if you let it.
I agree you completely linking to CL and BP is a bad idea for many reasons...attracts a lower class hobbyist, and more importantly in my opinion is more likey to attract LE and that is bad for everyone....
Well I have read through all the information & want to add....that Yes LE can use your reviews against you ladies. I know that the gentlemen like to write reviews about their time....But I have said before reviews although they can generate business they can also put you at risk.

A good provider friend of mine got caught up because of a review....they showed it to her...& they took it Very seriously. So the fantasy aspect may work for the men...doesn't work to well for the provider's. But the provider's normally get the short end of the stick when it comes to stings, bust, etc.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
A good provider friend of mine got caught up because of a review....they showed it to her...& they took it Very seriously. So the fantasy aspect may work for the men...doesn't work to well for the provider's. But the provider's normally get the short end of the stick when it comes to stings, bust, etc.

+1 I also found eccie through BP last year it was on a girl's ad.
diud-diud's Avatar
Well I have read through all the information & want to add....that Yes LE can use your reviews against you ladies. I know that the gentlemen like to write reviews about their time....But I have said before reviews although they can generate business they can also put you at risk.

A good provider friend of mine got caught up because of a review....they showed it to her...& they took it Very seriously. So the fantasy aspect may work for the men...doesn't work to well for the provider's. But the provider's normally get the short end of the stick when it comes to stings, bust, etc. Originally Posted by camilleMorgan
The funny thing about that is a review alone is meaningless as proof. I could write a review about anyone and no one could prove it any more or less true. Now if a provider writes an ad and then links her ad to the review, that is like her verifying the what was written in the review was true. If that is what your friend did then that was on her for linking the ad she wrote, to something she could have otherwise said she knew nothing about and was a bunch of lies.

And Damn you're cute.
The funny thing about that is a review alone is meaningless as proof. I could write a review about anyone and no one could prove it any more or less true. Now if a provider writes an ad and then links her ad to the review, that is like her verifying the what was written in the review was true. If that is what your friend did then that was on her for linking the ad she wrote, to something she could have otherwise said she knew nothing about and was a bunch of lies. Originally Posted by diud-diud
I understand what your saying...& I agree. However, try telling that to a judge or prosecutor. I am just stating the facts. That's what happened. We said the same thing to one & other..that anybody can make up something & put it on the internet. Nope no link to a review. However, she did have what most other provider's, reviews, and if you googled her name things would come up. However no direct link to her reviews in ad.

Again as I's not balanced...provider's normally get more flake/trouble. Not to say that clients don't. But the provider usually gets the most licks.
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