Are we made to be with only 1 individual?

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Yo, lying and cheating on your life's partner can be boiled down. Use all the euphemisms you want but they all end up spelling the same thing: PUSSY! Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Is it lying if I don't volunteer info??? If I'm asked I will tell the truth but I'm speaking about secrecy Originally Posted by maineblame
It's still cheating, and thus a PUSSY move.
maineblame's Avatar
U sound like a scorned woman...but I'm the pussy?

Conceptualize different relationship situations and get back to me ....everybody is not suppose to do Sh!t except sh!t eat and sleep. Ur world and rules don't fit in mines homie. U do u imma do me
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
U sound like a scorned woman... Originally Posted by maineblame
Nah, just someone with the balls to not sneak around and lie and cheat.

But no one's judging here. Only labeling. Call a spade a spade, that sort of thing.
maineblame's Avatar
I'm just saying if I speed by a cop breaking the speed limit and he's eating a doughnut should I back up and say hey I have to come clean mr Leo and ask for a ticket ?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I'm just saying if I speed by a cop breaking the speed limit and he's eating a doughnut should I back up and say hey I have to come clean mr Leo and ask for a ticket ? Originally Posted by maineblame
Who in their right mind would do that?

Not me...

So he will get cheated that day from me heh..
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Everyone lies at one point right? So we're all past or current cowards? Originally Posted by maineblame
try watching brain games. I believe their experts stated something to the effect most humans lie within 2 minutes of meeting. babies even lie. children lie and when they lie it's actually a sign of cognitive development.

also might find this interesting
(it's old but I'm sure it still have some relevance)

I have never been one to give a damn about what society or anyone else says. The majority is usually wrong. So when most people go left, I usually go right...................... Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
ugh. can't believe you think soo similarly to myself. haha. been that exact way since HS. if what the mob likes is actually cool I don't have a problem with it. but if what the mob likes is stupid, fuck 'em which was most of the time.

If you feel or felt like what you are doing is right, there's no need to lie about it when asked, right?
.............................. .............. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
for this, I think it's more about avoiding drama and unnecessary conflict. I do get the point but if the fuzz was asking you on your way into a seedy notel I don't think feeling right would mean shit. I also doubt anyone here is championing the legalization of a new modern chicken ranch the way certain other banned mentionables have been championed into legality in many places/states. also, doubt any relatives would ever ask any question pertaining to the hobby and I would never bring it up to them either. my buddies? sure, they know. they ask and I tell and have no issues telling. also funny seeing how surprised then curious some of them are. haha.

my assumption and response is based on the "what you are doing" being the hobby. apologies if it wasn't a general "what you are doing" or was referring to something else specifically.

Is it lying if I don't volunteer info??? If I'm asked I will tell the truth but I'm speaking about secrecy ...... Originally Posted by maineblame
I'm pretty sure you don't need an answer to this. if the person you're not volunteering info to has an expectation of something else and you KNOW this then yes, you're lying.

that said

......what u don't know won't hurt u ....unless it's cancer Originally Posted by maineblame
I firmly agree with this old saying. the hurt begins when the knowledge is gained.

I also tried to lookup marriage license, certificate, contract, or anything that says anything explicitly about monogamy (granted I wasn't gonna sit and read a whole contract) and I couldn't find shit. if anyone knows something do share.

I did however find an interesting article
Monogamy Isn't Biblical, It's Roman - Patheos

QUOTE=Hottentot Venus;1057740957]There are many species in the animal kingdom that mate for life. The heartsong penguin for instance.

A man that can control his dick with all the sex around deserves a crown and a tomb full of gold for that is a man truly in tune with his soul. And I don't mean monogamy either. If you promise to be monogamous, then yes, but I would never promise to a man to only want to have sex with only him for the rest of my life, nor will I let a man repeat those wack ass wedding vows to me.

Emotional monogamy is way more important to me than they physical kind. Most men have to lie about whether they find another girl attractive or not. Any type of percirved attention to the opposite sex is a threat to most women's security and ego. I'm under no such illusions, I want my man to be happy. There's rules to that shit though.

1. Don't bring that ho into my house.
2. Make sure that ho knows her place.
3. Make sure I don't see or hear that ho. (calling, showing up at my house, Facebook stalking)
4. Do your shit on the low low... and I don't want to hear about it.. would you like to hear about the dick I got on my lunch break.
5.Have your ass home every night on time. Yes, I believe in curfews when we go out alone. There is nothing open past 2am but legs and hospitals. Do your fucking on your own time, not family time.
6. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: MAKE SURE MY SHIT IS TAKEN CARE OF FIRST! If you're out fucking so hard that you forget to do some shit I explicitly asked you to do HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.

Transversely, I can't stand an ole' Ike Turner ass dude.

Easy, motherfucker! We're all professionals here.[/QUOTE]