Bidenomics still working.

adav8s28's Avatar

As an appetizer:

Oopsie! Quite a misfire there, at least in the event that you're trying to put a happy spin on Biden's grotesque fiscal excesses. (Sorry adav8s28. I'm afraid that Investopedia entry is quite a bit too suffused with misinformation and sheer nonsense for most people's tastes!)
Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
In post #44 DB implies that Biden has the title of president, but is not doing anything to have an effect on any economic metric.
The point about the inverstopedia post was to show Biden had a plan and that Post #44 was incorrect.
Ducbutter's Avatar
In post #44 DB implies that Biden has the title of president, but is not doing anything to have an effect on any economic metric.
The point about the inverstopedia post was to show Biden had a plan and that Post #44 was incorrect. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Adav, you are doing nothing but straw manning here. You are argueing against a point I never made. I have no need to infer that Biden has no plan. If I felt he had no plan I would happily come out and said that. But I didn't. Ever. The fact that you infered that from what I said is on you. You don't get to determine the intent of my words. I do. If you were confused you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble by asking one question. Something like, "Hey Duc, are you saying Biden has absolutely no plan?"
My posting in this thread has always been about proving that our surging economy is the result of policy decision(s) by the administration and not just removing the wet blankets off the economy that were Covid restrictions. If you can't do that, it's fine . Just STFU about putting words in my mouth and calling me dishonest.
Here's a little poem to help you remember, with all credit to Dr. Suess.

I meant what I said
And I said what I meant
If you want to infer
then you can get bent!
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2023, 07:30 PM
In the words of Dilbert, bump

I’ll take a more sensible position, Clinton, Obama and Biden - all with similar economic policy - were are better stewards than republicans. Trickle down works fine for me but it’s shit economic policy. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Huh?? You think Clinton and Biden pushed similar economic policies?

Perhaps you have forgotten that federal government spending fell by about three percentage points of GDP during a several year period in the second half of the 1990s. The debt-accumulation trajectory was heading in the right direction at the time. Have you failed to notice that the opposite is the case now? And you find it appropriate to gloat about this?

And, humorously enough, yet another mention of "trickle-down" economics!

It must surely be great fun to ask a partisan Democrat or self-described "progressive" what "trickle-down economics" is, and when anything reasonably describable in such fashion was implemented to any significant degree.

You might hear some babble about Reagan's "tax cuts for the wealthy." (Even though the sum total of tax law changes during Reagan's two terms actually raised taxes on the wealthy.)

Are you aware that the most robust attempt to boost the economy via "trickle-down" policy actually took off and shifted into high gear during the Obama administration?

(But why let logic, reason, and a few facts get in the way when a progressive has a political axe to grind?) Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
LMFAO now Tiny why did you go and do this as I am sure that 1b1 would have been happy to let it fade away. I have noticed that everytime TC post one of his spot on posts calling out 1b1 on his partisan BS posts that he never responds back. Could it be that he realizes that his bideonmics is a total crock of horse pucker? Keep up the great spot on posts TC.
I just don’t have time to get into a protracted argument with our resident economist. Particularly when he’s busy conflating issues. I understand that you’re impressed with him saying I’m wrong but you’ve zero clue what he’s talking about. It’s a similar reason I stopped arguing with Lex (what sent me over the edge was his lying about what I stated repeatedly).

You can stay in the peanut gallery Golfer, it’s about where your intellect keeps you.
I just don’t have time to get into a protracted argument with our resident economist. Particularly when he’s busy conflating issues. I understand that you’re impressed with him saying I’m wrong but you’ve zero clue what he’s talking about. It’s a similar reason I stopped arguing with Lex (what sent me over the edge was his lying about what I stated repeatedly).

You can stay in the peanut gallery Golfer, it’s about where your intellect keeps you. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Figures you would cop out after you get your ass handed to you. I don't post on here much simply fir the fact that I have a life and it does not revolve around constantly posting on a hooker board. I call BS on you being an attorney because most reputable attorneys are too busy with their clients and not constantly posting partisan BS like you seem to do most of your day. Don't you have a eviction case you should be working on?
Uh huh.
  • Tiny
  • 06-13-2023, 12:05 PM
I just don’t have time to get into a protracted argument with our resident economist. Particularly when he’s busy conflating issues. I understand that you’re impressed with him saying I’m wrong but you’ve zero clue what he’s talking about. It’s a similar reason I stopped arguing with Lex (what sent me over the edge was his lying about what I stated repeatedly).

You can stay in the peanut gallery Golfer, it’s about where your intellect keeps you. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
How about telling it like it is Blackman. You arguing with Texas Contrarian about tax and economic issues is like me arguing with you about legal issues. You take on someone with far superior knowledge and you're going to get your ass kicked, although you may not know it.

Texas Contrarian didn't conflate anything. He's a deficit hawk, and comparing what passes for Biden's "economic policy" to Bill Clinton's is sacrilege to a deficit hawk.

He's right about trickle down too. Bipartisan changes in the tax code during the Reagan Administration resulted in the wealthy paying more tax, as they moved out of tax shelters and the like. See for example

The only item in the post that GolferGuy, or I, might not have understood was the reference to trickle down during the Obama Administration. I suspect TC may be referring to Fed policy, which boosted asset values. Hopefully he'll return and shed a bit more light on that, as you kindly did on the issue of attorney client privilege in the Trump indictment.
How about telling it like it is Blackman. You arguing with Texas Contrarian about tax and economic issues is like me arguing with you about legal issues. You take on someone with far superior knowledge and you're going to get your ass kicked, although you may not know it.

Texas Contrarian didn't conflate anything. He's a deficit hawk, and comparing what passes for Biden's "economic policy" to Bill Clinton's is sacrilege to a deficit hawk.

He's right about trickle down too. Bipartisan changes in the tax code during the Reagan Administration resulted in the wealthy paying more tax, as they moved out of tax shelters and the like. See for example

The only item in the post that GolferGuy, or I, might not have understood was the reference to trickle down during the Obama Administration. I suspect TC may be referring to Fed policy, which boosted asset values. Hopefully he'll return and shed a bit more light on that, as you kindly did on the issue of attorney client

privilege in the Trump indictment. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny I applaud you but you are talking to a brick wall when trying to get 1b1 to admit to having his ass handed to him by TC. From what I can see is that 1b1 is totally clueless about this issue so he just posts and parrots his partisan talking points. If I have time later on I will delve more into what TC posted as I do this. But for 1b1 to even remotely say that TC conflated anything is so laughable. But I will admit it is fun watching 1b1 having his ass handed to him as I am sure he probably has some upcoming eviction cases he needs to focus on.
How about telling it like it is Blackman. You arguing with Texas Contrarian about tax and economic issues is like me arguing with you about legal issues. You take on someone with far superior knowledge and you're going to get your ass kicked, although you may not know it.

Texas Contrarian didn't conflate anything. He's a deficit hawk, and comparing what passes for Biden's "economic policy" to Bill Clinton's is sacrilege to a deficit hawk.

He's right about trickle down too. Bipartisan changes in the tax code during the Reagan Administration resulted in the wealthy paying more tax, as they moved out of tax shelters and the like. See for example

The only item in the post that GolferGuy, or I, might not have understood was the reference to trickle down during the Obama Administration. I suspect TC may be referring to Fed policy, which boosted asset values. Hopefully he'll return and shed a bit more light on that, as you kindly did on the issue of attorney client privilege in the Trump indictment. Originally Posted by Tiny

Goodness. Ok. How about this. Generally, his level of granularity is more than I’d spend the time and effort to address on this forum. (As for legal issues, I know way more right off hand so it’s far simpler than arguing the weeds of economics and taxes).

As for the conflation, you’re doing it as well. Yes, the wealthy may have paid more taxes in dollars but not as their individual rates. Nonetheless, that wasn’t addressed in my original posts he was claiming to address yet he included it anyway, which is actually misdirection.

I never challenge his knowledge, nor that of Lexus (I just think Lex is dishonest broker in an argument that lies on what is actually written or in my case went in and changed my words in the quote). However, I have found them both to go off on unnecessary tangents to the issue at hand and go far beyond the actual statements made and argument presented. As I said, it gets too weedy and granular for me to spend the time to argue.

Needless to say, we differ in opinion.

As for Golfdude (evidently my stalker since he’s yet to do anything but run around sniffing my asshole), I give zero fucks what he says or thinks as Ive yet to read anything he’s typed as requiring an iota of my brain cells to comprehend. Tiny on the other hand, though we disagree on much, you can put 3 intelligible sentences together.

And yes, his quip about Obama and trickle down is a misplaced argument that non-existent interest rates and quantitative easing had the same stimulative effect as the trickle down economic theory. I’d disagree as to that assessment but I’m sure he’ll give a sufficiently complex explanation. The end result might have been similar but the how you get there differs vastly. Cutting taxes for the rich and hoping they’ll be the wave on which all ships rise is bad overall policy.
Goodness. Ok. How about this. Generally, his level of granularity is more than I’d spend the time and effort to address on this forum. (As for legal issues, I know way more right off hand so it’s far simpler than arguing the weeds of economics and taxes).

As for the conflation, you’re doing it as well. Yes, the wealthy may have paid more taxes in dollars but not as their individual rates. Nonetheless, that wasn’t addressed in my original posts he was claiming to address yet he included it anyway, which is actually misdirection.

I never challenge his knowledge, nor that of Lexus (I just think Lex is dishonest broker in an argument that lies on what is actually written or in my case went in and changed my words in the quote). However, I have found them both to go off on unnecessary tangents to the issue at hand and go far beyond the actual statements made and argument presented. As I said, it gets too weedy and granular for me to spend the time to argue.

Needless to say, we differ in opinion.

As for Golfdude (evidently my stalker since he’s yet to do anything but run around sniffing my asshole), I give zero fucks what he says or thinks as Ive yet to read anything he’s typed as requiring an iota of my brain cells to comprehend. Tiny on the other hand, though we disagree on much, you can put 3 intelligible sentences together.

And yes, his quip about Obama and trickle down is a misplaced argument that non-existent interest rates and quantitative easing had the same stimulative effect as the trickle down economic theory. I’d disagree as to that assessment but I’m sure he’ll give a sufficiently complex explanation. The end result might have been similar but the how you get there differs vastly. Cutting taxes for the rich and hoping they’ll be the wave on which all ships rise is bad overall policy. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
LMFAO you are literally clueless as to what my background is but that is another story.what I find amusing is you like to come on here thinking you know it all but yet when you literally get your ass handed to you for all to see you make more excuses than Trump does as to why you don't have time to address your being called out on your incorrect
BS posts yet you sure as hell have time to post your partisan BS posts on everything else. And LMFAO who would even remotely want to stalk a wannabe attorney?
How’s my ass smell?
How’s my ass smell? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

How about you ask your hero Biden as you seem to also be sniffing his as much as you seem to worship him and his bidenomics.
How’s my ass smell golfer, considering you love sniffing behind me at every turn.
How’s my ass smell golfer, considering you love sniffing behind me at every turn. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You would be better equipped to answer your own question because with each and every idiotic partisan post that you make on bidenomics and anything else on you bury your head further and further up your own ass. Tell us again though how it just pains you so much that TC handed you your ass on your BS post on bidenomics.