Snowden Took a Job To Leak NSA Secrets? Cool. Let's Have More Like Him at the DOJ, IRS ...

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  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2013, 11:30 AM

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  • Old-T
  • 07-04-2013, 11:36 AM

IIFFOFRDB Originally Posted by CJ7
You just realized that?
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  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2013, 11:39 AM
After a nearly two-hour wait inside the terminal, a bus picks me up — only me — from the transit area. We drive slowly across the tarmac, through a barrier, past electronic gates covered in barbed wire and security cameras.
The main part of the Novotel is out of bounds. My allotted wing feels like a lockup: You are obliged to stay in your room, except for brief walks along the corridor. Three cameras track your movements along the hallway and beam the images back to a multiscreen monitor. It's comforting to see a sign instructing me that, in case of an emergency, the locks on heavily-fortified doors leading to the elevators will open.
When I try to leave my room, the guard outside springs to his feet. I ask him why room service isn't responding and if there's any other way to get food. He growls: "Extension 70!" I rile him by asking about the Wi-Fi, which isn't working: "Extension 75!" he snarls.
Ewan MacAskill/AP

Snowden, whose U.S. passport has been revoked, worked as a contract employee at the National Security Agency.

"Don't worry, Mr. Phillips," the transit desk employee had said. "We have all your details and information. We will come and get you from your room at 6 p.m. on Friday, one hour before your connecting flight."
Now it's midnight, and I'm getting edgy. I feel trapped inside my airless room, whose double windows are tightly sealed. And the room is extortionate: It costs $300 a night, with a surcharge of 50 percent slapped on because I will be staying past noon.
("Can't I just wait in the lobby after midday?" I asked the receptionist at check-in. "Of course not," she retorted. "You have no visa. You will stay until you are picked up.")
I look out the window. If Snowden is here and has the same view, he can see the approach to the departures terminal at the airport. A large billboard shows a red 4x4 vehicle driving along an ocean road. A parking lot below is filled with vehicles. A man in green overalls is watering a patch of parched grass. Vehicles whizz in and out of the airport.
A maid has just brought a tea bag. She puts a tick against the room number on the three-page document on her trolley. On it, there are no guest names, only numbers — and departure dates. A quick look suggests there are perhaps a few dozen people staying here. A couple of rooms on my floor have tell-tale signs of occupancy — food trays lying outside from the night before.


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Randy4Candy's Avatar
Can we just not bother with having to show Trendaway showing his ass every time he posts something and just, by acclamation, rule that if he posts it, it is wrong?

All in favor?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2013, 11:48 AM
Can we just not bother with having to show Trendaway showing his ass every time he posts something and just, by acclamation, rule that if he posts it, it is wrong?

All in favor?

Aye! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
The Hotel Snowden is at:

Standard hotel room with furniture, windows, lobby, elevators,,,,,fitness center,,,full service restaurant...other amenities.

Why hasn't Obama been able to get Snowden?

Because the world leaders don't' think much of him.........Obama is a joke on the world stage............he is a great leader in his own mind only...........
Why hasn't Obama been able to get Snowden?

Because the world leaders don't' think much of him.........Obama is a joke on the world stage............he is a great leader in his own mind only........... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Must be comforting to sit on a hooker board and try to paint someone as a big a looser as you are..